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Limit the collection of your support debts

Apply to temporarily stop paying back debt you owe to the Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP).

About stays of enforcement

A stay of enforcement is a court order that can:

  • last up to 9 months
  • give you a break from paying your arrears

You are still responsible for paying your court-ordered maintenance.
The money you owe does not go away.

A stay of enforcement does not:

  • stop the federal government’s collection actions, like garnishing your:
    • employment insurance or
    • tax refund
  • get your driver’s license back if the MEP has suspended it

Go to this MEP page and look under the heading Payor of support for a detailed information sheet about a Stay of enforcement.

Apply for a stay of enforcement

Step 1. Gather your documents

  • complete tax return from the past 3 years
  • Notice of Assessment – a tax status form – from the past 3 years
  • pay stubs or other proof of income for this tax year
  • list of all your assets and debts
  • list of all your monthly expenses

Step 2. Fill out the form

If you don’t want to change your support payments:

Fill out the Application for Stay of Enforcement form.

If you want to change your child support payments:

  1. Fill out the Application for Stay of Enforcement form.
  2. Fill out the forms to change your payments.

If you want to change your spousal / partner support payments:

  1. Fill out the Application for Stay of Enforcement form.
  2. Fill out the forms to change your payments.

Step 3. Submit the forms

Bring your forms to the same court, in the same location, where you’ve either:

  • already been to court with the other parent
  • started any court action that hasn’t gone to court

If you haven’t done either of these things, file your application at any court in Alberta.
