The following lists all inactive (superseded or obsolete) standard CB6 drawings. Last updated March 2022.
For current drawings, see CB6 Highway Standard Plates – Active.
- Drawing notes: Revision triangles shown on the standard drawings are used to show revisions in the general area of the drawing and may not necessarily show each revision separately. A single revision triangle may identify several changes in the standard drawing. Users should compare the new version of a drawing to the previous version to determine all changes.
- January 2008 – Microstation CAD files are no longer available for downloading.
Section 2 drawings – Grade construction
2.3 Drawings – Grading (including intersections and cross-sections)
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.3.C62 | (Obsolete) Typical Highway Transitions (Two Lane Undivided, Four Lane Divided) 38m C.L. to C.L. Spacing | Mar/93 | |
2.3.C63 | (Obsolete) Typical Highway Transitions (2-Lane Undivided, 4-Lane Divided) 30m C.L. to C.L. Spacing | Mar/93 | |
2.3.M1 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Existing AADT | 3 | Oct/06 |
2.3.M1A | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) | Jan/98 | |
2.3.M1A | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 | 1 | Dec/02 |
2.3.M1A | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 | 2 | Jun/16/06 |
2.3M1A | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU/RCU-209-110 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M1B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will Be Delayed for at Least 3 Years) | 2 | Apr/98 |
2.3.M1B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will Be Delayed for at Least 3 Years) | 3 | Jun/16/06 |
2.3M1B | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section Using Modified Subgrade for RAU/RCU-209-110 | 4 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M5 | (Superseded) Approach Treatment for Minor Intersecting Roadways | 1 | Jan/99 |
2.3M6 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208P-80 (Highway within Provincial Park Boundary) | December 6, 1989 | |
2.3.M14 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for Six-Lane Divided Highway RFD/RAD-616.6-130 | 3 | Jun/97 |
2.3M14 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Six-Lane Divided Highway RFD/RAD-616.6-130 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M15 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for Four-Lane Divided Highway RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-120 | 3 | Jun/97 |
2.3M15 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Four-Lane Divided Highway RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-120 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3 M22 | (Superseded) Fills at Bridge Ends | 1 | Jan/85 |
2.3.M26A | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/120 | 2 | Jan/03 |
2.3.M26A | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/120 | 3 | Jun/27/05 |
2.3M26A | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-213-130/120 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M26B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-110 | 2 | Jan/03 |
2.3.M26B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-110 | 3 | Jun/27/05 |
2.3M26B | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-211-110 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M27 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section Through Muskeg or Adjacent to Open Water on 2-Lane Undivided Highways | Dec/89 | |
2.3M27 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section through Muskeg or Adjacent to Open Water on 2-Lane Undivided Highways | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M29G | (Obsolete) Typical Flared "T" Intersection (For Day Use Area and Campsite Entrances) | Oct/85 | |
2.3.M29H | (Obsolete) Typical Flared "T" Intersection on a Two-Lane Highway (Access To Rest Area) | Oct/85 | |
2.3.M34A | (Superseded) Historical Sign, Truck and Roadside Turnouts | Jul/23/91 | |
2.3.M34A | (Superseded) Classification F.2.3 Two Lane Highway Safety Rest Area for Two Lane Highway (Typical) | 1 | Mar/21/06 |
2.3.M34A | (Obsolete) Typical Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highway 20 Year AADT | 2 | May/27/08 |
2.3.M34C | (Obsolete) Roadside Turnouts for Oversized Vehicles | 1 | Jul/91 |
2.3.M34D | (Superseded) Classification F.2.3 2 Lane Highway Safety Rest Area for Log Haul Routes | 1 | Mar/31/06 |
2.3.M34D | (Obsolete) Typical Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highways for Log Haul Routes 20 Year AADT | 2 | Mar/07 |
2.3.M34E | (Obsolete) Roadside Turnouts for Highload / Wide Load use (Near Point of Origin) | Dec/01 | |
2.3M34F | (Obsolete) Safety Rest Area on Two Lane Highways 20 Year AADT > 3000 | 1 | Mar/07 |
2.3M35A | (Obsolete) Major Development Access Requirements for Undivided Highways | Oct/85 | |
2.3.M35B | (Obsolete) Major Development Access (Divided Highways) | Oct/85 | |
2.3M36 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Recreational Access Road RLU-207P | 1 | December 1986 |
2.3.M37A | (Superseded) Ditch Rounding (1.0 m Depth) | Oct/85 | |
2.3M37A | (Obsolete) Rounded Ditch (1.0m Depth) Approximation for Design Plotting and Work Stakes | 1 | June 1994 |
2.3M37B | (Obsolete) Ditch Rounding (0.6 m Depth for Semi-Urban Areas) | October 1985 | |
2.3.M38 | (Obsolete) Typical Ditch Check (Straw Bale Installation) | Aug/90 | |
2.3.M40 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 | 2 | Jun/98 |
2.3.M40 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 | 3 | Mar/06 |
2.3.M40 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 | 4 | Jun/16/06 |
2.3M40 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M40A | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-210-110 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) | Jan/98 | |
2.3.M40B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will be Delayed for at Least 3 Years | 2 | Apr/98 |
2.3.M40B | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-110 (Use Where Surfacing Will be Delayed for at Least 3 Years | 3 | Mar/31/06 |
2.3M40B | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section using Modified Subgrade for RAU-210-110 | 4 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M41 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 | 2 | Jun/98 |
2.3.M41 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 | 3 | Mar/06 |
2.3.M41 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 | 4 | Jun/16/06 |
2.3M41 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M41A | (Obsolete Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) | Jan/98 | |
2.3.M41A | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) | 2 | May/99 |
2.3.M42 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-208-110/100 | 2 | Jun/98 |
2.3.M42A | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-208-110/100 to Accommodate Future Overlay (Use Where Existing AADT > 600) | Jan/98 | |
2.3.M43 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-207-80 | Dec/1989 | |
2.3M44 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RCU-211L-110 (Log Haul Resource Roads) | 1 | June 1993 |
2.3M45 | (Superseded) Standard Cross-Section in Rock Cut on Two-Lane Undivided Highways | December 6, 1989 | |
2.3M45 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section in Rock Cut on Two-Lane Undivided Highways | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.3.M47A | (Superseded) Median (Concrete Curb Asphalt Surfaced) | 2 | Feb/85 |
2.3.M49 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Service Roads RLU-208G-90 | 1 | Oct/1998 |
2.3.M50 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Local Road RLU-208G-60 (RLU-207G-60) | Jul/1992 | |
2.3.M51 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for Local Road RLU-207G-50 (RLU-206G-40) | Jul/1992 | |
2.3.M52 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for One Lane Two-Way Local Road RLU-104G-50/40/30 | Jul/1992 | |
2.3.M53 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RLU-210G-100 | Apr/2017 | |
2.3M54 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-212-120/110 | Apr/2017 | |
2.3M55 | (Obsolete) Standard Cross-Section for RAU-208-110/100 | 1 | April 12, 2017 |
2.4 Drawings – Culverts
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.4M1 | (Superseded) Corrugated Metal Pipe Culvert Installation (Open-Cut Method) | November 22, 1994 | |
2.4M4 | (Obsolete) Detail of Corrugated Steel Downdrain Pipe | May 1981 | |
2.4M7 | (Obsolete) Sloped End Installations for Round Section Corrugated Steel Pipe | February 27, 1992 | |
2.4M9 | (Superseded) Sloped End Installations for Plastic Culverts | 2 | June 1993 |
2.4.M11 | (Obsolete) Details of Corrugated Steel Downdrain Pipe with Storm Drain Inlet | May 1979 | |
2.4M12 | (Obsolete) Typical Section Drop Inlet Installation into Corrugated Steel Cross Culvert (from 400 mm to 1200 mm Inlet Pipe) | 1 | February 1985 |
2.4M13 | (Obsolete) Typical Section Corrugated Stell Pipe Drop Inlet Assemblies | 2 | February 1985 |
2.4M17 | (Obsolete) Details of Half-Round Corrugated Steel Pipe Downslope Drain | May 1980 | |
2.4M20 | (Obsolete) Details of Outlet Drain Pipe (Renumbered from 3.11M10) | 1 | October 1998 |
2.5 Drawings – Riprap
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.5M1 | (Superseded) Hand Laid Riprap (Rock or Sacked Material) | November 22, 1994 |
2.7 Drawings – Underground electrical conduits
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.7.M3 | (Obsolete) Precast Concrete Electric Service Box (43 cm x 76 cm) | Aug/19 |
2.12 Drawings – Fencing
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.12.M5 | (Superseded) Class "E" Fence | 4 | Feb/02 |
2.12.M7 | (Superseded) Class "F" Fence | 2 | Feb/02 |
2.12M10 | (Obsolete) Purposes and Types of Fences | 2 | May 1993 |
2.13 Drawings – Livestock guards
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.13.M7 | (Superseded) Livestock Guard Standard Highway Type 7.32m Width | 1 | Jul/95 |
2.13.M11 | (Superseded) Livestock Guard Standard Highway Type 9.145m Width | 1 | Jul/95 |
2.16 Drawings – Erosion control
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
2.16.M1 | (Obsolete) Straw Bale Slope Barrier | Jan/96 | |
2.16.M2 | (Obsolete) Straw Bale Ditch Barrier | Aug/94 | |
2.16.M3 | (Obsolete) Rock Sediment Barrier | Jan/96 | |
2.16.M4 | (Obsolete) Geotextile Fence Barrier | Jan/96 | |
2.16.M5 | (Obsolete) Earth Dike Barrier | Jan/96 | |
2.16.M6 | (Obsolete) Soil Covering Fabric | Jan/96 |
Section 3 drawings – Surfacing
3.4 Drawings – Pavement sections
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
3.4.M2 | (Superseded) Typical Plan and Half-Section for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement and Base Course at Intersection of Primary Highway with a Secondary Road or Road Allowance | 1 | Apr/81 |
3.4.M3 | (Superseded) Asphalt Concrete Pavement/Asphalt Stabilized Base Course and Granular Base Course for Farm Entrance | Jan/91 |
3.35 Drawings – Crack repair: mill and fill
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
3.35.M1 | (Superseded) Crack Repair Detail Mill and Fill | 1 | Mar/13 |
3.50 Drawings – Asphalt concrete pavement
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
3.50.M3 | (Superseded) Typical Plan and Half-Section for Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Farm Entrance (Renumbered from 3.11.M3) | Dec/78 | |
3.50.M5 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 1 | Jan /03 |
3.50.M5 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 2 | Jun/05 |
3.50.M5 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 3 | Apr/06 |
3.50M5 | (Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 4 | April 12, 2017 |
3.50.M6 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 1 | Jan/03 |
3.50.M6 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Construction" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 2 | Jun/05 |
3.50M6 | (Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "New Constructions" Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 3 | April 12, 2017 |
3.50.M7 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 1 | Jan/03 |
3.50.M7 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 2 | Jun/05 |
3.50M7 | (Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RAU/RCU 210, RAU/RCU 209 and RCU 208 | 3 | April 12, 2017 |
3.50.M8 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 1 | Jan/03 |
3.50.M8 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 2 | Jun/05 |
3.50.M8 | (Superseded) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 3 | Apr/06 |
3.50M8 | (Obsolete) Pavement Sideslope at Various Stages of "Widening" Type Projects for RFD/RAD 616.6, RFD/RAD 412.4, RAU 213, RAU 212 and RAU 211 | 4 | April 12, 2017 |
3.50M9 | (Obsolete) Typical Pavement Design for Four-Lane Divided Hwy RFD-412.4-130 & RAD-412.4-120 | April 12, 2017 |
3.52 Drawings – Milled rumble strips
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
3.52.M1 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 6 | Sept 2003 |
3.52.M1 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 7 | June 5, 2006 |
3.52.M1 | (Superseded) Typical layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 8 | May 24, 2011 |
3.52M1 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 9 | May 8, 2014 |
3.52M1 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Continuous Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 10 | October 29, 2018 |
3.52.M2 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Intermittent Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 6 | Sept 2003 |
3.52.M2 | (Obsolete) Typical Layout for Intermittent Milled Rumble Strips for Shoulders | 7 | June 5, 2006 |
3.52.M3 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Stop Conditions | 3 | April 2001 |
3.52.M3 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Stop Conditions | 4 | April 2012 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | Sept 2003 | |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 1 | June 5, 2006 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 2 | Sept 5, 2006 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 3 | May 15, 2007 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 4 | May 24, 2011 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 5 | July 26, 2011 |
3.52.M4 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Rumble Strips for Centre Line | 6 | October 10, 2017 |
3.52.M5 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips | March 7, 2017 | |
3.52.M5 | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips | 1 | Nov 27, 2018 |
3.52.M6T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m) | March 6, 2018 | |
3.52.M6T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m) | 1 | May 7, 2018 |
3.52.M6T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Less Than 0.6m) | 2 | Nov 27, 2018 |
3.52.M7T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) | March 6, 2018 | |
3.52.M7T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) | 1 | May 7, 2018 |
3.52.M7T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders 0.6m to 1.5m) | 2 | Nov 27, 2018 |
3.52.M8T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) | March 6, 2018 | |
3.52.M8T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) | 1 | May 7, 2018 |
3.52.M8T | (Superseded) Typical Layout for Milled Edge Line Rumble Strips (GAP Pattern for Shoulders Greater Than 1.5m) | 2 | Nov 27, 2018 |
Section 4 drawings – Miscellaneous
4.2 Drawings – Concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians and traffic islands
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
4.2.M1 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Female Units Precast Half "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M2 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Male Units Precast Half "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M3 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Female End Units Precast Half "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M4 | (Obsolete Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Male End Units Precast Half "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M5 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male and Female Units Precast Half "F" Shape (3D view) | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M6 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Female Connection Details Precast "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M7 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male Connection Details Precast Half "F" Shape | 1 | Apr/15/05 |
4.2.M8 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Female Units Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M9 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 3m Male Units Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M10 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Female End Units Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M11 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier 5m Male End Units Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M12 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male and Female Units Precast "F" Shape (3D view) | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.MI3 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Female Connection Details Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M14 | (Obsolete) Reinforced Concrete Roadway Barrier Male Connection Details Precast "F" Shape | Apr/15/05 | |
4.2.M16 | (Superseded) Precast "F" Shape NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 | Nov/23/04 | |
4.2.M16 | (Superseded) Precast "F" Shape NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 | 1 | Sept/06 |
4.2.M20 | (Obsolete) Concrete Curb and Gutter (480 mm W. x 350 mm H.) | January 1982 | |
4.2M25 | (Obsolete) Concrete Curb and Gutter (460 mm W. x 370 mm H) | 2 | February 1985 |
4.2.M47A | (Superseded) Median (Concrete Curb, Asphalt Surface) 200 mm Curb | 2 | Feb/85 |
4.2.M85 | (Obsolete) Typical Layout of Crosswalks and Location and Type of Sidewalk Ramps at Urban Intersections | 1 | August 1994 |
4.2.M86 | (Superseded) Concrete Sidewalk Ramp for Wheelchair or Bicycle on Tangent (Type 1) | July 2, 1991 | |
4.2.M87 | (Superseded) Concrete Sidewalk Ramp for Wheelchair or Bicycle on Corner (Type 2) | July 2, 1991 | |
4.2.M88 | (Superseded) Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter (500 mm Gutter) | 2 | May/92 |
4.2.M89 | (Superseded) Poured in Place Standard 150 mm Curb and 500 mm Gutter | 2 | May/92 |
4.2.M90 | (Superseded) Rolled Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter (500 mm Gutter) | 2 | May/92 |
4.2M91 | (Obsolete) Typical Sidewalk and Crosswalk Layout of Smaller Islands and Medians Less Than 6m Wide | July 2, 1991 | |
4.2M94 | (Obsolete) Example of Use of Paving Stones on Urban Intersection | December 4, 1995 | |
4.2M96 | (Obsolete) Wheelchair Ramp Special Catch Basin Manhole Cover | December 4, 1995 | |
4.2M97 | (Obsolete) Pedestrian Path of Travel - Dimensions of Envelope - Grate Size & Orientation | 1 | October 1996 |
4.3 Drawings – Concrete barrier
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
4.3.M1A | (Superseded) Reinforced Concrete Med. Barrier Curb – NJ Shape (610 mm Wide) - with Type Barrier Connection | 1977 | |
4.3.M3 | (Superseded) Slip-Formed Median Barrier – F Shape | 3 | Aug/04 |
4.3.M3A | (Superseded) Slip-Formed Median Barrier – Half F Shape | Sep/04 | |
4.3.M12 | (Superseded) Precast Conc. Barrier Curb – NJ Shape | May/85 |
5.15 Drawings – Supply of corrugated metal pipe
Drawing No. | Drawing Description | Revision No. | Date of Drawing |
5.15.M1 | (Superseded) Details of Standard Sloped End Sections for C.M.P. Round Culverts | Nov/97 | |
5.15.M2 | (Superseded) Details of Standard Sloped End Sections for C.M.P. Arch Culverts | Apr/98 | |
5.15.M9 | (Superseded) Arched Corrugated Steel Pipe – Sloped End Installations | Oct/84 | |
5.15M9 | (Obsolete) Arched Corrugated Steel Pipe Sloped End Installations | 1 | April 1995 |
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CB6 Highway Standard Plates