Part of Drought

Drought and Flood Protection Program

Municipalities and Indigenous communities can apply for funding to help build drought and flood protection projects.

Important dates

The application period for 2025/26 Drought and Flood Protection Program funding will open on October 1 and close on November 29.


The Drought and Flood Protection Program (DFPP) is a multi-year grant program to help municipalities and Indigenous communities improve their long-term resilience to drought and floods events.

The DFPP will help fund the design and construction of projects that protect critical infrastructure from flooding and drought and help to ensure public safety is protected.

Budget 2024 allocated $25 million per year from 2024/25 through 2028/29 for the Drought and Flood Protection Program.


Eligible applicants

Municipalities, improvement districts, special areas, Métis settlements and First Nations will all be eligible to apply for DFPP funding.

Eligible projects

Projects eligible for funding under the Drought and Flood Protection Program include are but not limited to:

  • Drought and flood proofing or relocation of critical infrastructure.
    • Critical infrastructure includes water, wastewater and stormwater works, as well as infrastructure used to access those services (including roads and transportation corridors, commercial and residential areas).
  • Structural measures, such as berms, flood walls, bank protection and stabilization works, retention ponds and diversion structures intended to protect critical infrastructure and ensure public safety.
  • Purchase of property for the purpose of relocation or for access to and/or construction of a project.
  • Bio-retention infrastructure designed to increase flood attenuation and reduce the impacts of drought.

Applications for ‘shovel ready’ projects are strongly encouraged, but all projects that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered for funding.

Funding details

A funding cap of $10 million per project is in place to ensure the program is able to support multiple projects each year. There is no minimum funding requirement for applications to the DFPP.

All approved projects will be cost-shared, with the Government of Alberta covering up to 70% of total eligible costs and the grant recipient(s) covering the remaining 30%.

Regulatory requirements

Approval under the DFPP is only a commitment to fund the project and does not equal approval to construct. All required regulatory authorizations must be secured prior to commencing construction.

Authorizations under the Water Act and Public Lands Act are the primary regulatory requirements for most projects. Projects may also require authorization from other agencies.

How to apply

Refer to the program overview and application guidelines document or email the Drought and Flood Protection Program to learn more about the application process and to ensure project eligibility.

Complete an application form and submit it by email to [email protected] on or before the November 29 deadline.

Approved grants

View approved grants, recipients and project details from past rounds of Drought and Flood Protection Program funding.

Resources for grant recipients


For more information on the Drought and Flood Protection Program:

Toll free: 310-3773 (in Alberta)
Toll free in Canada: 1-877-944-0313
International: 780-944-0313
Email: [email protected]