What's new
In the 2023-24 school year, all K to 6 students are learning from the new English language arts and literature and mathematics curriculum. In addition, school authorities implemented 3 new K to 3 curriculums with students in classrooms:
In the 2024-25 school year, school authorities will implement the new curriculum in these 3 subjects for grades 4 to 6. They will also have the option to pilot the new draft K to 6 social studies curriculum.
We will continue to take a balanced and measured approach to piloting and implementing the remaining draft K to 6 subjects.
- News: Draft social studies curriculum: Join the conversation (March 14, 2024)

Have your say
The draft K to 6 curriculum was first released on March 29, 2021 for a transparent public review process. Since then, we have been listening to all feedback from classroom piloting and engagement activities.
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Subject areas
The K to 6 curriculum outlines what students will learn in each subject and grade.
Students will gain specific knowledge and foundational skills that will prepare them for the future.