Mandate letter
The Premier's mandate letter to the Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction outlines the objectives and priorities of the work they will focus on in their role.
Key information
Protecting consumers
- The Business Enforcement Search Tool (BEST) gives Albertans easy and free access to the history of consumer protection enforcement actions against a business.
- The Report a Rip-off tip line (1-877-427-4088) allows consumers and businesses to report suspicious or dishonest activities anonymously.
- The Consumer Alerts program issues proactive warnings about dishonest businesses to help consumers make informed choices.
- Consumer and business tip sheets provide information to help Alberta’s consumers and businesses protect their rights and interests.
Cutting red tape
- Service Alberta is cutting red tape to make life easier for hard-working Albertans. Steps taken to date include updating condo regulations and improving access to online services
- Service Alberta partnered with British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to launch the Multi-jurisdictional Registry Access Service, a hub that slows corporate information sharing between provinces to make extra-provincial registration faster and easier.
- Service Alberta partnered with the Canada Revenue Agency to introduce the Common Business Number, which provides a streamlined application process for newly created corporations, non-profits, partnerships and sole proprietorships. Alberta businesses can incorporate and get their federal business number and tax program account in a single step.
Modernizing government
- MyAlberta eServices brings Government of Alberta services online through a single, convenient access point. Use Account during checkout to save more time.
- New parents can quickly and easily register their newborn’s birth information and order birth certificates online.
- Businesses, non-profits, societies, cooperatives and condominium corporations can now meet and vote online, if their bylaws do not prohibit it.
In focus

Birth registration is now digital, allowing new parents to easily register their newborn’s birth and order a birth certificate online.

As of January 2021, Albertans no longer require expiry stickers on their licence plates.
Dale Nally was sworn in as Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction on October 24, 2022. He previously served as the Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity.
Prior to his service as an elected official, Mr. Nally spent decades in the private sector, where he led and managed business units that generate between $50 million and $80 million in revenue. He has a Masters Degree in Education.
Dale Nally was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for St. Albert-Morinville on April 16, 2019 and was re-elected on May 29, 2023.