Highway 3 functional planning studies

Studies exploring possible upgrades to sections of Highway 3.


Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors has completed functional planning studies for 3 parts of Highway 3, from:

  • Sentinel to Pincher Station
  • the Town of Taber to west of the Hamlet of Burdett
  • West of Seven Persons to Medicine Hat

Sentinel to Pincher Station

This study focused on upgrading a 50 km section of Highway 3, a key part of Canada’s National Highway System connecting southern Alberta to neighbouring provinces. 

  • Study parameters

    The study defined:

    • design standards
    • access locations
    • identified the staging needed to upgrade the existing 2-lane, undivided section to a 4-lane classification and configuration

    The study considered:

    • physical constraints
    • mountainous terrain
    • wildlife passages
    • environmental and cultural sensitivities

    The study also identified the best achievable alignment and access management provisions.

  • Executive summaries

  • Timelines

    The study was completed in Fall 2019.

  • Consultant

    ISL Engineering and Land Services

Taber to Burdett

This study identified phased options for upgrading the highway to a twinned freeway corridor and determined future interchange locations.

  • Study parameters

    The study sought to identify staged options to:

    • upgrade the existing 4-lane urban divided and 2-lane undivided highway to a twinned freeway corridor
    • identify access management via an estimated 5 interchange locations

    The existing twinned segment through the Town of Taber and the undivided segment through the Hamlet of Grassy Lake may need to be realigned with bypass routes around Taber and Grassy Lake to conform with National Highways System standards.

  • Executive summary

  • Timelines

    The study was completed in Fall 2019.

  • Consultant

    Consultant: Stantec Consulting Ltd.

West of Seven Persons to Medicine Hat

This study will define the twinning of Highway 3 from West of Seven Persons to Range Road 63.

  • Study purpose

    The purpose of this study is to define the twinning of Highway 3 from West of Seven Persons to Range Road 63, including the development of future interchange plans at key locations. This is generally the area from the Hamlet of Whitla to the City of Medicine Hat.

    The main study objectives are:

    • Develop twinning alignment, recommended plan/profiles, and right of way plans within the study area;
    • Develop interchange plan/profiles at key locations
    • Develop storm water drainage master plan within the study area
    • Develop initial and ultimate stage ‘A’ level opinion of probable cost; and
    • Undertake public consultation process.
  • Executive summary

  • Timelines

    This study was completed in Fall 2013.

  • Consultant

    Consultant: Stantec Consulting Ltd.


For more information on Highway 3 planning studies contact the Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors Southern Region Office:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)

Jerry Lau, P. Eng
Infrastructure Manager
Phone: 403-297-8633
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

3rd Floor, Administration Building
909 3 Avenue North
Lethbridge, Alberta  T1H 0H5