Table of contents

Francisation programming is composed of program planning and instructional supports to eligible children and students registered in a francophone education program offered by francophone regional authorities, to assist children and students in developing the French language proficiency that will allow them to fully integrate socially, academically, culturally and at the community level as francophones and in Canadian society in general.

Alberta Education’s Seuils repères pour la francisation – Préscolaire – 12e année (ECS to Grade 12 Francisation benchmarks) and other supports found in the digital resource La francisation: l’affaire de tout le monde have been developed in collaboration with francophone regional authorities to guide Francisation programming and support early learning educators and teachers in assessing and reporting progress of francophone students with Francisation needs.

Annual language proficiency assessments and ongoing monitoring and documentation of children’s/students’ language proficiency development is required to inform instructional planning and the provision of timely and appropriate learning supports.

A child/student who was born outside of Canada and has entered Canada as a refugee will typically require Francisation or English as an additional language supports. They may also require significant additional supports and services to address considerations such as limited or disrupted formal schooling, experiences and possible exposure to traumatic events while adjusting to an unfamiliar language and culture.

Refer to the Funding Manual for School Authorities for information on Francisation coding and funding.

For more information, see Francisation (Francophone Education) or contact the French Education Branch. For contact information, see Appendix 1.