CB6 Highway Standard Plates – Inactive

Inactive standard drawings for ‘Standard Specifications for Highway Construction’ as well as planning, design and construction guidelines.

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The following lists all inactive (superseded or obsolete) standard CB6 drawings. Last updated March 2022.

For current drawings, see CB6 Highway Standard Plates – Active.

  • Drawing notes: Revision triangles shown on the standard drawings are used to show revisions in the general area of the drawing and may not necessarily show each revision separately. A single revision triangle may identify several changes in the standard drawing. Users should compare the new version of a drawing to the previous version to determine all changes.
  • January 2008 – Microstation CAD files are no longer available for downloading.

Section 2 drawings – Grade construction

2.3 Drawings – Grading (including intersections and cross-sections)

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.3.C62(Obsolete) Typical Highway Transitions (Two Lane Undivided, Four Lane Divided) 38m C.L. to C.L. Spacing Mar/93
2.3.C63(Obsolete) Typical Highway Transitions (2-Lane Undivided, 4-Lane Divided) 30m C.L. to C.L. Spacing Mar/93
2.3.M1(Obsolete) Standard Cross Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Existing AADT3Oct/06
2.3.M1A(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) Jan/98
2.3.M1A(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-1101Dec/02
2.3.M1A(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-1102Jun/16/06
2.3M1A(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-1101April 12, 2017
2.3.M1B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will Be Delayed for at Least 3 Years)2Apr/98
2.3.M1B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will Be Delayed for at Least 3 Years)3Jun/16/06
2.3M1B(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-1104April 12, 2017
2.3.M5(Superseded) Approach Treatment for Minor Intersecting Roadways1Jan/99
2.3M6(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208P-80 (Highway within Provincial Park Boundary) December 6, 1989
2.3.M14(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for Six-Lane Divided Highway RFD/RAD-616.6-1303Jun/97
2.3M14(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Six-Lane Divided Highway RFD/RAD-616.6-1301April 12, 2017
2.3.M15(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for Four-Lane Divided Highway RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-1203Jun/97
2.3M15(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Four-Lane Divided Highway RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-1201April 12, 2017
2.3 M22(Superseded) Fills at Bridge Ends1Jan/85
2.3.M26A(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/1202Jan/03
2.3.M26A(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/1203Jun/27/05
2.3M26A(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/1201April 12, 2017
2.3.M26B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-1102Jan/03
2.3.M26B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-1103Jun/27/05
2.3M26B(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-1101April 12, 2017
2.3.M27(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Through Muskeg or Adjacent to Open Water on 2-Lane Undivided Highways Dec/89
2.3M27(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section through Muskeg or Adjacent to Open Water on 2-Lane Undivided Highways1April 12, 2017
2.3.M29G(Obsolete) Typical Flared "T" Intersection (For Day Use Area and Campsite Entrances) Oct/85
2.3.M29H(Obsolete) Typical Flared "T" Intersection on a Two-Lane Highway (Access To Rest Area) Oct/85
2.3.M34A(Superseded) Historical Sign, Truck and Roadside Turnouts Jul/23/91
2.3.M34A(Superseded) Classification F.2.3 Two Lane Highway Safety Rest Area for Two Lane Highway (Typical)1Mar/21/06
2.3.M34A(Obsolete) Typical Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highway 20 Year AADT2May/27/08
2.3.M34C(Obsolete) Roadside Turnouts for Oversized Vehicles1Jul/91
2.3.M34D(Superseded) Classification F.2.3 2 Lane Highway Safety Rest Area for Log Haul Routes1Mar/31/06
2.3.M34D(Obsolete) Typical Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highways for Log Haul Routes 20 Year AADT2Mar/07
2.3.M34E(Obsolete) Roadside Turnouts for Highload / Wide Load use (Near Point of Origin) Dec/01
2.3M34F(Obsolete) Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highways 20 Year AADT > 30001Mar/07
2.3M35A(Obsolete) Major Development Access Requirements for Undivided Highways Oct/85
2.3.M35B(Obsolete) Major Development Access (Divided Highways) Oct/85
2.3M36(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Recreational Access Road RLU-207P1December 1986
2.3.M37A(Superseded) Ditch Rounding (1.0 m Depth) Oct/85
2.3M37A(Obsolete) Rounded Ditch (1.0m Depth) Approximation for Design Plotting and Work Stakes1June 1994
2.3M37B(Obsolete) Ditch Rounding (0.6 m Depth for Semi-Urban Areas) October 1985
2.3.M38(Obsolete) Typical Ditch Check (Straw Bale Installation) Aug/90
2.3.M40(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-1102Jun/98
2.3.M40(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-1103Mar/06
2.3.M40(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-1104Jun/16/06
2.3M40(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-1101April 12, 2017
2.3.M40A(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) Jan/98
2.3.M40B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will be Delayed for at Least 3 Years2Apr/98
2.3.M40B(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will be Delayed for at Least 3 Years3Mar/31/06
2.3M40B(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-1104April 12, 2017
2.3.M41(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/1002Jun/98
2.3.M41(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/1003Mar/06
2.3.M41(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/1004Jun/16/06
2.3M41(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/1001April 12, 2017
2.3.M41A(Obsolete Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) Jan/98
2.3.M41A(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600)2May/99
2.3.M42(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-208-110/1002Jun/98
2.3.M42A(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) Jan/98
2.3.M43(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-207-80 Dec/1989
2.3M44(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-211L-110 (Log Haul Resource Roads)1June 1993
2.3M45(Superseded) Standard Cross-Section in Rock Cut on Two-Lane Undivided Highways December 6, 1989
2.3M45(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section in Rock Cut on Two-Lane Undivided Highways1April 12, 2017
2.3.M47A(Superseded) Median (Concrete Curb Asphalt Surfaced)2Feb/85
2.3.M49(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Service Roads RLU-208G-901Oct/1998
2.3.M50(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Local Road RLU-208G-60 (RLU-207G-60) Jul/1992
2.3.M51(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Local Road RLU-207G-50 (RLU-206G-40) Jul/1992
2.3.M52(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for One Lane Two-Way Local Road RLU-104G-50/40/30 Jul/1992
2.3.M53(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-210G-100 Apr/2017
2.3M54(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-212-120/110 Apr/2017
2.3M55(Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-208-110/1001April 12, 2017

2.4 Drawings – Culverts

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.4M1(Superseded) Corrugated Metal Pipe Culvert Installation (Open-Cut Method) November 22, 1994
2.4M4(Obsolete) Detail of Corrugated Steel Downdrain Pipe May 1981
2.4M7(Obsolete) Sloped End Installations for Round Section Corrugated Steel Pipe February 27, 1992
2.4M9(Superseded) Sloped End Installations for Plastic Culverts2June 1993
2.4.M11(Obsolete) Details of Corrugated Steel Downdrain Pipe with Storm Drain Inlet May 1979
2.4M12(Obsolete) Typical Section Drop Inlet Installation into Corrugated Steel Cross Culvert (from 400 mm to 1200 mm Inlet Pipe)1February 1985
2.4M13(Obsolete) Typical Section Corrugated Stell Pipe Drop Inlet Assemblies2February 1985
2.4M17(Obsolete) Details of Half-Round Corrugated Steel Pipe Downslope Drain May 1980
2.4M20(Obsolete) Details of Outlet Drain Pipe (Renumbered from 3.11M10)1October 1998

2.5 Drawings – Riprap

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.5M1(Superseded) Hand Laid Riprap (Rock or Sacked Material) November 22, 1994

2.7 Drawings – Underground electrical conduits

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.7.M3(Obsolete) Precast Concrete Electric Service Box (43 cm x 76 cm) Aug/19

2.12 Drawings – Fencing

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.12.M5(Superseded) Class "E" Fence4Feb/02
2.12.M7(Superseded) Class "F" Fence2Feb/02
2.12M10(Obsolete) Purposes and Types of Fences2May 1993

2.13 Drawings – Livestock guards

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.13.M7(Superseded) Livestock Guard Standard Highway Type 7.32m Width1Jul/95
2.13.M11(Superseded) Livestock Guard Standard Highway Type 9.145m Width1Jul/95

2.16 Drawings – Erosion control

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
2.16.M1(Obsolete) Straw Bale Slope Barrier Jan/96
2.16.M2(Obsolete) Straw Bale Ditch Barrier Aug/94
2.16.M3(Obsolete) Rock Sediment Barrier Jan/96
2.16.M4(Obsolete) Geotextile Fence Barrier Jan/96
2.16.M5(Obsolete) Earth Dike Barrier Jan/96
2.16.M6(Obsolete) Soil Covering Fabric Jan/96

Section 3 drawings – Surfacing

3.4 Drawings – Pavement sections

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
3.4.M2(Superseded) Typical Plan and Half-Section for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement and Base Course at Intersection of Primary Highway with a Secondary Road or Road Allowance1Apr/81
3.4.M3(Superseded) Asphalt Concrete Pavement/Asphalt Stabilized Base Course and Granular Base Course for Farm Entrance Jan/91

3.35 Drawings – Crack repair: mill and fill

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
3.35.M1(Superseded) Crack Repair Detail Mill and Fill1Mar/13

3.50 Drawings – Asphalt concrete pavement

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
3.50.M3(Superseded) Typical Plan and Half-Section for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Farm Entrance (Renumbered from 3.11.M3) Dec/78
3.50.M5(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2081Jan /03
3.50.M5(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2082Jun/05
3.50.M5(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2083Apr/06
3.50M5(Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2084April 12, 2017
3.50.M6(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2111Jan/03
3.50.M6(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2112Jun/05
3.50M6(Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Constructions" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2113April 12, 2017
3.50.M7(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2081Jan/03
3.50.M7(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2082Jun/05
3.50M7(Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 2083April 12, 2017
3.50.M8(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2111Jan/03
3.50.M8(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2112Jun/05
3.50.M8(Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2113Apr/06
3.50M8(Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 2114April 12, 2017
3.50M9(Obsolete) Typical Pavement Design for Four-Lane Divided Hwy RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-120 April 12, 2017

3.52 Drawings – Milled rumble strips

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
3.52.M1(Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders6Sept 2003
3.52.M1(Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders7June 5, 2006
3.52.M1(Superseded) Typical layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders8May 24,  2011
3.52M1(Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders9May 8, 2014
3.52M1(Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders10October 29,  2018
3.52.M2(Superseded) Typical Layout for Intermittent Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders6Sept 2003
3.52.M2(Obsolete) Typical Layout for Intermittent Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders7June 5, 2006
3.52.M3(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Stop Conditions3April 2001
3.52.M3(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Stop Conditions4April 2012
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line Sept 2003
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line1June 5, 2006
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line2Sept 5, 2006
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line3May 15, 2007
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line4May 24,  2011
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line5July 26, 2011
3.52.M4(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line6October 10, 2017
3.52.M5(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips March 7,  2017
3.52.M5(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips1Nov 27, 2018
3.52.M6T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m)  March 6, 2018
3.52.M6T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m) 1May 7,  2018
3.52.M6T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m) 2Nov 27, 2018
3.52.M7T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) March 6, 2018
3.52.M7T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) 1May 7, 2018
3.52.M7T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) 2Nov 27, 2018
3.52.M8T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) March 6, 2018
3.52.M8T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) 1May 7,  2018
3.52.M8T(Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) 2Nov 27, 2018

Section 4 drawings – Miscellaneous

4.2 Drawings – Concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians and traffic islands

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
4.2.M1(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Female Units Precast Half "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M2(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Male Units Precast Half "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M3(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Female End Units Precast Half "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M4(Obsolete Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Male End Units Precast Half "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M5(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male and Female Units Precast Half "F" Shape (3D view) Apr/15/05
4.2.M6(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Female Connection Details Precast "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M7(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male Connection Details Precast Half "F" Shape1Apr/15/05
4.2.M8(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Female Units Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M9(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Male Units Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M10(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Female End Units Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M11(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Male End Units Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M12(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male and Female Units Precast "F" Shape (3D view) Apr/15/05
4.2.MI3(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Female Connection Details Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M14(Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male Connection Details Precast "F" Shape Apr/15/05
4.2.M16(Superseded) Precast "F" Shape NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 Nov/23/04
4.2.M16(Superseded) Precast "F" Shape NCHRP 350 Test Level 31Sept/06
4.2.M20(Obsolete) Concrete Curb and Gutter (480 mm W. x 350 mm H.) January 1982
4.2M25(Obsolete) Concrete Curb and Gutter (460 mm W. x 370 mm H)2February 1985
4.2.M47A(Superseded) Median (Concrete Curb, Asphalt Surface) 200 mm Curb2Feb/85
4.2.M85(Obsolete) Typical Layout of Crosswalks and Location and Type of Sidewalk Ramps at Urban Intersections1August 1994
4.2.M86(Superseded) Concrete Sidewalk Ramp for Wheelchair or Bicycle on Tangent (Type 1) July 2, 1991
4.2.M87(Superseded) Concrete Sidewalk Ramp for Wheelchair or Bicycle on Corner (Type 2) July 2, 1991
4.2.M88(Superseded) Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter (500 mm Gutter)2May/92
4.2.M89(Superseded) Poured in Place Standard 150 mm Curb and 500 mm Gutter2May/92
4.2.M90(Superseded) Rolled Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter (500 mm Gutter)2May/92
4.2M91(Obsolete) Typical Sidewalk and Crosswalk Layout of Smaller Islands and Medians Less Than 6m Wide July 2, 1991
4.2M94(Obsolete) Example of Use of Paving Stones on Urban Intersection December 4, 1995
4.2M96(Obsolete) Wheelchair Ramp Special Catch Basin Manhole Cover December 4, 1995
4.2M97(Obsolete) Pedestrian Path of Travel - Dimensions of Envelope - Grate Size & Orientation1October 1996

4.3 Drawings – Concrete barrier

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
4.3.M1A(Superseded) Reinforced Concrete Med. Barrier Curb – NJ Shape (610 mm Wide) - with Type Barrier Connection 1977
4.3.M3(Superseded) Slip-Formed Median Barrier – F Shape3Aug/04
4.3.M3A(Superseded) Slip-Formed Median Barrier – Half F Shape Sep/04
4.3.M12(Superseded) Precast Conc. Barrier Curb – NJ Shape May/85

5.15 Drawings – Supply of corrugated metal pipe

Drawing No.Drawing DescriptionRevision No.Date of Drawing
5.15.M1(Superseded) Details of Standard Sloped End Sections for C.M.P. Round Culverts Nov/97
5.15.M2(Superseded) Details of Standard Sloped End Sections for C.M.P. Arch Culverts Apr/98
5.15.M9(Superseded) Arched Corrugated Steel Pipe – Sloped End Installations Oct/84
5.15M9(Obsolete) Arched Corrugated Steel Pipe Sloped End Installations1April 1995


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