Part of Oil sands

Oil sands forms

This listing includes tenure and royalty forms check this page to ensure you are using the latest version.

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Oil sands forms

Tenure forms

Electronic Transfer System (ETS)

ETS forms can now be found in ETS support and online learning, client set up is in Accounts Administration, bidding and postings are under sales, transfers are also available.

Escalating rent (registering and applying credits)

Production Allocation Unit Agreement (PAUA) – Oil Sands

Administrative (other)

Royalty forms

Oil sands reporting calendar

The Oil Sands Royalty Reporting Calendar 2025 encompasses reporting timelines for the following:

  • monthly and annual royalty reporting and payment deadlines for Projects and Non-Projects
  • annual forecast reporting
  • oil sands monthly royalty rates, published Bank of Canada long-term bond rates and Bitumen Valuation Methodology (BVM) component publication
  • cost analysis and reporting enhancement (CARE) quarterly and annual reporting deadlines
  • Oil Sands Royalty Reporting Calendar 2024


The calendar provides a quick reference to oil sands filing deadline information. Inadvertent omissions of reporting deadlines (from the calendar) do not constitute acceptable reasons for non-compliance with filing deadlines.

The calendar has incorporated filing deadlines that fall on weekends and/or holidays by moving the affected deadlines to the next business day.

Royalty project application forms

Project application

Lessees who have, or are pursuing, an oil sands project may apply for royalty treatment under the provisions of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation, 2009.

Projects that do not make an application under the regulation and are not covered by an existing individual agreement or the Experimental Oil Sands Royalty Regulation will be subject to Non-Project royalty under Part 4 Division 1 of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation, 2009.

Applications and checklists

Non-Project well royalty reporting forms (NPR)

Prior to February 1, 2013, Non-Project well royalty was reported in the conventional oil sands royalty reporting forms.

Effective February 1, 2013, the form changed to the Non-Project Well Royalty Submission (NPR).

Refer to IB 2012-13 for the new royalty reporting process for Non-Project wells.

Starting February 1, 2013, all NPR submissions must be reported either in the XML file format or in the Excel alternative.


The Par Price prescribed for oil sands is used to calculate the Crown’s royalty share for Non-Project royalty. See Par Prices for oil sands royalty calculation current par price/R multiplier letter.

Oil Sands Royalty Project royalty reporting forms (OSR)

Sections 38 and 39 of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation set out the parameters for the reporting required of Projects approved under the regulation.

Reminder: Fields open for user entry are indicated in blue. Fields protected from entry are indicated in black. These formulas should not be changed. Queries regarding these forms can be emailed to Oil Sands Royalty Reporting.

These forms are for approved oil sands royalty projects. They are not applicable to Crown Agreements or Transitional Agreements.

*Note: Monthly Royalty Calculations (MRC) amendments after the end of the period can be reported directly in Schedule 6 of the Pre Payout End of Period Statement royalty template.

Oil sands operators must use the Cost of Service Template to file cost allocation methodology reports.

Crown Agreements royalty reporting forms (CSR)

*Note: MRC amendments after the end of the period can be reported directly in Schedule 6 of the Pre Payout End of Period Statement royalty template.

Transitional Agreement royalty reporting forms – OSR045

Transitional Agreement royalty reporting forms – OSR047

Cost Analysis and Reporting Enhancement (CARE)

Effective the 2015 reporting period and forward

For more information, see the Alberta Online Learning Oil sand royalty training.

CARE reports

CARE report examples

CARE filing timetable, glossary of terms and training presentation

CARE training presentations

CARE training is now available in ETS support and online learning is now available. Refer to the following for more details:

  • IB 2019-03 PowerPoint Presentations from Oil Sands Royalty Business Training June 2019 Sessions

Operator’s forecast report

This report must be submitted for projects in both pre-payout and post-payout periods, due December 2, 2024.

For more information, see Section 37 of the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation.


Connect with Oil Sands, Coal and Mineral Operations:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)

Oil Sands Royalty Project Applications and Compliance [email protected]
Oil Sands Royalty Administration [email protected]
Oil Sands Royalty Information Management [email protected]
Oil Sands Tenure [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Alberta Energy and Minerals
Oil Sands, Coal and Mineral Operations
6th floor, Petroleum Plaza, North Tower
9945 108 Street
Edmonton Alberta  T5K 2G6