Using pesticides – Authorized assistants

Authorized assistants can perform more pesticide applications and require less supervision than non-certified assistants.

Handling pesticides

Authorized Assistants are able to perform pesticide applications under the supervision of a certified applicator without requiring daily on-site supervision by a certified applicator. Pesticides that can be applied by authorized assistants without direct on-site supervision by an applicator include those listed in section 5(12) of the Environmental Code of Practice for Pesticides.

Authorized assistants are not allowed to apply pesticides with labels stating “For Use by Certified or Authorized Applicators" or similar language.

How to qualify


Individuals wanting to become an Authorized Assistant must complete the core examination and complete the Authorized Assistant Training Checklist with their supervising certified applicator.

The core examination can be taken through one of the following processes below.

Complete the Pesticide Applicator Core examination administered through Lakeland College. Upon successful completion of this exam, Lakeland College will issue an "Authorized Assistant" Certificate.

Authorized Assistants who obtained the certificate issued by Lakeland College can go on to write the remainder of the Pesticide Applicator Certification exam without having to rewrite the core portion of the examination.

Authorized Assistants can also receive training and obtain the certificate from a certified Pesticide Applicator Trainer. If the assistant obtains the certificate in this way, they will have to write the entire Pesticide Applicator Certification exam including the core portion of the examination.

Training checklist

In addition to the exam, the supervising applicator must also complete an authorized assistant training checklist with the assistant. This must be done:

  • prior to any pesticide application
  • whenever the pesticide, application equipment or use location changes
  • at least yearly after that

The checklist is available in Appendix A of the Environmental Code of Practice for Pesticides.


Authorized assistants performing pesticide applications do not require daily on-site supervision by a certified applicator. However, the certified applicators are responsible for the authorized assistants’ pesticide activities. The supervising, certified applicator must be readily available to physically assist the assist the assistant and remain in radio, cell or telephone contact at all times.