Alberta Crown Prosecution Service

This service conducts criminal prosecutions and strives for just and timely outcomes for the accused, victims and the public.

Service work groups

The Alberta Crown Prosecution Service is made up of these groups:

Crown Prosecution Offices

Through offices across Alberta, Crown prosecutors are responsible for:

  • prosecuting the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act and provincial statute offences
  • working with justice system stakeholders and the community at large to:
    • promote safe communities
    • implement alternative approaches to the administration of justice

Appeals and Specialized Prosecutions

The branch’s responsibilities include:

  • conducting criminal appeals in the:
    • Court of Appeal
    • Supreme Court of Canada
  • prosecutions dealing with:
    • commercial crime
    • occupational health and safety
    • environmental law
    • organized crime
    • technology and internet crime
    • cases requiring mutual international legal assistance
  • addressing complaints of:
    • wrongful convictions
    • miscarriages of justice

Advanced Projects and Traffic Office

This branch is responsible for plea negotiations through the Traffic Ticket Digital Service. This online service is available 24 hours a day to:

  • pay a ticket
  • ask for time to pay
  • plead not guilty
  • ask for a trial date
  • ask for a review by a prosecutor

Operations and Strategic Support Office

The branch’s responsibilities include:

  • Crown bail prosecutors speaking at all first-appearance bail hearings
    • 8 am to midnight, 365 days a year
  • prosecution staff security
  • emergency planning
  • project management
  • workforce planning
  • research, evaluation, and business planning
  • criminal law and prosecution policy advice within the service
  • education and training within the service


Be part of a team that’s dedicated to justice. Positions at the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service include:

To see our latest career opportunities, visit the Government of Alberta jobs website.

Articling program

We help run a 12-month articling program that gives successful applicants experience in a variety of core practice areas.

Summer program

We run a 4-month program in criminal law that gives successful applicants exposure to various aspects of this form of law.

Guidelines for prosecutors

Attorney General guidelines for the Crown Prosecution Service