Service road agreement and caveat

A municipality may require dedication of a service road by caveat when a landowner subdivides land next to a provincial highway.


When land next to a provincial highway is subdivided, the municipality may require as a condition of subdivision that the landowner register a caveat and service road agreement with the subdivision plan.

Service road agreements and caveats are subject to Sections 18 to 20 of the matters related to Subdivision and Development Regulation.

Submission process and templates

A surveyor registered with the Alberta Land Surveyor’s Association must prepare a plan of survey for the subdivision and the service road agreement.

The surveyor will submit all documents required for registration of the subdivision to the Registrar, Alberta Land Titles on the landowner’s behalf.

The surveyor will complete the following steps.

Step 1. Contact us (optional)

If you have any questions about the requirement to protect legal access to the provincial transportation network:

Step 2. Complete the Service Road Agreement template

For non-corporate landowners (individual, joint-owner, tenants-in-common), download and complete the Service Road Agreement – Individuals template.

For corporations, download and complete the Service Road Agreement – Corporations template:

  • use the key to move between required fields
  • copy and paste owner information from the title view in SPIN II (Land Titles) to ensure it transfers correctly and include ownership type, if specified (for example, as joint tenants)
    • if there has been a change of address, advise us when the Road Agreement is submitted for review
    • a Notice of Change of Address for Service Form must be completed and submitted with the registration package sent to Land Titles

Print 3 copies of the Service Road Agreement as a single sided document.

Step 3. Submit the agreement for review

The landowner signs 3 copies of the Service Road Agreement when they are signing other documents related to the subdivision.

Send the signed Service Road Agreements by mail or courier to:

Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
Technical Standards Branch
2nd Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T6B 2X3
Attn: Road Closure Coordinator

Scan, upload and submit the following information electronically to the Roadside Planning and Application Tracking Hub (RPATH) for review by the District:

  • the service road agreement document
  • the subdivision plan, including the location of the service road and any newly-created lots
  • the municipal conditions of subdivision
  • information on any changes to ownership or address shown on the service road agreement not shown on the current title for the land being subdivided

The district reviews the service road agreement and draft plan to ensure that the condition for service road is met. After district review, the submission is assigned to the Road Closure Coordinator at Head Office.

The Road Closure Coordinator prepares the Caveat, has the documents signed, and then returns the Caveat and 2 copies of the Service Road Agreement and an Alberta Land Titles Office Document Registration Request (DRR) to the surveyor for registration at Alberta Land Titles with the subdivision documents.

The DRR expires 3 months from the date of issue. We provide the surveyor with a revised DRR upon receipt of an email request to [email protected] if the original expires before the subdivision is registered.

Email [email protected] if the caveat is registered on the surveyor’s or lawyer’s DRR.


Service Road Dedication

A service road is a municipal road that provides legal access to adjacent areas and removes the need to directly access the highway. Service roads also enable connections between communities. This document provides guidance to municipalities and landowners while ensuring consistent application of the legislation.