
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Alberta's Environmental Science Program

Providing data, information and reporting on the condition of the environment in Alberta.

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Alberta's Environmental Science Program


Alberta's Environmental Science Program (AESP) coordinates reporting of scientifically credible data and information about the condition of Alberta's environment, as required under section 15.1 (1) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA).

Led by the Chief Scientist, the AESP collaborates with other levels of government, academic institutions, industry, non-profit organizations, and Indigenous and local communities to enable monitoring and reporting on the condition of Alberta's environment.

The AESP is guided by a multiple evidence-based approach that braids scientific, Indigenous and community-based knowledge to support environmental sustainability and conservation in Alberta.

The word welcome written in six different indigenous languages.
Photo on a lake with mountains and clouds reflecting in it.

Condition of the Environment

The Chief Scientist and the Alberta government are committed to delivering accessible reporting on the condition of Alberta's environment.

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Environmental science at work

Bow River Cumulative Effects Modelling Group works collaboratively to better understand stressors affecting trout in Alberta’s Bow River.

Through citizen science, Albertans can help answer questions on Alberta’s environment and contribute to data and information gaps.

Latest developments

Scientific Paper: Assessing changes in indicators of fish health measured between 1997 and 2019 relative to multiple natural and anthropogenic stressors in Canada’s oil sands region using spatio-temporal modeling
Date published: July 2024
Authors: Arciszewski, T.J., E.J. Ussery, G.R. Tetreault, K.A. Hicks and M.E. McMaster

Scientific Paper: Effectiveness of population-based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou
Date published: April 2024
Authors: Clayton T. Lamb, et al.

Workshop Proceedings: Alberta Native Trout Science Workshop Proceedings: February 1-3, 2023
Date published: February 2024
Authors: Government of Alberta

Scientific paper: Predicting Imminent Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lakes Using Incomplete Timely Data
Date published: January 2024
Authors: Heggerud, C.M., J. Xu, H. Wang, M.A. Lewis, R.W. Zurawell, C.J.G. Loewen, R.D. Vinebrooke and P. Ramaz

News release: Alberta wildlife is ready for its close-up – Researchers are using remote cameras and cutting-edge tools to better study and monitor Alberta’s wildlife
Date published: January 2024
Authors: Government of Alberta

New publication tool

Review more scientific papers and reports relevant to Alberta’s Environmental Science program via the AESP publication tool. Additional publications will be added as they become available.

Browse more publications


Contact Alberta's Environmental Science Program or the Office of the Chief Scientist:

Email: [email protected]