The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that owners register their radiation equipment with the Alberta government. This can be done by contacting suitable authorized agencies.
Learn about the steps needed to register your radiation equipment.
Registering your equipment
Certain professional colleges, associations and academic institutions can register radiation equipment.
Table 1. List of agencies that can register your type of equipment:
Authorized radiation health registration agencies | ||
Agency | Radiation equipment | Type of facilities |
Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships 5308 48 Avenue Registrar: 587-273-1634 |
| Installed or operated within research, education, industrial, commercial, correctional, entertainment and other health related facilities.
Alberta College of Optometrists #102 8407 Argyll Road NW Phone: 780-466-5999 |
| Installed or operated within optometrist facilities.
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association Commerce South Office Park, Building E Phone: 780-489-5007 |
| Installed or operated within veterinary clinics and veterinary education facilities.
College of Chiropractors of Alberta 11203 70 Street NW Phone: 780-420-0932 |
| Installed or operated within chiropractic facilities.
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta Suite 402 7609 109 Street NW Phone: 780-432-1012 |
| Installed or operated within dental facilities, including dental education facilities, but excluding dental facilities owned by Alberta Health Services.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta #2700, 10020 100 Street NW Phone: 780-423-4764 |
| Installed or operated within private and public medical facilities, public dental facilities, medical education facilities and podiatry facilities.
Health, Safety and Environment Department Phone: 780-492-5655 |
| Radiation equipment operated within university facilities by staff and students.
Environmental Health & Safety Phone: 403-220-7653 |
| Installed or operated within education and research facilities owned or operated by the University of Calgary.
Inspecting your equipment
Contact a suitable agency on this list to set up an inspection date.
Table 2. List of agencies that can inspect and test your equipment
Authorized radiation protection inspection agencies | ||
Agency | Radiation equipment | Type of facilities |
A Plus Imaging and Radiation Safety Ltd. Office: Vancouver |
| Installed or operated within medical facilities throughout Alberta.
Office: Edmonton |
| Installed or operated within dental, medical, chiropractic, veterinary, education and research facilities throughout Alberta.
Elevated Imaging Consultants Inc. Phone: 825-963-9808 Email: [email protected] |
| Installed or operated within dental, medical, chiropractic, veterinary, education, physical therapy, industrial, commercial, research and entertainment facilities throughout Alberta.
Office: Edmonton |
| Installed or operated within dental, medical, chiropractic, veterinary, education, physical therapy, industrial, commercial, research and entertainment facilities throughout Alberta.
N&S Med Physics Inc. Phone: 587-434-1092
| Installed or operated within dental and medical facilities throughout Alberta.
RadMan Radiation Management Services Ltd. Office: Calgary |
| Installed or operated within dental, medical, chiropractic, veterinary, education, physical therapy, industrial, commercial, research and entertainment facilities throughout Alberta.
Alberta Health Services Radiation Inspection Agency Phone: 1-888-664-1923 |
| Installed or operated within medical, dental, physical therapy and research facilities owned or operated by Alberta Health Services.
Health, Safety and Environment Department |
| Radiation equipment operated within university facilities by staff and students.
Environmental Health and Safety |
| Installed or operated within education, research and veterinary facilities owned or operated by the University of Calgary.
The authority for radiation agencies to perform services and functions is designated to them under Alberta’s Radiation Protection Program.
Connect with OHS:
Phone: 780-415-8690 (Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-866-415-8690
TTY: 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215