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MEP – Payments outside Alberta

The Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) can facilitate support payments if either the payor or recipient lives outside Alberta.

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MEP is authorized by the Interjurisdictional Support Orders (ISO) Act  to monitor and enforce a court order when the payor or recipient of support lives outside Alberta. This is made possible by our reciprocal registration agreements with other jurisdictions.

‘Reciprocal registration’ happens when a court order from one jurisdiction (for example, Ontario) is filed in another jurisdiction (for example, Alberta) that recognizes the first jurisdiction’s authority to make a court order for child, spousal or partner support.

MEP has reciprocal registration agreements with these jurisdictions:

  • all Canadian provinces and territories
  • all American states and territories
  • over 20 other countries
  • If you’re a payor (debtor) living outside Alberta

    • MEP forwards the Alberta court order for support to the enforcement program in your jurisdiction
    • MEP monitors the court order
    • your jurisdiction enforces the court order
    • collection actions occur in your jurisdiction
    • MEP provides accounting and communication services between your jurisdiction and the recipient (creditor)
    • any funds collected by your jurisdiction are routed to MEP and forwarded to the creditor

    Making payments

    Send your support payments to the enforcement program in your jurisdiction. If you send them directly to the creditor, you may end up:

    • with late payment penalties, and
    • paying twice in the same time period

    In most cases, enforcement programs outside Alberta will collect payments until the age of majority for the jurisdiction where your child lives, unless information is received – before that time – stating that your child is no longer eligible.

    To change a court order

    To learn about collection actions

    Contact the enforcement program in your jurisdiction.

    To get updates on your file

    Contact the enforcement program in your jurisdiction.

    Enforcement programs outside Alberta

  • If you’re a recipient (creditor) living outside Alberta

    • MEP may forward the Alberta court order for support to the enforcement program in your jurisdiction
    • your jurisdiction may ask MEP to file the court order in Alberta
    • MEP monitors and enforces the court order
    • MEP receives support payments directly from the payor (debtor)
    • MEP provides accounting and communication services between your jurisdiction and the debtor
    • any funds collected from the debtor are routed to MEP and forwarded to your jurisdiction, and then to you

    To change a court order

    To learn about collection actions

    Read what happens if support isn’t paid

    To get updates on your file

    Contact the enforcement program in your jurisdiction.

    Enforcement programs outside Alberta

  • If both parties live in Alberta – with an out-of-province court order

    • MEP will treat your court order for support like it’s from Alberta
    • MEP may be able to file the court order from your former jurisdiction, in Alberta
    • MEP monitors and enforces the court order, once it’s filed in Alberta
  • If both parties live outside Alberta – with an Alberta court order

    • MEP will close the file for the Alberta court order if you’ve both moved out of Alberta
    • you must register with the enforcement program in the jurisdiction(s) where you live
  • If the payor (debtor) lives outside Canada

    If you live outside the country and need to send support payments to a recipient (creditor) in Canada, follow MEP guidelines for making payments.


Connect with the Maintenance Enforcement Program.