
Non-urgent government operations are closed December 24 to January 1, reopening January 2. See the list of services available during this time.


Government mail service may be affected by the Canada Post labour disruption. See how to send and receive government mail during this time

Electronic Disposition System – Overview

This online system streamlines the public lands disposition process for industry stakeholders.


The department has taken a phased approach to automating the business processes required to meet legislative requirements. The opportunity provided by this automated system will ensure that industry clients are provided with efficient and consistent service from government departments providing access to Alberta's resources.


The Electronic Disposition System (EDS) has features that allow you to:

  • submit applications and amendments including required attachments. Specified purpose codes for DLO, DML, DMS, DPI, DPL, EZE, REC, SMC, SME, SML and VCE disposition types are included at this time
  • upload an encrypted compressed file containing disposition plans and metadata file
  • industry clients to associate two related surface dispositions through the web page and attach a single plan for the applications
  • perform real time validation through the web interface. Business rule violations will be displayed back to the industry client at the time of data entry to the database
  • notify client of unsuccessful submission and errors
  • automatically notify the industry client of the surface disposition number
  • submit applications, amendments, renewals, and final plan submissions
  • submit Site Entry Submissions
  • submit amendments for DML dispositions
  • submit SML Annual Returns and SML Accrual Reports
  • submit Reclamation Certificates for activities administered by the Alberta government using electronic payment (E-pay)
  • submit a request for Status of an application or amendment.

Getting started

Clients will need to get an account and password to access EDS.

To get a GoA EDS account:

Go to Electronic Disposition System

For more information on accounts and passwords, see Electronic Disposition System – Additional information.

Hours of operation

EDS online services are available from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm. The system is unsupported outside normal business hours.

For Help Desk support/hours, see Public Lands Dispositions Contacts.

User manuals

Emergency Order

The Emergency Order for the Protection of the Greater Sage-grouse under the federal Species at Risk Act came into force on February 18, 2014.

For more information on the Order, contact:

Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada
Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: 1-800-668-6767

The Emergency Order can be viewed at: SARA Public Registry.

Due to the implementation of the Order, the Landscape Analysis Tool (LAT)  was updated to include a new Greater Sage-Grouse Emergency Order layer allowing the client to identify when any proposed activity falls within that area covered under the Order. By making the applicant aware of activities falling within this zone, they will be able to review the requirements of the Order and ensure any application submitted to the regulating bodies does not contravene the prohibitions set out in the Order.

Based on the update to the LAT, any EAP application with LAT Reports generated on or before March 14, 2014, that have not already been successfully submitted as part of a successful EAP disposition application will be automatically rejected by March 15, 2014.

The LAT is being modified to reflect an addition of a Sage Grouse Emergency Order Layer. Note that although the LAT Reports with the federal layer will take effect on March 15, 2014, there is an expectation that companies must not contravene the prohibitions set out in the Emergency Order as of February 18, as indicated in the Order.


For EDS Help Desk contact information, see Public Lands Disposition Contacts.
