
Government mail service may be affected by the Canada Post labour disruption. See how to send and receive government mail during this time

Electronic Disposition System – Additional information

Basic procedures and troubleshooting for users of the Electronic Disposition System (EDS).

Accounts And Logging Into EDS

What is the website address to submit to EDS?

The URL for the EDS application is:

At this location select option 1 and login to the SecureXNET and then close the successful window and select 2 in the original web page.

Where can I download a form to request for an EDS / PCS account?

You can download the FORM at this location:

Once I have submitted my request for an account what will happen?

Once staffs from EDS Support have provided an EDS account and password the form is submitted to RGE for processing to create a GOA account. This part of the process may take up to five days to complete.

Where can I download a copy of the procedure manual for EDS?

The EDS User manuals are available for download at:

Is my EDS account separate from PCS and ETS?

Yes the logins are all separate for the three applications. EDS and PCS use the same SecureXNET login the difference the roles assigned the account. The ETS system is Energy's system and is not managed by SRD.

I'm using my SecureXNET login ID in EDS, why doesn't it work? Explanation for the different login ID's and passwords are conveyed to the client and usually quick resolution occurs.

The two accounts and passwords are different for each login. The SecureXNET account has at least one dot in it and the password has at least one capital letter and number. The EDS account is the first letter of the first name and the first seven letters of the last name and the password has at least one number and is at least eight characters long.

I forgot my SecureXNET password, can I get it reset?

You can reset your GOA password at:

I forgot my EDS password what can I do?

If you have forgotten my EDS password or just want to change it contact EDS Support staff by phone or email.

My contact information is incorrect, how do I get this information corrected?

If you want to have any data changed in the contact portion of the application contact EDS Support staff by phone or email.

I no longer work for the contact company, how do I cancel my account?

If you no longer work for the contact company and want all accounts cancel sent an email requesting the cancellation of your accounts for GOA and EDS. On the other hand, if you are making application for a different company contact EDS Support staff by phone or email and ask to make the required changes. EDS Support staff will update EDS and forward to RGE and required changed to support the GOA account.

How long can I use the transaction numbers that have already been submitted by my surveyor? Grandfathering is no longer an option.

The grandfathering for using transaction number submitted to the department ended July 5 2006.

Typical System Errors

Deadlock Error

There is still a rare chance that the user may see the database Deadlock Error. The database deadlock message is shown below. If the user sees such a message, they can use the 'Correct' button on the bottom of the page to go back to the attachment page. Then, the user can re-attach their files and re-submit.

System problem! Please contact the system administrator. Failed to handle surface activity transaction. aenvsrd.shared.arch.common.EdsApplicationException: A serious application error occurred! Please contact the system administrator. Failed to update sequence. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

Technical Details:

aenvsrd.shared.arch.common.EdsServiceException: System problem! Please contact the system administrator.

Failed to handle surface activity transaction.

aenvsrd.shared.arch.common.EdsApplicationException: A serious application error occurred! Please contact the system administrator.

Failed to update sequence.

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

at aenvsrd.shared.arch.server.SessionBroker.performSaveDataBean(
at aenvsrd.shared.arch.servlet.AbstractAenvsrdServlet.doSave(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.execute_for_rows(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
... 27 more

Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed

If there are multiple requests to create a disposition hitting the WebLogic Server at the same time at the beginning of the day, Crystal Report may fail to generate the form.

Crystal Report generates an error message 'Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed'. If this happen, EDS Support will receive an email indicating that the application/amendment form failed to be generated. The form will be manually generated and a copy if the form must be emailed to client.

EDS cannot decrypt the plan package

We found that if multiple users submit applications at the same time, the attached plan package may get corrupted. It is likely an Internet problem; there is nothing we can do about it.

However, if it does happen, the user will get a message saying the submitted plan package is invalid. Then, the client can use the correction links to go back to the attachment page. Resubmitting the application/amendment should solve the problem.

Bad Gateway

This error message is displayed when the system is unavailable between 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM. If this error occurs outside the time range contact EDS support staff.

Doing Application Or Amendment Corrections In EDS

How do I submit an amendment for a correction to a previous submission where there is not change to the plan package already submitted?

Do not fill in the confirmation number field. Only use the "Other" portion for the amendment form. In this text field input the reason such as "Correction to land" or "Correction of purpose". Also ensure that all the documents, such as the EFR, that were previously submitted are re-attached to this amendment.

I forgot to submit all the EFR documents? How do I submit corrected documents?

Select to do an amendment. Do not fill in the confirmation number field. Only use the "Other" portion for the amendment form. In this text field input the reason "Correction to EFR" or "Correction of Code of Practice". Also ensure that all the documents, such as the EFR, that were previously submitted are re-attached to this amendment.

How come I cannot amend a single associated application when only one amendment is required?

The system will be updates to include the functionality to amend on of an associated pair of dispositions. In the mean time, process two amendments and fill in the Remarks and the text field for Other "Amendment not required"

How do I send an encrypted package?

The surveyor is told to send the encrypted package to the applicant so that the plan can attached the application or for a plan submission in EDS.

How many times can a confirmation number be used?

The confirmation number can only be used once.

What is the procedure for submitting disposition types other than LOC, MSL, PIL and PLA?

  • Obtain the confirmation package and number
  • Add the confirmation number to the hardcopy application or amendment form
  • Fax or delivery to the department the application or amendment form
  • Wait for a dispositions number in the case of an application. If it is an amendment go to the next step
  • Login into EDS and select "Plan Package Submission".
  • Fill in the disposition and confirmation numbers. Select Next
  • Browse and select the confirmation package. Select Next
  • Wait for the successful response from the system.

EDS System Complaints

I can't upload my documents.

Most often the reason why EDS is not accepting the documents for upload is because or file naming. EDS will not accept file name with spaces, dashes, slashes or brackets. The use of underscores '_' is a great substitute for spaces.

Why must I attach documents that have already submitted to the department when there are no changes to the document?

The department implemented a new referral process for dispositions submitted through EDS October 2, 2006. To ensure that the required documents are referred with the amendment all document are required to be attached even if the amendment is an administrative amendment.

Reclamation Certificate Application Submissions

What is the reclamation fee based on?

The fee is based on the 1st Disposition/Activity entered. The 1st activity entered must be the MSL or main disposition not associated disposition. (Please refer to the manual for the types of application packages).

What schedules should I include?

All applicable schedules (as outlined in the Guidelines. Do not submit incomplete applications.

Can I upload PDF documents?

No - all PDF documents should be in a zip file.

How many zip files can I upload?

Only one... All schedules should be a separate PDF within the zip file.

What forms do I use?

Use the most recent Reclamation Certificate application form as outlined on the department website.

How many applications can I submit?

Only one submission per fee - to include (one main Disposition/Activity and if applicable - two Associated Activities per application)

How large can the zip files and PDF files be?

File size should be manageable individual PDFs for each schedule... 10mg would be accepted. (should have good resolution) It does not matter how big the zip file is.

What if I want to submit an application for Reclamation certificate for Sand and Gravel or Oil Sands Exploration?

For Sand and Gravel and other types of activities please refer to the manual for application types and the department website for the applicable forms.