The Provincial Parent Advisory Committee (PPAC) provides a voice for parents of children with disabilities whose families receive Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) assistance. The committee ensures there are ongoing discussions between the FSCD program and families. PPAC is made up of a parent from each Regional Parent Advisory Committee (RPAC) across the province, along with government representatives from the Program, Policy and Improvement Division responsible for the FSCD program.
Mandate, roles and conduct
PPAC is guided by the mandate to provide a collective voice that advises on FSCD-related policies and procedures, and to ensure that FSCD legislation and supports continue to have a positive impact on families and their children with disabilities. It does this by:
- listening and connecting with the local disability community through RPAC
- communicating these ideas and concerns to the FSCD program
- meeting a maximum of 6 times per year
PPAC’s Mandate and Roles outline:
- PPAC’s mandate, accountability, roles, responsibilities and duties
- accountability of the Minister who is responsible for PPAC
- responsibilities of the ministry that supports PPAC
- communication requirements between PPAC and ministry
- role and connection between PPAC and RPACs
- review period for the Mandate and Roles Document
PPAC’s Code of Conduct provides a framework for ethical behaviour to support PPAC’s integrity and reputation by:
- defining core values, guiding principles and behavioural standards
- outlining administrative processes
PPAC is linked to RPACs that:
- provide an opportunity for families of children with disabilities to have input into the ongoing direction of the FSCD program through their connection with the PPAC and direct relationship with FSCD Regional Delivery leaders
- provide a family perspective of how the FSCD legislation supports positive outcomes for families and their children with disabilities
- share information between families of children with disabilities and the FSCD program
Any parent of a child with a disability who is receiving support through the FSCD program may apply to become a member of their local RPAC. Please contact your FSCD case worker for more information.
PPAC consists of parents from the RPACs and FSCD program representatives. PPAC is publicly accountable and provides its membership, mandate, roles and code of conduct through the list of public agencies.
View current membership: Public agency member biographies.
Recruitment and appointment
When there are vacancies, the Alberta government recruits and appoints new committee members for up to a 3-year term. Committee members may be reappointed up to a maximum of 10 years based on performance and mutual agreement.
The committee consists of up to 12 parent representatives, including:
- one representative for each of the regions
- one representative from First Nations
- one parent representative appointed by the Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services as committee chair
The committee also includes:
- two regional directors or designates, serving both an urban and a rural region
- the FSCD Statutory Director
Review the Alberta boards web page to find out:
- if the committee or other agencies, boards and commissions are recruiting
- how to apply
- more about serving on public agencies and the work they do
2023-26 strategic plan
The Provincial Parent Advisory Committee developed its 2023-26 Strategic Plan after careful consideration of issues currently affecting families who have children with disabilities in Alberta.
Read the 2023-26 Strategic Plan
Annual reports
View the Committee’s annual reports.
Compensation disclosure
Public sector bodies are required to post online the names and compensation paid to:
- all committee members
- employees who earn over a threshold amount (see Public sector body compensation disclosure)
This is a requirement under the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. The postings are required by June 30 each year and will be maintained for 5 years.
Compensation disclosure file
Download the PPAC’s compensation disclosure (disclosures for 2018 to 2023).
For inquiries about compensation disclosure, including exemption requests, contact [email protected].
Connect with the PPAC Secretariat:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-800-272-8841
Email: [email protected]
Suite 1110
10055 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Y2