MEP Accounts Online
Log in now
Contact MEP
Have your 7-digit MEP file number ready to obtain a new:
- one-time registration ID number (RIN) for MEP Accounts Online
- PIN for the 24-hour MEP Info Line
Phone: 780-422-5555
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Hours: 8 to 11 am, and 12 to 4 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and 9 to 11 am and 12 to 4 pm (Wednesday)
With your:
- RIN – you can use MEP Accounts Online for the first time and to set up your new password
- PIN you can use the 24-hour MEP Info Line
Do not share your PIN or password with anyone.
Features of MEP Accounts Online and MEP Info Line
Log in for the first time
Step 1. 'Log in now' link

Click the 'Log in now' link at the top of the page.
After you do this: the MEP Accounts Online page appears.
Step 2. MEP Accounts Online page
- At the top of the page, see if there are any current system updates. (When these updates are being made you cannot access the system.)
- In the middle of the page, click the 'MEP Accounts Online' button.
After you do this, the MEP Accounts Online Login screen appears.
Step 3. MEP Accounts Online Login screen

Click on 'Logging in for the first time.'
After you do this: the Register New User screen appears.
Step 4. Register New User screen

- Enter your:
- registration identification number
- email address
- unique password
- 5 password recovery questions
- Click the 'Save' button.
After you do this: the MEP Accounts Online Login screen appears.
Step 5. MEP Accounts Online Login screen

- Enter your:
- email address
- unique password
- Click the 'Login' button.
After you do this: your MEP file appears in the Update Personal Information screen.

Connect with the Maintenance Enforcement Program.