Inspiration Awards

Nominate an individual, organization or business leading the way towards healthier relationships and preventing violence, bullying or abuse.

Nominations are now closed

We thank everyone who has submitted a nomination for the 2024 Inspiration Awards.

Recipients will be announced later this fall.


The Inspiration Awards allow the Alberta government to honour remarkable leaders who often go unrecognized but make a profound impact on our communities and inspire positive change. Their efforts promote healthy relationships by raising awareness of and preventing violence and abuse.

Award categories

Awards will be given to those who have shown leadership in any of the following 6 categories:

  1. Equity and Community Empowerment
  2. Indigenous Leadership and Initiatives
  3. Collaborative Partnerships
  4. Research and Innovation
  5. Emerging Excellence
  6. Lifetime Journey


The following people and groups can be nominated:

  • individuals 16 years or older
  • Alberta based organizations, businesses, groups or networks
  • government offices

Ineligible nominations

The following nominations will not be accepted:

  • not a resident of Alberta
  • self-nominations and nominations from immediate family members

How to nominate

Download and complete the nomination form

Email the form and related attachments to: [email protected]

Deadline for nominations: September 13, 2024, 11:59 pm.

After you apply

You will be notified by email once we receive your application.

Recipients will be announced later this fall.

Past award recipients

  • 2022

    Individual awards – Leadership in family violence prevention

    Dr. Liza Lorenzetti

    Dr. Liza Lorenzetti is an Associate Professor at the University of Calgary. Informed by 2 decades of working as a counsellor, community social worker and activist in Alberta, her research focuses on the intersections between family and gender-based violence prevention, anti-racism and social transformation. She has affected policies and practices and strengthened the capacities of leaders, policymakers, researchers and students to advance violence prevention. In only 5 years since her first academic appointment, Dr. Lorenzetti has become a nationally and internationally recognized social work scholar. In 2018, she received the Canadian Association of Social Work Distinguished Service Award.

    Organization awards – Leadership in family violence prevention

    Domestic Abuse Response Team, Alberta Health Services

    The Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) is a collaboration between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and contracted community agencies that provides around-the-clock, no-cost and specialized supports to patients of all genders who are over the age of 16 and experiencing any form of domestic violence. DART is provided in select emergency, urgent care, maternity and acute care departments across Alberta at the point of medical intervention and services are confidential, nonjudgmental and choice-based. The implementation and expansion of DART firmly positions domestic violence as a health issue across AHS and aligns with the recommendations of the Family Violence Death Review Committee to improve the identification of and service provision to patients who are experiencing domestic violence.

    Individual awards – Leadership in sexual violence prevention

    Bev Moghrabi

    Bev Moghrabi has been involved in post-secondary education student support services for over 30 years at a rural northern Alberta college. In 2015, Bev was asked to co-lead a federal government initiative to address sexual violence on Alberta post-secondary campuses. A common sexual violence prevention template policy was developed. Subsequently, collaborative sexual violence workshops and training sessions were offered to post-secondary institutions, building the foundation for current practice. Bev also addressed a gap in sexual violence counselling services in the Lac La Biche community through community planning group sessions and advocacy with the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services.

    Organization awards – Leadership in sexual violence prevention

    Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre’s Education Program

    The Education Program at the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre is a primary prevention-focused program designed to prevent sexual violence through the promotion of healthy relationships, skill-building, violence awareness and prevention education presentations. The program engages and supports schools throughout the central Alberta region with age-appropriate sessions, strength-based approaches and by incorporating a variety of learning methods.

    Individual awards – Leadership in bullying prevention

    Manwar Khan

    Manwar Khan is an Alberta based community advocate against bullying and violence. His campaign, Do Not Be a Bystander, seeks to create awareness against bullying and violence and the need to intervene as a bystander. Since the creation of his campaign, Manwar has hosted 32 rallies in different cities across Alberta.

    Organization awards – Leadership in bullying prevention

    Two Wheel View

    Since 2006, Two Wheel View has been using the bicycle as a vehicle for change in the lives of young people. Two Wheel View envisions a community where youth have the tools they need to reach their full potential. Through their programs, youth aged 12 to 24 have the opportunity to find a sense of belonging, build community, learn new skills and connect with adult mentors. Youth in these programs are achieving incredible outcomes, including greater confidence, empathy and leadership skills, as well as positive relationships with adults and peers, attending more days at school and even accessing new employment opportunities.

    Individual awards – Leadership in child abuse prevention

    Dr. Gina Dimitropoulos

    Dr. Gina Dimitropoulos is making significant contributions to preventing child abuse in Alberta. Through partnerships with diverse agencies across the province (in education, law enforcement, healthcare and child welfare), she determined that online sexual exploitation is nearly as common as in-person sexual abuse. Dr. Dimitropoulos is now working with her Alberta partners to improve the ability of front-line professionals to respond to suspicions of online sexual exploitation. She is also designing and testing new mental health treatments for children impacted by abuse as a means to end the cycle of abuse and mitigate intergenerational trauma.

    Individual – Innovation award

    Naheed Amjad-Minhas

    Naheed Amjad-Minhas was born and raised in Pakistan and moved to Canada in 2002. She holds a Masters in General Psychology and a Masters of Philosophy in Applied Psychology from Pakistan. Naheed carries a wealth of experience in working with immigrant, newcomer and refugee families experiencing violence. She has been involved with the Islamic Family Social Services Association since 2011 and is currently their Programs Lead. Naheed sits as chair of the Ethno-Cultural Family Violence Committee since 2017 and is involved with the "Family Violence Across the Lifespan” team that provides family violence prevention training to service providers in Edmonton and the area. She is also an advanced grief recovery method specialist and supports those who are grieving any loss in their lives. In 2018, Naheed was the recipient of the Peace in Families Award for her outstanding work in ending family violence.

    Individual – Emerging excellence award

    Kelsey Friesen

    Kelsey Friesen is the Outreach Lead at Students for Consent Culture Canada. She is also a first-year Master of Science in Occupational Therapy student at the University of Alberta. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in Honours Sociology at MacEwan University in 2019. Her thesis examined Canadian post-secondary sexual violence policies and campus community members’ knowledge of and perceptions of these policies, for which she won MacEwan University’s Ending Sexual Violence Research Award in 2020. During her time at MacEwan, she also served as a member and student vice-chair of the unique group, University Students Offering Leadership on Violence Elimination.

    Lifetime achievement award

    Barbara Barber

    Barbara currently works for Sagesse as a consultant for the Building the Architecture Design project. In this role, she is supporting collective impact initiatives throughout the province to eradicate domestic and sexual violence within their communities. In March of 2021, she retired as the Executive Director of the Outreach Centre in Red Deer after 23 years of service. The focus of her work was domestic violence, homelessness, effects of poverty on the lives of those in the community and community collaboration. Prior to her 23 years with the agency, she spent seven years working with persons with developmental disabilities through the Michener Centre and at-risk youth with Heritage Family Services.

  • 2020

    Individual awards – Leadership in family violence prevention

    Paul Kent, Calgary

    As a Clinical Social Worker, Paul has held a variety of positions since achieving a Masters of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Calgary in 2002. His roles have included direct care, program management and development, supervision and teaching. Most recently, his practice has emphasized family violence and healthy relationships. The inherent complexities and challenges related to relationships are well known, yet often difficult to address. To this end, his passion has prompted developing a tool to support people in their relationships and he feels optimistic it will have a positive effect, as it is being met with encouraging response.

    Christine Berry, Calgary

    Christine is a Registered Psychologist and works as the Director of Family Violence Prevention Initiatives at Calgary Counselling Centre. She has worked in the area of family violence counselling and prevention for over 23 years in Alberta. Christine has a Master of Science in Counselling Psychology from the University of Calgary. She is the recipient of two awards for her work in the family violence field: the Selinger Award, honouring her dedication and courage in the family violence sector through HomeFront, and the Group Therapy Appreciation Award for Creative Programming through the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association.

    Carlene Donnelly, Calgary

    Carlene is the Executive Director of Calgary Urban Projects Society (CUPS), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families overcome the challenges of poverty and trauma. Carlene is widely recognized as a leader in the community for building collaborative and holistic services in the areas of health care, education and social services. She has been involved with numerous advisory and steering committees working with all levels of government to develop strategies, policies and recommendations surrounding the challenges of poverty and trauma. Having completed her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of Prince Edward Island, Carlene received her Master of Education Degree from the University of New Brunswick and her Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix.

    Organization awards – Leadership in family violence prevention

    The Today Family Violence Help Centre, Edmonton

    The Today Family Violence Help Centre works collaboratively with partners to provide comprehensive services, including intake, assessment, referral and case navigation support, to those experiencing family violence. Through public education and awareness raising efforts, training and workshops, including Family Violence Across the Lifespan, the Today Centre builds capacity in others to recognize and respond to family violence. The Today Centre distributes over 13,000 copies of the It Starts Today booklet annually.

    Stop Abuse in Families Society (SAIF), St. Albert

    For over 30 years, the St. Albert Stop Abuse in Families (SAIF) Society has provided free services to individuals and families that have witnessed and/or experienced the traumatic effects of abuse and violence. SAIF provides supports to almost 500 families each year through their Individual and Group Counselling programs for adults and youth, Elder Abuse Response program, Healthy Relationships for Youth Education programs, and many other services. Their work has informed and supported agencies and families in St. Albert, Sturgeon County and the surrounding smaller rural communities in building resiliency, awareness, and prevention of domestic abuse and violence.

    Islamic Family & Social Services Association (IFSSA), Edmonton

    IFSSA is a culturally and spiritually sensitive social service provider whose services are open to all. IFSSA works on addressing the security, safety and growth needs of its clients through a range of programming that includes culturally appropriate food hampers, crisis support, domestic violence intervention, refugee support, preventive youth programming and more. IFSSA has been the leading voice against domestic violence in the Alberta Muslim community for over 25 years.

    High Level Community Policing Society (HLCPS), High Level

    HLCPS was created in order to oversee the Regional Victim Services Unit, Citizen’s on Patrol, D.A.R.E. program, and development of a Domestic Violence Response Unit. It is run by a volunteer Board of Directors and a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Liaison Officer. In 2010, the HLCPS created the Domestic Violence Response Unit, partnering with the local RCMP, Probation, Child and Family Services, Victim Services, and the local women’s shelter. The program grew and broke down barriers, recognizing that to effectively deal with the high rates of domestic violence in the region, the root cause, ‘trauma’, had to be addressed. As a result of programming dealing with the root cause, the High Level RCMP region has noted a measurable 31% decrease in domestic violence-related incidents.

    Business awards – Leadership in family violence prevention

    Higgerty Law, Calgary

    Higgerty Law is a firm in Calgary. Many of their cases involve working with victims of crime where injurious conduct has occurred. The Principal Counsel, Mr. Patrick Higgerty, has prioritized training all staff in Informed Trauma Care. This approach acknowledges treatment of claimants who have experienced trauma. It is a sustainability effort by Higgerty Law to offer this unique service that respects each survivor’s recovery from traumatic events. Research shows that victims can often be traumatized during the legal process. Higgerty Law’s mission is to avoid this traumatization.

    Individual awards – Leadership in prevention of sexual violence

    Dr. Kiara Mikita, Calgary

    Dr. Mikita is an independent educator and researcher, and a faculty member at the University of Calgary. She has studied sexual violence for over a decade, including the effects of victim blaming on sexual violence prevention and the effects forensic science-based entertainment have on prospective jurors. She is currently focused on finding ways to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and community building in the different sectors involved in sexual violence prevention and response. She is renowned for her active, engaging teaching and facilitation style and for her creative, “outside of the box” approaches to learning, engagement and community building.

    Tammy Shopland, Lloydminster

    Ms. Shopland, Chief Executive Officer for the Lloydminster Sexual Assault Services, has worked at the centre since 2013. She has been an integral part of sexual violence awareness, education and support in Lloydminster and surrounding area by fostering community connections and supporting trauma survivors. Tammy passionately stays at the forefront of changing public perception about sexual violence, and believes in supporting gender equality as many diverse people have walked through the centre’s doors. Tammy exudes a natural guidance; she is willing to help, and never asks staff to do a job she is not willing to do. She inspires staff to dream big and allows their true passions to shine.

    Organization awards – Leadership in prevention of sexual violence

    Bow Valley Harmony Project, Banff

    The Harmony Project is a coming together of service providers to end sexual assault and sexual harassment in the Bow Valley—a service area that encapsulates Lake Louise, Banff, Canmore, Exshaw, Kananaskis, and Lac Des Arc. The key focus of the Harmony Project is sexual violence prevention and awareness, training for service providers and community members, and enhancing direct services for survivors and their support people. The project is supported by the Government of Alberta and the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services.

    MacEwan University, Edmonton

    MacEwan Anti-Violence Education Network (MAVEN) offered by MacEwan University’s Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response, provides over 50 hours of training to students to become Peer Educators. In turn, they create a culture of consent at MacEwan through workshop facilitation and outreach activities. Powered by Peer Educators, MAVEN increases awareness of sexual violence and consent while improving relationships with the MacEwan student population.

    Individual awards – Leadership in bullying prevention

    Caroline Gosling (Missal), Edmonton

    Caroline has been an educator for 34 years, always invested in creating environments that are caring, respectful, and safe for all. She has worked as a teacher, consultant and principal, and with the Government of Alberta (secondment). Caroline holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and is a certified Community Conferencing Facilitator. Caroline is a past board member of the Hope Foundation, the Zebra Child Protection Society, and the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society. She is currently past chair of the Alberta Restorative Justice Association and now does work with the International Institute for Restorative Practices.

    Brett Todd, Cold Lake

    Born in Cold Lake, Brett grew up as a base brat in a number of military communities across Canada. He graduated in 1992, and then attended Bishop's University for Computer Science. After three years, he switched to a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He graduated in 1998, and then he worked in mental health, for supports for independent living, prior to taking a position at Assumption School as the Family Outreach Worker in 2003. Brett completed his master’s degree in Counselling Psychology with Yorkville University in 2018. He is married, with one lovely daughter. He loves rugby, snowboarding, gaming and outdoor pursuits. Brett has made a significant contribution helping students at Assumption School and in the Cold Lake area to help build resiliency in the face of adversity.

    Individual – Innovation Award

    Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens, Calgary

    Dr. Exner-Cortens is making major contributions to preventing adolescent dating violence and building healthy youth relationships. Since completing her PhD in 2014, she has been awarded over $1.3 million to conduct cutting-edge dating violence prevention research and deliver prevention programming in Alberta. Her research particularly focuses on violence prevention with adolescent boys, an extremely pressing need in the province. She also led evaluation of the province-wide implementation of school- and community-based dating violence prevention activities, as part of the Alberta Healthy Youth Relationships Strategy. Dr. Exner-Cortens’ work is making life better for youth across the province.

    Organization – Innovation Award

    Ever Active Schools (EAS), Edmonton

    EAS is a provincial initiative designed to create and support healthy school communities. They engage and support schools through a Comprehensive School Health approach, which addresses health and education goals to improve the social outcomes of children and youth in Alberta. Through collaborative partnerships, project-based work, knowledge exchange and competency-based learning opportunities, EAS spearheads meaningful collaboration between the health, education, recreation and active living sectors. They recognize and value diverse abilities, identities, cultures and ways of knowing. EAS practices a strengths-based approach, humbly acknowledging that they do not know all the answers; they are continually learning how to better partner with, support and inspire diverse communities.

    Lifetime Achievement Award

    Penny Mickanuck, Grande Prairie

    In her 28 years as Executive Director of the John Howard Society of Grande Prairie, Penny has demonstrated leadership in building local programs and capacity to prevent domestic violence. She pioneered the use of the narrative therapeutic approach within Alberta for treatment for people who have been abusive in their relationships. She brought innovative training opportunities to Grande Prairie, organizing more than 10 community-training events on topics such as Narrative Therapy and Intelligent Compassion in Group Therapy. Through her perseverance, dedication and collaboration, she has made a difference in Grande Prairie while demonstrating compassion and belief in individuals.

  • 2018

    Individual Awards – Leadership in Family Violence Prevention

    Ashley Lim, YWCA Edmonton

    Ashley Lim is YWCA Edmonton’s Director of Counselling Services and Youth Programming as well a registered psychologist. Under her leadership, the YWCA has grown significantly and become a sought-after teaching facility specializing in family violence. Ashley’s re-visioning of YWCA Youth Programs created effective violence prevention curriculum for Edmonton youth. Her empathy and expertise has helped many Albertans move from crisis to resilience.

    Dr. Dahlia ElShafie-Mostafa

    Dahlia ElShafie-Mostafa is the president and CEO of the Canadian Life Transformation Academy, an educational academy and social enterprise focusing on family, development and leadership. Dahlia is a professional certified master life coach, marriage and youth counsellor, and leadership consultant and trainer. She works with families and community members using a coaching and counselling approach that is tailored to their needs. She works to help them revive their relationships, while improving their well-being, balance, and development.

    Wendy Aujla

    Wendy Aujla is a PhD candidate with the University of Alberta’s Sociology Department and an activist within the family violence prevention movement in Canada. Her research explores the perceptions of honour-based crimes from police officers and civilians working in Alberta policing agencies. As an applied sociologist and criminologist, she uses her research to inform government, academia, the Canadian criminal justice system, and the public on responses to violence against women. Wendy is actively engaged in family violence research and is passionate about building safer communities free from violence.

    Mana Ali, Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers

    Mana Ali joined the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers as a social worker over two decades ago and recently joined the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative where she support immigrants settling and integrating their life in Canada. Mana helps build capacity of women and girls within the context of gender equality and promotes the healthy relationships within newcomer families and communities. She helps individuals gain a strong sense of self either by working on family issues in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways or by supporting women in leaving violent relationships. With Mana’s help through counselling and community/peer support, women increase their confidence in navigating their lives in Canada.

    Organization Awards – Leadership in Family Violence Prevention

    Stepping Up, Mount Royal University

    Mount Royal University’s Stepping Up project addresses a significant gap in programming for post-secondary students, the majority who are in the age group at highest risk for relationship violence. It is a peer-facilitated project that works with community partners and faculty to design and deliver curriculum to other youth. Up to 60 students annually participate in discussions related to healthy relationships, sexual relationships, bystander intervention and the impact of gender and media. This project raises awareness about healthy relationships and bystander behaviour.

    Catholic Social Services - Immigration and Settlement Service

    Catholic Social Services - Immigration and Settlement Service has been supporting newcomer families to settle, adapt and rebuild their lives in Edmonton and central Alberta for over 55 years. The agency developed and offers a comprehensive range of culturally and linguistically diverse programs, including services and approaches that support families and aim to prevent family violence. Four key programs aimed at addressing family violence within the newcomer communities are Cross-Cultural Counselling, Tea Connections, Parenting in Two Cultures and the Men’s Conversation Group.

    Athabasca and Area Prevention of Relationship Abuse Action Committee

    Athabasca and Area Prevention of Relationship Abuse Action Committee (PRAAC) is a volunteer non-profit, community collaboration grass roots committee operating in Athabasca since 2006. PRAAC conducts educational/awareness campaigns in the community to promote the healthy relationship model both to youth and the entire community and provides advocacy for social agencies in the region that deal with family violence. PRAAC’s efforts have made a difference in addressing the issue of family violence and realizing their vision: “All people have the right to live within safe and respectful relationships wherever they live, learn, work, play or pray.”

    Business Awards – Leadership in Family Violence Prevention

    Echo Promotions

    Echo Promotions’ CEO, Ward Campanelli, has been a supporter of WIN House for over a decade. Ward has continued to support WIN House through campaigns, golf tournaments, galas and staff-related events both as a champion and advocate for the WIN House and the human rights issue of domestic violence. Echo Promotions has become a model of compassion, belief and inspiration to other business leaders in the community.

    Individual Awards – Leadership in Prevention of Sexual Violence

    Kari Thomason, Métis Child and Family Services Society

    A fierce advocate for missing and murdered Indigenous women and men, Kari is a voice for those who need support and strength in their most vulnerable times. She has helped those involved in the sex trade and their families through the Métis Child and Family Services Society’s SNUG Program since its inception in 2005. An advocate and educator who details the harsh realities of the sex industry, Kari assists and supports individuals who wish to leave the sex trade and find new positive beginnings.

    Arden Mathieson

    Arden is a third year law student at Thompson Rivers University with a keen interest in human rights, women’s issues and access to justice. She spent two terms serving Edmonton’s most vulnerable women as a Summer Law Clerk at the Edmonton Community Legal Centre. In 2017, Arden worked for West Coast LEAF to develop a workshop about sexual violence entitled “Only Yes Means Yes!” She spends her time and energy supporting the Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton, the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre and Elizabeth Fry Society’s Courtwork Program.

    Organization Awards – Leadership in Prevention of Sexual Violence

    NorQuest College

    NorQuest College’s sexual violence policy is an important component to their vision and commitment to the prevention of sexual violence on many levels. NorQuest’s Sexual Violence Support and Awareness Team formed and developed a comprehensive and leading edge sexual violence policy that empowers individuals to seek support. The policy includes a framework for reporting and investigating incidents of sexual violence. They have also created events on healthy relationships, sexual violence prevention, consent awareness and a First Responder to Sexual Assault and Abuse training. They have presented information sessions and brought in a number of community resources on campus.

    Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse

    Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) has been the primary sexual abuse and sexual assault crisis and education service provider for Calgary and surrounding areas for 19 years. CCASA strives to enhance the health and well-being of the community through responsible and effective programs in sexual abuse education, research and advocacy, crisis intervention and counselling. CCASA was instrumental in working with the Calgary Police Service to become the first major police service in Canada to implement “The Philadelphia Model”, a case review model that is considered the Gold Standard in sexual assault investigations.

    Individual Awards – Leadership in Prevention of Child Abuse

    Rosanna Saccomani, K.C.

    Rosanna Saccomani promotes healthy relationships through a variety of roles. Her Honour Rosanna Saccomani is an Alberta Court of Justice Judge and a mom of two who was inspired to create Kids Kottage Foundation in 1995. As a co-founding member, past Chair and current Board Director of Kids Kottage Foundation, she is dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect and supporting families. Her efforts have helped over 25,000 children in more than two decades since Edmonton’s first and only crisis nursery opened.

    Glori Meldrum

    Glori Meldrum founded Little Warriors in 2008 as she was inspired to help all children who had been sexually abused because of her past experience as a survivor of child sexual abuse. She currently sits as the Board Chair of Little Warriors and is committed to the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse nationally. In addition to being a Little Warrior herself, she is a business owner, mother, wife and philanthropist. Glori is also involved in a number of local not-for-profit organizations including The Good Samaritan Society, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation and The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

    Organization Awards – Leadership in Prevention of Child Abuse

    Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre

    The Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre (SKCAC) has an integrated collaborative approach that improves timelines in the assessment and investigation of child abuse cases. The SKCAC runs education programs and public awareness campaigns, does research, and has meetings with government year round to bring the issue of child abuse to the forefront. Their collaborative and integrative response is breaking down barriers and effecting systemic change.

    Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre

    The Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre is a not-for-profit organization working collaboratively in a culturally relevant and trauma-informed system. They blend investigation, treatment, prevention, education and research with expertise to provide an integrated practice approach for children. They are always working in the best interest of the child.

    Individual Awards – Leadership in Bullying Prevention

    Emma Potter

    As the Helplines Manager at Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton, Emma oversees the contact centre, which responds to calls for the Edmonton Distress Line, 211, Family Violence Info Line and Bullying Helpline. She has built links between community organizations and the helplines to ensure clients get the support they need. Emma has responded to countless calls from those experiencing abuse and has helped them feel heard and supported as they look for a path forward.

    Elizabeth Ly

    Elizabeth Ly began working for the Calgary Police Service to develop and coordinate the Hate Hurts program, focussed on delivering presentations to youth at schools and public events. The program has expanded to provide a train-the-trainer handbook for policing agencies. Through the past 13 years, Elizabeth has delivered over 3,500 presentations. Elizabeth is passionate about promoting an inclusive society where everyone is free to be themselves regardless of nationality, gender, sexuality, socio-economic standing or any other factor that people use to categorize themselves or others.

    Organization Awards – Leadership in Bullying Prevention

    YELL Youth Council, Synergy Youth and Community Development Society

    Synergy is a not-for-profit organization that cultivates the development of leadership and wellness education programs in Chestermere, Langdon and SE Rocky View. Its YELL (Youth Encouraging Lasting Leadership) program empowers youth through volunteerism, social activism, and self-determination. The YELL Youth Council started the Pretty in Pink Initiative in 2014 as a way to bring awareness to bullying prevention, as well as other local organizations that work to prevent bullying.

    iHuman Youth Society

    In 1997, a few Edmontonians came together to solve a problem: there were too many marginalized young people on city streets. iHuman Youth Society established a youth-driven model built around creativity which now engages over 500 youth impacted by the negative outcomes of poverty, intergenerational trauma, addiction, mental illness, violence, racism, discrimination, unhealthy relationships and exploitation. In co-creating journeys of healing, they foster opportunities for personal development, wellbeing and social change.

    Emerging Excellence Award

    Tina Guo

    Tina Guo’s drive, self-accountability, and vision allowed her to singlehandedly found the Students Against Domestic Abuse Association (SADAA) in 2016, which is the first student-run initiative of its kind in Canada. SADAA is currently a member agency of the Calgary Domestic Violence Collective, consisting of 70 local member agencies collaborating to address domestic abuse locally. Inspired by the struggles of a friend who survived domestic abuse, Tina started the much-needed SADAA. She has volunteered countless hours over the past two years to build the foundation for a campus-wide support network for individuals who have experienced domestic abuse—including family violence, sexual violence and child abuse. She has continued to be a role model and advocate for those experiencing abuse, and—through her relentless commitment to improving the lives of survivors—has helped to change the culture surrounding domestic abuse at the University of Calgary and in the wider community.

    Innovation Award

    Dr. Gaye Warthe, Mount Royal University

    Gaye Warthe, an Associate Dean at Mount Royal University (MRU), has devoted much of her career and her research to the study of family violence. She is well respected and a widely-published academic who has presented at over 50 conferences. She has developed family violence screening/education protocols for 64 organizations in Calgary, including Calgary Regional Health Authority emergency and urgent care departments, Calgary Police Service, Children’s Services and both Calgary Education Boards. In 2008, Dr. Warthe began a longitudinal study on dating violence and prevalence at MRU—the largest multi-year incidence and prevalence study on this issue in Canada. The study resulted in the development of “Stepping Up”, a peer-facilitated dating and family violence prevention project. This project has since been adopted by a number of post-secondary institutions in Alberta and Ontario. As the project lead, Gaye developed the Dating Relationship Scale and has completed an environmental scan looking at dating violence, domestic and sexual violence policies and programs in 48 Canadian post-secondary institutions.

    Lifetime Achievement Awards

    Carolyn Goard, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS)

    Carolyn Goard’s contributions to building a world free from violence and abuse are significant. She has always been a strong and early advocate for children’s programming, recognizing the impact that trauma and domestic violence has on child development. Whether as a clinical psychologist, a manager with the YWCA, or Director of Member Services with ACWS, she pioneered the use of sector data to inform practice. Carolyn also significantly advanced a key vision of the shelter movement to invest in training of shelter staff so they have the best possible tools and approaches available to support women, children and seniors escaping violence. Over the years she has provided support to women and shelter staff in building healthy relationships and identifying interventions that work to end violence against women.

    Dr. Robbie Babins-Wagner

    Over the course of her 36-year career, Robbie Babins-Wagner (PhD, RSW) has made extensive contributions to mental health services and domestic violence prevention in Alberta. Dr. Babins-Wagner is the CEO of Calgary Counselling Centre and an Adjunct Professor and Sessional Instructor at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary. Robbie introduced changes to the domestic abuse and family violence programs at Calgary Counselling Centre to include programs created for women who are abusive in relationships and men who are victims of abuse. She has won numerous achievement and leadership awards for her work, including the Grant MacEwan Lifetime Achievement Award from the City of Calgary. Robbie is also an author and has made numerous presentations in Canada, the US, Europe and Israel.


For more information on the Inspiration Awards contact:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-5916
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

Inspiration Awards
Prevention of Family Violence and Abuse
Children and Family Services
4th floor, Forestry Building
9920 108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4