We are looking for more foster parents – just like you – to provide a stable, loving home to children in government care. It does not matter if you live in a city, small town or in the country. Foster parents can be single or have a partner, be in the midst of raising their own families, have no children, or be retirees whose children have grown and left home. You can be 20, 35, or 70 – age is just a number. If you have medical training to care for children with medical needs, or want to foster part-time, we also need foster parents like you.
If you want to make a difference in the life of a child, read our web content and call us at 1-844-957-0552, or email us at [email protected]. Learn about the supports we provide foster parents.
Download the Just Like You poster – 11X17
Note, the terms ‘foster caregiver’ and ‘foster parent’ are used interchangeably.
Just like you