Decision-maker notices

Family members or close friends of an adult who needs support will be notified by mail when someone files a decision-maker application.


An adult who has lost the capacity to make decisions needs support. A court order is needed for someone to help the adult by acting as:

When you get a notice

If an adult family member or friend doesn’t have the capacity to make decisions, you might get a notice someone has applied to the court to:

  • become a decision-maker for the adult
  • review their existing role as a decision-maker

When you get your notice, you can choose to:

  • support the application by ignoring the notice
  • oppose the application by responding to the notice

Types of notices

Disregard the notice if you don't oppose the application

If you get a Notice of Application

A court hearing is not scheduled.

To oppose the application, you must ask for a court hearing – by the deadline that is in the Notice of Application – by following these steps:

Step 1. Fill out the form

Form 31: Request for Hearing

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Step 2. Submit the form

Send the form to the OPGT review officer – their contact information will be in the letter.

Step 3. Wait for a hearing date

A letter will be sent to all interested parties involved informing them of the hearing date.

Step 4. Go to the hearing

The person who opposed the application, or their lawyer, must appear in court on the date of the hearing to voice their concerns.

If you get a Notice of Application and Hearing

A court hearing is already scheduled.

If you oppose the application, you or your lawyer must attend the hearing to voice your concerns.


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