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Wetland Replacement Program

Municipalities and non-profits can apply for funding to construct or restore wetlands.

Important dates

The Wetland Replacement Program accepts applications year-round. Interested municipalities can request more information by emailing: [email protected].


The Wetland Replacement Program aims to re-establish wetlands in partnership with Albertans by providing resources for collaborative restoration projects across the province. Wetlands are a vital part of Alberta’s ecological landscape and necessary for a sustainable economy and healthy communities.

Mandate and focus

The mandate of the Wetland Replacement Program is to facilitate the replacement of wetlands within all municipalities and watersheds across Alberta, prioritizing:

  • watersheds which have had the greatest loss of wetlands since 2015
  • areas with the highest rates of loss historically

The Wetland Replacement Program focuses on fostering partnerships with municipalities and non profit organizations that have a vested interest in wetland replacement. These partners work with private or public landowners to help achieve shared outcomes for wetland replacement and conservation.

Related legislation and policy

The Wetland Replacement Program is an implementation tool of the Alberta Wetland Policy (AWP). The AWP was developed by the Alberta government and stakeholders in 2013, to conserve, restore, protect and manage Alberta’s wetlands in ways that sustain the benefits they provide to the environment, society, and economy.

About the program

  • Funding

    The Alberta government has funding available for eligible wetland replacement projects and is seeking to establish partnerships with more municipalities and non-profit organizations.

    The Alberta Wetland Policy outlines a framework that aims to avoid or minimize impacts to wetlands, and replace wetlands where loss is unavoidable. Where wetland loss is unavoidable, a wetland replacement fee can be paid to the Alberta government through the Water Act approval process. Revenue from these fees fund the Wetland Replacement Program.

  • Eligible projects

    Wetland replacement includes the following activities:

    • Wetland Restoration: Returning natural/historic area and hydrological functions to a drained, partially drained, or filled-in wetland.
    • Wetland Construction: Creating a wetland on a site that was historically non-wetland.
  • Who can apply

    Municipalities and non-profit organizations that are committed to identifying and undertaking wetland replacement projects within priority watersheds are eligible to participate in the Wetland Replacement Program.

    Private landowners should contact their local municipality or contact the Wetland Replacement Program directly to inquire about program partners in your area.

How to apply

Municipalities and non-profit originations that are committed to undertaking projects can contact the Wetland Replacement Program directly at:

  • After you apply

    Program participants will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and partner with the Alberta government to develop and complete projects.

    The MOU will allow the participant to submit proposals for wetland replacement projects to the Alberta government for approval. The MOU is a three year commitment to participate in the program with participants aiming to complete one new project each year.

  • Reporting

    Program participants enter into a 5-year contract with the Alberta government. Construction activities are typically completed in year one, followed by four years of monitoring of the newly established wetland. Program participants are required to submit annual reports to the Wetland Replacement Program outlining project progress and any achievements. After 5 years, program participants are required to submit a final report at the conclusion of their project that reports on the success of wetland establishment.


For further information or to apply for wetland project funding and partnership opportunities, connect with the Wetland Replacement Program.

Hours: 8 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 310-3773 (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]