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Part of Legislation

Using the OHS legislation search tool

Learn how to use the search tool to quickly access, print and share individual sections of OHS legislation.

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Find OHS legislation

The OHS legislation search tool provides 2 ways to access OHS legislation information:

  • navigate directly to the act, regulation or code
  • use the search bar to compile information on a specific topic from all 3 legislation sources at once

Browse legislation

If you do not know exactly what you are looking for, you can browse through each of the OHS legislation components:

  • navigate to the Legislation section of the site
  • select the desired act, regulation or code
  • browse the contents

Use the search bar

My Quick Reference enables you to compile relevant sections of legislation that you can download, print or email for future reference:

  1. To populate your quick reference, use the ‘Add to My Quick Reference’ prompts that are located at the end of every section within the search tool.
  2. The sections you have saved will appear in their corresponding parent category (act code or regulation) in your Quick Reference.
  3. Choose from the buttons on the right side of the page to save your quick reference sections.

Important: The tool does not save your search results. If you exit the page or close your browser, you will have to recompile your quick reference sections.


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