Part of Air

Air indicators – Wildfire smoke

Air monitoring results for impacts related to wildfire smoke.

About the indicator

When wildfires burn trees and other plant material they emit smoke, which is a complex mixture of gases and particles. The smoke is then transported over short and long distances, including across provincial and federal borders. Wildfire smoke can often impact large areas hundreds of square kilometres in size for extended periods of time (days or weeks).

Wildfire smoke is a major contributor to poor air quality and can have far-reaching impacts on both the environment and human health. The smoke generated by a wildfire contains a mixture of pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be harmful when inhaled.

This indicator provides information on wildfire prevalence (estimated area burned between 1990 and 2023) and wildfire smoke impacts on air quality (the number of days a long-term air quality monitoring station is impacted by wildfire smoke between 2015 and 2023).

Wildfire smoke facts

  • Wildfire season varies across different jurisdictions. In Alberta, the official wildfire season is set provincially and runs from March 1 to October 31. 
  • One of the primary health impacts of wildfire smoke is its effect on respiratory health. Fine particulate matter, (PM2.5, particles less than 2.5 micrometers (µm) in diameter) within smoke can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause irritation making it difficult to breathe. This makes those with pre-existing medical conditions, especially underlying heart and/or lung problems, particularly vulnerable.
    • Other pollutants that are in, or created by, wildfire smoke include nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), among others.
    • The type and concentration of pollutants in wildfire smoke depend on many factors including the distance that smoke has travelled, the type of vegetation burned and the age of the smoke.
    • Wildfire smoke can reduce visibility, irritate the eyes, cause strong odour, and can have significant impacts on outdoor activities. Smoke can also affect indoor air quality.
  • Wildfires can be caused by both natural events (for example lightning) and human activity (for example campfires, cigarettes, fireworks, off-highway vehicles, incendiary, devices or industrial activity).
  • Recorded wildfires vary dramatically in size with some being less than 0.1 hectares to some being over 100,000 hectares (which is approximately the size of Calgary or Edmonton).
  • Area burned by wildfires has increased in North America most likely due to increasing global temperatures and increased human activity (IPCC, 2022). This can result in more frequent poor air quality events due to wildfire smoke.
    • The extent of burned area in a given year is influenced by the presence of long-term drought, high winds, timing and location of precipitation and extreme weather events, among other factors.
  • Wildfire smoke experienced by Albertans most often originates from fires burning in Alberta, British Columbia (B.C.), and the northwestern United States (U.S.) due to predominant wind directions.

For more information on wildfire smoke and air quality in Alberta, see the wildfire smoke information page.


For information on how the results in this indicator were calculated and for references, see: Condition of the Environment Report – Air Component

Summary of key results

Last updated: February 2025

  • The total estimated area burned by wildfires in Alberta has increased in recent decades (1994-2003: 2,295,137 ha; 2004-2013: 2,805,097 ha; 2014-2023: 5,065,491 ha) and wildfires have become more prevalent in spring months.
  • Effects of wildfires and wildfire smoke differ across regions depending on location and extent of wildfires.
  • In 2023, Alberta’s northern regions observed more wildfire smoke impacts than southern regions.

Variation across Alberta

  • In 2023, wildfire smoke impacted much of the province throughout the spring and summer. Wildfires burning in northern B.C. and Alberta impacted air quality in May and June, while in wildfires burning in northern Alberta, B.C. and the southern Northwest Territories affected air quality from July to September.
  • Wildfire smoke impacts on air quality vary across the province depending on the location and extent of wildfires. One of the major components of smoke that posing a risk to human health is PM2.5. Figure 1 shows the number of days affected by wildfire smoke with elevated PM2.5 concentrations (daily average PM2.5 > 15 µg/m3) for select monitoring stations in the province in 2023.
    • Stations in northern Alberta were affected more frequently by wildfire smoke than those in southern Alberta in 2023.
    • The Fort McMurray-Athabasca Valley station was affected more frequently by wildfire smoke in 2023 (total of 101 days) than any other station due to wildfires in northern B.C., northern Alberta and the southern Northwest Territories. 
  • The areas of the province most impacted by wildfire smoke differ from year to year.
    • In 2021, wildfire smoke from fires burning in B.C. and the northwestern U.S. throughout the months of July and August, as well as smoke from wildfires in Saskatchewan in early October, affected much of the province. 
    • In 2022, wildfire smoke from fires burning in northern Alberta throughout the month of July primarily affected stations in northern Alberta. Much of the province was affected by smoke throughout August due to wildfires in B.C., the Northwest Territories and northern Alberta, and from September to early October due to wildfires in B.C. and the northwestern U.S.

Figure 1. Number of days that select stations were impacted by wildfire smoke in Alberta in 2023. Circles represent current long-term continuous air quality monitoring stations.


Select a circle on the map to view the number of days in 2023 that were impacted by wildfire smoke for a specific monitoring station.
Source: Government of Alberta

Changes over time

Wildfire prevalence

  • Figure 2 shows the total estimated area burned (in hectares) for northwestern Canadian provinces and territories as well as western U.S. states. 
    • Due to the random occurrence of megafires (greater than 40,500 ha) that can occur for a variety of reasons, it is difficult to identify trends in the data.
    • However, in Alberta, there is a statistically significant increase in the area burned annually by wildfires since 1990.
  • The area burned in Alberta and neighbouring Canadian provinces and territories that impact Alberta, is often greater than the area burned across western U.S. states (Figure 2). This could be due to several factors, such as differences in region total area, population, and fire prevention practices, among others.
    • 2020 is notable for a small total area burned across Alberta and neighbouring Canadian provinces, and this can be attributed to substantial precipitation, among other factors (CIFFC, 2020).
    • However, 2020 was a very active fire season in the western U.S. with area burned in California being the highest in that state over the past 20 years.
  • In 2023, wildfires burned more area in Alberta than in any previously recorded year. Similarly, in 2023, Saskatchewan, B.C., and the Northwest Territories saw some of the largest area burned in recent decades. For more information on wildfires in Alberta see the Alberta Wildfire page.

Figure 2. Stacked bar graph showing the total area burned (in hectares) by year from 1990 to 2023.

Chart data table
Year Alberta British Columbia Saskatchewan Northwest Territories Yukon Territory Oregon Washington California Idaho Montana
1990 58885.2 6714.5 216055.6782 104617.4 182891.92
1991 6714.5 25188.8 198175.11 225466.42 120270.82
1992 3561.3 30452.8 97756.39 36949.45 37815.07
1993 27692.21 5183.4 608199.84 864285.83 115104.31
1994 96726.73 29755.3 846019.45 3027314.55 421710.39
1995 341979.36 48080 1648808.89 2843366.44 261882.24
1996 15597.09 20669.1 12986.99 371544.72 91067.13 6
1997 4923.95 2967.8 3876.91 126531.27 11470.05
1998 748776.27 76767.344 1044696.22 1458960.16 343731.4
1999 189995.27 11555.41 180820.24 561034.64 194816.48
2000 25251.58 17808.712 141423.11 177835.79 8015.86
2001 166987.109 14173.209 205133.72 116761.72 17334.48
2002 500554.42 8586.56 882656.32 27089.17 58885.2 449005.3723 44478.36748 242486.988 56221.17773 55472.5063
2003 204345.72 283402.812 126089.25 127821.4 48785.33 106302.0357 89940.93438 365130.2953 157709.8631 325535.6937
2004 432325.59 220296.467 258138.61 517356.03 1719664.09 68837.30309 51242.31036 133378.4462 34818.48256 26051.33774
2005 92368.951 36832.976 214918.41 27692.21 187438.34 117013.7028 81122.39428 125622.2102 242472.0146 69936.83838
2006 136311.83 139424.452 1208434.56 61397.03 95033.34 267829.7184 180100.8046 311736.2628 419403.7132 448255.4868
2007 325994.31 29986.854 213072.22 445129.38 38357.76 307126.0655 101053.6466 469557.4149 901463.941 348021.7366
2008 36535.24 15300.93 1130320.29 308788.75 13067.88 102252.7349 62470.7631 604076.6745 91391.33352 85554.52916
2009 94558.47 247519.784 43808.52 10337.05 230512.35 93613.06659 41953.52366 202151.404 22895.58648 35347.40881
2010 86952.69 337180.849 1735336.12 350926.99 146963.27 84355.84549 31283.13465 73691.1221 275045.2922 39752.02496
2011 892232.28 13153.027 344087.39 329684.8246 40464.33 145512.1844 14627.01636 75323.22583 172977.9041 84031.28631
2012 652084.451 103218.771 228956.32 304535.36 58280.7 532927.3931 108761.7248 374914.0145 687449.5346 505555.1561
2013 55732.75 18836.3402 369758.53 555059.22 198313.79 172182.2889 67076.10413 253422.8519 303959.7924 64519.29002
2014 288049.241 368927.9871 345208.48 3421312.52 3160.594 434437.845 162752.6711 239591.046 94877.30959 34790.55914
2015 843873.109 280957.772 1769027.95 722106.64 169842.61 313139.7182 463256.0295 380483.3206 336036.9234 160324.9522
2016 515165.2902 100446.811 255789.42 255523.86 21537.4 123005.0977 122675.6822 245955.9672 163223.727 59528.68672
2017 149769.4636 1229860.182 399797.404 1033076.81 399280.15 308613.2912 165694.7475 532465.6449 291001.3016 562789.6707
2018 85017.5051 1360935.272 192732.91 22176.74 80585.49 363110.7844 177590.4081 737806.8749 244625.7602 39584.07975
2019 1003831.253 21544.364 48153.7 105167.37 256066.62 32266.52469 68692.02037 104873.8943 114941.704 26237.89857
2020 4798.0233 14671.463 42952.111 21139.03 3463.92 461996.0357 340896.489 1656041.177 127214.2499 149585.7663
2021 54088 869255 956084 156630 118126 335395.8988 272849.0545 903936.1755 177900.5199 302575.7619
2022 157547.3315 135625.4061 265613.002 604031.732 170367.27 184570.5754 70277.58506 125164.1042 176739.8769 55648.14057
2023 1951299 2840830 1850829 4163438 373920 81761.39546 61236.06227 134648.7595 35531.9462 49830.35651

Canadian regions are shaded in blue and U.S. regions are shaded in red, orange and yellow. U.S. data from the National Interagency Fire Center is only available from 2002 onward.
Canadian Source: National Forestry Database and U.S Source: National Interagency Fire Center

Chart description

Stacked bar chart showing the estimated area burned (in hectares) over time from 1990 to 2023 for provinces and 2002 to 2023 for U.S. states near (and including) Alberta. The year with the highest total area burned was 2023 with a total of 11,543,325 hectares burned. The highest burned area in western Canada was in 2023 with a total of 11,180,316 hectares burned. For the northwestern United States, the highest average burned area was in 2020 with a total of 2,735,734 hectares burned.

Wildfire smoke impacts

  • The number of wildfire smoke impacted days (daily average PM2.5 > 15 µg/m3) each year is highly variable across monitoring stations and depends on several factors, including fire location and meteorology, among others (Figure 3). 
    • For example, in 2016, the Fort McMurray air quality monitoring station was significantly impacted by the Horse River Wildfire (see focused study below).
    • In 2023, wildfire smoke impacted some northern Alberta stations for more than 100 days of the year whereas southern Alberta stations were impacted for as few as 26 days, approximately one quarter of impacted days in northern Alberta.

Figure 3. Number of days that select large urban centre monitoring stations across Alberta were affected by wildfire smoke from 2015 to 2023.

Chart data table
Year Calgary Southeast Edmonton McCauley Fort McMurray Athabasca Valley Grande Prairie Lethbridge Medicine Hat Red Deer Lancaster
2015 12 10 21 10 11 16 17
2016 1 6 28 2 1 1 1
2017 21 16 8 14 23 20 19
2018 21 17 15 24 23 19 18
2019 3 7 11 8 4 3 4
2020 6 2 2 2 8 4 4
2021 27 29 18 17 32 29 24
2022 12 17 19 20 12 4 7
2023 43 95 101 89 26 27 41

Source: Government of Alberta

Chart description

Line chart showing the change over time in the total number of days in a year that Alberta’s large urban centers are impacted by wildfire smoke from 2015 to 2023. The highest number of days at a station in a given year was 101 days at the Fort McMurray-Athabasca Valley station in 2023. In 2016, the Horse River wildfire significantly contributed to the total number of days (28) that Fort McMurray was impacted, while other urban centres had fewer (less than 5) days impacted by wildfire smoke this year.

Seasonal variation

Wildfire prevalence

  • The timeline for wildfire activity varies across different regions (Figure 4), but wildfires generally begin in late spring and taper off in early fall. In Alberta, wildfire activity peaks in May and tends to decline in area burned through June, which is typically the province’s wettest month. Whereas, in B.C., wildfire activity peaks in July and August when conditions are hottest and driest.
  • In the last ten years, Alberta fires have burned more hectares in May and June than in previous 10-year periods. B.C. fires have remained most prevalent in July, albeit, with area burned increasing over the past 3 10-year periods, possibly due to climate change and increased human activity.

Figure 4a. Seasonal variation in monthly area burned (in hectares) for Alberta over 10-year periods from 1994 to 2023.

Chart data table
Decade 1994-2003 2004-2013 2014-2023
Jan 0.0306 0.1428 0.0018
Feb 0.003 0.0104 0.0156
Mar 0.1534 0.6223 0.8077
Apr 1.6249 2.6901 1.0036
May 113.9247 116.7174 192.6821
Jun 47.0045 73.6208 91.8656
Jul 27.3855 79.3441 38.1284
Aug 37.1195 2.836 14.9232
Sep 1.5257 0.4097 5.928
Oct 0.2736 0.0846 0.607
Nov 0.0616 0.1276 0.0098
Dec 0.4571 0.0632 0.0521

Source: National Forestry Database

Chart description

Line chart showing the monthly average area burned (in 1000s of hectares) in Alberta over three decades (1994-2003, 2004-2013, 2014-2023). For all three decades, the average area burned peaks in May and decreases over the summer. In the 1994-2003 decade, a second, smaller peak occurs in July and August.

Figure 4b. Seasonal variation in monthly area burned (in hectares) for British Columbia over 10-year periods from 1994 to 2023.

Chart data table
Decade 1994-2003 2004-2013 2014-2023
Jan 0.0072 0.052 0.0027
Feb 0.0027 0.0081 0.1011
Mar 0.0969 0.0805 0.1832
Apr 0.6733 1.1003 10.7346
May 2.5216 8.9086 21.1775
Jun 6.3565 27.995 58.0959
Jul 21.125 63.0281 289.6078
Aug 19.5206 12.6284 104.7145
Sep 0.7919 1.883 1.3169
Oct 0.2365 0.2635 0.6784
Nov 0.0216 0.0375 0.0165
Dec 0.0486 0.0006 0.0011

Source: National Forestry Database

Chart description

Line chart showing the monthly average area burned (in 1000s of hectares) in British Columbia over three decades (1994-2003, 2004-2013, 2014-2023). For all three decades, the average area burned peaks in July. More recent decades have higher average area burned than older decades.

Figure 4c. Seasonal variation in monthly area burned (in hectares) for Saskatchewan over 10-year periods from 1994 to 2023.

Chart data table
Decade 1994-2003 2004-2013 2014-2023
Jan 0.0003 3.0269 0
Feb 0 28.9712 0
Mar 0.0031 68.4343 0.0111
Apr 3.3218 9.9707 0.7952
May 154.3971 19.4691 52.2792
Jun 222.9207 302.1282 221.7781
Jul 66.7616 159.4235 137.1936
Aug 59.3899 44.369 59.2781
Sep 2.2171 4.702 2.284
Oct 0.236 0.0914 1.6281
Nov 0.0253 0.0082 0.0315
Dec 0.0003 0.0056 0.0001

Source: National Forestry Database

Chart description

Line chart showing the monthly average area burned (in 1000s of hectares) in Saskatchewan over three decades (1994-2003, 2004-2013, 2014-2023). The average area burned peaks in June. In the 2004-2013 decade, there is an additional smaller peak in March.

Figure 4d. Seasonal variation in monthly area burned (in hectares) for Northwest Territories over 10-year periods from 1994 to 2023.

Chart data table
Decade 1994-2003 2004-2013 2014-2023
Jan 0 0.001 0
Feb 0 1.5 0
Mar 0 0 0
Apr 0.8901 0.02 0.0008
May 13.4262 11.7843 40.4568
Jun 466.7959 131.7601 352.7329
Jul 345.9752 153.5082 275.867
Aug 57.0932 11.3711 39.1904
Sep 2.1733 1.1527 1.4783
Oct 0.0033 0.0024 0.0076
Nov 0.0002 0.001 0.837
Dec 0.0005 0 0

Source: National Forestry Database

Chart description

Line chart showing the monthly average area burned (in 1000s of hectares) in Northwest Territories over three decades (1994-2003, 2004-2013, 2014-2023). The average area burned peaks in June and remains high into July. However, 2004-2013 peaks in July and is smaller in magnitude than 1994-2003 and 2014-2023.

Figure 4e. Seasonal variation in monthly area burned (in hectares) for Yukon Territory over 10-year periods from 1994 to 2023.

Chart data table
Decade 1994-2003 2004-2013 2014-2023
Jan 0 0.0001 0
Feb 0 0 0
Mar 0.001 0 0
Apr 0.0464 0.0003 0.3836
May 7.084 15.2837 26.2621
Jun 64.2445 204.508 58.1565
Jul 60.0884 50.3375 32.1792
Aug 13.219 2.551 1.6504
Sep 0.0009 0.0218 0.0209
Oct 0.001 0.0831 0
Nov 0.308 0 0
Dec 0 0.3622 0

Source: National Forestry Database

Chart description

Line chart showing the monthly average area burned (in 1000s of hectares) in Yukon Territory over three decades (1994-2003, 2004-2013, 2014-2023). The average area burned peaks in June. In 1994-2003, the average area burned remained high into July.

Wildfire smoke impacts

  • Figure 5 shows the total number of days that Alberta’s large urban centres were affected by wildfire smoke (daily average PM2.5 > 15 ug/m3) by month during the 2015 to 2023 period.
    • Northern areas, including Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie, experienced the most wildfire smoke days earlier in the wildfire season (i.e., May) compared with other stations over this 9-year period.
    • Central and southern areas, including Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, experienced the most wildfire smoke days later in the wildfire season (i.e., August) over this 9-year period.

Figure 5. Seasonal variation in monthly total number of days impacted by wildfire smoke at large urban centre monitoring stations in Alberta from 2015 to 2023.

Chart data table
Month Calgary Southeast Edmonton South Fort McMurray Athabasca Valley Grande Prairie Lethbridge Medicine Hat Red Deer Lancaster
January 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
February 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
March 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
April 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
May 12 27 58 38 10 8 10
June 5 21 28 21 7 8 9
July 35 44 51 41 23 31 39
August 58 57 47 44 59 53 47
September 32 40 29 32 34 20 23
October 4 10 9 10 7 3 3
November 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
December 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Government of Alberta

Chart description

Line chart showing the total number of days from 2015-2023 that large urban centers are impacted by wildfire smoke by month. August has the most impacted days from wildfire smoke with a notable decrease in June and a second peak occurring in May.

Limitations of the dataset

  • Only days with daily average PM2.5 concentration greater than 15 µg/m3 were included in the identified wildfire smoke impacted days. There may be additional days with lower PM2.5 concentrations that were impacted by wildfire smoke but not included in the results. For data showing total number of impacted days, only large urban centre stations were included due to limited data in rural regions.
  • Long-term air quality monitoring stations do not cover all regions of Alberta, therefore monitoring gaps may incorrectly suggest that wildfire smoke impacts do not occur in those areas.
  • Different jurisdictions might vary in their reporting of area burned due to differences in land use, among others.
    • For example, Alberta reports area burned within the province’s Forest Protection Area, while Saskatchewan reports area burned data under the Intensive Protection Zone.
  • Additionally, U.S. data from the National Interagency Fire Center is only available from 2002 onward. U.S. data beyond 2018 does not include prescribed burns (which are not expected to be significant in size).
  • Wildfire burn data from the National Forestry Database (used in this indicator) are available up until 2023 as of the posting of this indicator.

Focused study

The Alberta government deploys air quality monitoring to support emergency response during wildfires. During the 2016 Horse River wildfire in Fort McMurray, air monitoring was deployed to support decisions to protect the health of emergency response personnel and the public. The report, Characterization of air quality during the 2016 Horse River wildfire, summarizes air quality data collected during the fire.

The extent of the wildfire is shown in Figure 6. Very high concentrations of PM2.5 that exceeded health-based objectives were observed from both permanent and portable air quality monitoring equipment due to wildfire smoke. In addition to PM2.5, concentrations of NO2, ammonia (NH3), SO2, and carbon monoxide (CO) were also monitored. Median hourly NH3 concentrations were 3 times and 22 times larger during the wildfire than during the non-wildfire impacted period at the Fort McKay-Bertha Ganter monitoring station and Fort McMurray-Patricia McInnes monitoring station, respectively. Furthermore, 13 episodes of hourly CO concentrations exceeding the health-based Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objective (AAAQO) of 13 ppm were recorded at the Fort McMurray-Athabasca Valley station, and the median hourly concentrations were 2 times higher than the non-wildfire impacted period.

This demonstrates that measurements of additional parameters provide valuable information about the composition of the smoke plume and risk to human health.

Figure 6. Fort McMurray and surrounding area with air quality monitoring stations and Horse River Wildfire boundary indicated. Portable Environmental Beta Attenuation Monitors (EBAMs) and the Government of Alberta’s Mobile Air Monitoring Laboratory (MAML) were deployed to the area to track pollutant concentrations.

Fort McMurray wildfire smoke map
Previous Sulphur dioxide