Call 310-FIRE (3473) to report a wildfire in a forested area.
Preparing for the threat of wildfire is a shared responsibility.
FireSmartTM is a framework designed to mitigate the risk of and educate residents and stakeholders regarding the potential for large uncontrollable wildfires near communities and critical infrastructure.
Community members, community leaders, industry and all levels of government have a responsibility to lessen the effects of wildfire. FireSmart is the implementation of both prevention and mitigation measures to reduce wildfire threat to Albertans and their communities while balancing the benefits of wildfire on the landscape.
In Alberta, we bundle FireSmart into 3 planning scales: landscape, community and the wildland-urban interface. Industry is another critical component of the provincial FireSmart program and is an important consideration at all 3 FireSmart planning scales.
Visit FireSmart Alberta to learn more about the wildland-urban interface and how you can protect your home, neighbourhood or community from wildfire.
Fire plays a crucial role in the dynamics of fire-dependent ecosystems. It is important to consider the integration of fire and forest management. Integration of fire and sustainable forest management plays an essential role in the design of FireSmart landscapes. Strategic landscape level disturbances provide numerous ecological and wildfire management objectives.
The Government of Alberta, forest companies, industrial operators and other stakeholders all play a vital role at this scale, in collaboration with community and residents.
Information line: 1-866-394-3473 (FYI-FIRE)
Media inquiries: 780-420-1968
Email: [email protected]