In focus

Provides funding to small communities to help build capacity in agriculture, small business and local economic development.

Funds initiatives that support economic development and diversification.

Helps Indigenous community-owned businesses capitalize on opportunities.
Funding resources
Various funding programs are available in the categories listed below.
Arts and culture
- Funding to assist organizations with culturally relevant programming during Alberta Culture Days, September 1 to 30.
- Who can apply: Non-profits, Metis Settlements, First Nations, universities and colleges
- Supports smaller budget Alberta productions and contributes to government’s goal of growing Alberta’s cultural industries.
- Who can apply: Organizations engaged primarily in film, television and/or digital media production
- Support for organizations working in screen-based productions, book and magazine publishing, and sound recordings.
- Book Publishers Operating Grant
- Magazine Publishers Operating Grant
- Music Organization Operating Grant
- Organizations Project Grant
- Support Organizations Operating Grant
- Who can apply: Projects and organizations involved in book publishing, magazine publishing, sound recording and film production
Indigenous Arts Individual Project Funding
- Provides funding for a specific cultural or artistic project led by Indigenous artists, arts administrators or ensemble of artists.
- Who can apply: Indigenous residents of Alberta; ensembles, collectives and collaborations
Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative – Cultural Stream
- Supports Indigenous-led initiatives that enhance, protect or revitalize Indigenous languages, heritage, culture and arts.
- Who can apply: Indigenous people, communities, organizations and governing bodies
Community funding
Alberta Community Partnership (ACP)
- Helps municipalities provide regional collaboration, capacity building initiatives, internships and new or enhanced services.
- Who can apply: First Nations, Metis Settlements, municipalities, regional boards and societies, etc.
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP)
- Provides funding to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
- Who can apply: Organizations and non-profits that fall under the grant’s eligibility criteria
Community Initiatives Program (CIP) Project-Based grant
- Funds projects for non-profit organizations that focus on programs, events, and technology.
- Who can apply: Organizations and non-profits that fall under the grant’s eligibility criteria
- Funding for Indigenous-led projects that seek to improve the well-being of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit plus people by addressing violence and increasing their safety and economic
- Who can apply: Metis Settlements, MSGC, First Nations, Métis Nation of Alberta and other Indigenous communities and organizations.
Crime victim support
Alberta Community Restorative Justice Grant
- Provides funds to non-profits that provide restorative justice services and referrals.
- Who can apply: Non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities, youth justice committees, etc.
Help for victims of crime – Emergency assistance
- Provides financial assistance, counselling service and court expenses to victims of a violent crime to assist with losses and damages.
- Who can apply: Victims of a serious eligible offence
Economic development
Aboriginal Business Investment Fund
- Helps Indigenous community-owned businesses capitalize on business development opportunities to improve socio-economic outcomes.
- Who can apply: Indigenous businesses or communities, includes designated funding for Metis Settlements
- Funding for projects that assist underrepresented groups in the agriculture sector.
- Who can apply: Indigenous groups and other underrepresented and marginalized groups
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation
- Works with Indigenous communities across Alberta to invest in natural resources, agriculture, telecommunication, and transportation projects.
- Who can apply: Indigenous communities across Alberta
Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative – Economic Stream
- Funds Indigenous-led capacity and opportunity development projects that improve economic outcomes for communities.
- Who can apply: Indigenous people, communities, organizations and governing bodies
Métis Entrepreneurs’ Assistance Program
- Funds for Métis individuals that provide equity assistance for the start-up or the expansion of small business.
- Who can apply: Métis individuals
Northern and Regional Economic Development Program
- Funds initiatives that support economic development and diversification
- Who can apply: Incorporated non-profit organizations, municipalities, First Nations and Metis Settlements
Small Community Opportunity Program
- Funds for small communities to help build capacity in agriculture, small business and local economic development.
- Who can apply: Indigenous communities, small communities and non-profit groups they work with
Training and employment services – Self-employment Program
- Formal training, business plan development, one-to-one business counselling, coaching and guidance.
- Who can apply: Unemployed or underemployed Albertans seeking to start a business for the purpose of self-employment
Emergency response and assistance
- Provides financial assistance to help individuals restore uninsurable lost or damaged property due to a disaster.
- Who can apply: Individuals impacted by uninsurable loss due to disasters
Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program: Training Fund
- Provides funding to Indigenous organizations and communities to support wildfire training projects.
- Who can apply: Indigenous organizations, groups and communities
- Provides funding to communities to help ensure their local fire services are properly trained to respond safely to community risks.
- Who can apply: Metis Settlements, municipalities, First Nations or in partnership with one of the listed
- Provides funding for projects related to fire planning, fuel management, public education, inter-agency cooperation and training.
- Who can apply: First Nations, Metis Settlements, communities, municipalities and locals
Municipal Wildfire Assistance Program
- Provides financial assistance to local authorities that incur extraordinary costs in the suppression of wildfires.
- Who can apply: Municipalities and Metis Settlements
Family, youth and child care
Alberta Child Care Grant Funding Program
- Early Childhood Educators can receive wage top-ups and professional development funding funnelled through a child care program.
- Who can apply: Licensed child care programs
Alberta's Future Leaders Program
- This program collaborates with Indigenous communities to provide multi-summer youth programs facilitated by 2 youth mentors from the community.
- Who can apply: Indigenous communities
Child care – Space Creation Grant
- Funding to help build child care spaces in new or existing provincially licensed child care programs.
- Who can apply: Non-profit, licensed child care programs and family day home agencies in locations with high demand or with a lack of child care
Health and wellness
- Provides funds to promote and improve healthy eating and active living opportunities in communities.
- Who can apply: First Nations, Metis Settlements, not-for-profits, municipalities and public schools
Honouring Life – Indigenous Health
- Formerly, Aboriginal Youth and Community Empowerment Strategy or AYCES, a youth life promotion and suicide prevention program developed to build capacity in mental wellness, resiliency and healthy lifestyles.
- Who can apply: First Nation and Métis communities
Indigenous Addiction and Mental Wellness (IAMW)
- Supports Indigenous-led organizations that build on community driven mental health and wellness projects to address needs and service gaps.
- Who can apply: Indigenous organizations
Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities Initiative
- Funding for community services that target safety and well-being in Indigenous communities.
- Who can apply: Indigenous organizations
- Supports interpretive and public engagement projects that preserve and promote Alberta’s history.
- Who can apply: Individuals that reside in Alberta or have a permanent Alberta address, registered organizations in Alberta including First Nations and Metis Settlements
- Supports the production of publications that preserve and promote Alberta’s history.
- Who can apply: Individuals that reside in Alberta or have a permanent Alberta address, registered organizations in Alberta including First Nations and Metis Settlements
- Supports research projects that preserve and promote Alberta’s history.
- Who can apply: Individuals that reside in Alberta or have a permanent Alberta address, registered organizations in Alberta including First Nations and Metis Settlements
Historic resource conservation grants
- Funds to conserve historic places.
- Who can apply: Non-profits, municipalities, First Nations, Metis Settlements, churches, schools
Affordable Housing Partnership Program
- Funding to help pay for construction, renovation or development of housing projects.
- Who can apply: Public, private, non-profit organizations aiming to provide affordable housing
Continuing Care Capital Program – Small Care Home Stream
- Capital funding to build care homes that would house between 4 and 14 residents in small, rural and remote communities that support populations with complex health needs.
- Who can apply: municipalities, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations
Indigenous Housing Capital Program
- Increases the supply of affordable housing units for Indigenous people through construction (including additions/extensions), purchase and repurpose.
- Who can apply: Indigenous governments or organizations; housing management bodies, municipalities, and non-profit organizations with formal partnerships with Indigenous governments or organizations
Métis Urban and Capital Housing Cooperation Housing Programs
- Provides subsidized and affordable housing for low-income Indigenous families.
- Who can apply: Métis and other Indigenous families in Alberta
National Housing Co-Investment Funding
- Funds new affordable housing and the renovation and repair of existing affordable and community housing.
- Who can apply: Housing providers serving Indigenous people
- Capital funding for the rapid construction of new housing and/or acquisition of existing buildings for rehabilitation or conversion to permanent affordable housing.
- Who can apply: People at risk of homelessness, Metis Settlements, Indigenous governments or organizations
- Métis Capital and Capital Housing Cooperation provides immediate interventions for Métis families who are homeless or on the verge of being homeless.
- Who can apply: Métis Albertans facing homelessness
- Funds projects that extend or enhance household access to high-speed internet services with speeds less than federal targets.
- Who can apply: Municipalities, Indigenous entities and Canadian companies
- Funds capital projects and planning and design projects that develop transit solutions for rural and remote communities.
- Who can apply: rural, remote, Northern and Indigenous communities
Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership
- Funding for municipal water supply and treatment facilities, and wastewater treatment and disposal facilities.
- Who can apply: Cities (under 45,000 population), towns, villages, summer villages, regional commissions, counties, municipal districts and Metis Settlements
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program
- Provides funding for green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public buildings.
- Who can apply: Indigenous organizations, public sectors, non-profit organizations
- Funds help local governments switch to sustainable practices faster in waste, water, energy, transportation, land use and housing.
- Who can apply: Non-profits, Indigenous communities, municipalities
Local Government Fiscal Framework (previously MSI)
- Provides funding for projects and activities that enhance municipal sustainability and growth.
- Who can apply: Municipalities, Metis Settlements
Municipal Climate Change Action Centre
- Various funding programs aimed at addressing climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Who can apply: Municipalities, towns, cities, Metis Settlements
Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP)
- Provides funds to assist in road, airport and bridge construction and maintenance.
- Who can apply: Metis Settlements, municipalities, counties, towns
- Funds new regional water supply and treatment facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities.
- Who can apply: Regional commissions, municipalities, Metis Settlements
Jobs and employment
- Funding to help employees and unemployed Albertans access training opportunities.
- Who can apply: First Nations and Metis Settlements, employers
Canada Summer Jobs Wage Subsidy
- Provides wage subsidies to employers with 50 or fewer employees to create quality summer work experiences for people 15 to 30 years of age.
- Who can apply: Non-profit organizations, private businesses, public sector
Employment Partnerships Program
- Funding for Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program agreement holders to connect Indigenous people to employment.
- Who can apply: Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program agreement holders (Metis Settlements can inquire with MSGC)
Indigenous Employment Training Partnerships Program
- Eligible Indigenous organizations can apply for grant project funding to assist unemployed or under-employed Indigenous individuals with skills training and work experience.
- Who can apply: Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program agreement holders. Metis Settlements can apply through the Metis Settlements Strategic Training Initiative Society
Training and Employment Services – Self-employment Program
- Training, business plan development and one-to-one guidance for eligible Albertans to develop and start a new business.
- Who can apply: Unemployed and under-employed adults in Alberta, who are permanent residents or Canadian citizens, seeking to start a business for the purpose of self-employment
- Funding to support labour market adjustment strategies, workforce development to attract and retain workers.
- Who can apply: Non-profits, employers, industry associations, Indigenous organizations
Student aid and training
Belcourt-Brosseau Metis Awards
- Helps Métis Albertans realize self-sufficiency through post-secondary education and skills development. This award is intended to cover a portion of education-related costs such as tuition and fees.
- Who can apply: Priority is given to students entering their first year of post-secondary education who show financial need and have a connection to the Métis community
Bob Etherington Heritage Conservation Fund
- Funding to support attendance or delivery of training that will develop heritage conservation skills.
- Who can apply: Permanent Alberta residents planning to attend an eligible course/workshop in heritage conservation work
First Nation, Métis and Inuit Bursary
- Provides funding for students in the form of a non-repayable bursary in exchange for full-time employment in the north for every year of bursary support received.
- Who can apply: First Nation, Métis and Inuit students enrolled full-time in a post-secondary program
- Provides funding for Indigenous students.
- Who can apply: Indigenous students enrolled full-time in a post-secondary school or First Nations College in Alberta
Indigenous Languages Teacher Bursary
- Eligible applicants can get money to complete a post-secondary Indigenous language, culture or teaching development course.
- Who can apply: Alberta residents who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons (visa students are not eligible)
Northern Alberta Development Council (NADC) Bursary
- Provides up to $12,000 over 2 years and is non-repayable if you agree to live and work in the north. Your return service is one year of full time employment in your field of studies for each year of bursary support received.
- Who can apply: Eligible students enrolled in a full-time post-secondary program in the fall
- Students in a graduate or extended program in the heritage field and working on an eligible research project may apply for a scholarship.
- Who can apply: Permanent Alberta residents enrolled in a graduate or extended study program with a proposed research project at that level, in the eligible study fields.