Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination

Landowners and Indigenous communities could nominate oil and gas sites for closure work through the Site Rehabilitation Program.

Program update

An additional 45 days for the Site Rehabilitation Program was granted by the federal government.

All application periods are now closed. Although these deadlines are now closed, detailed information about the program is provided for reference and to provide updates on the program status.

Project completion: For all Periods of the program (Periods 1 to 8), work must be completed and invoices must be submitted for the completed work by February 14, 2023 at 4:30 pm.

Visit the Grant invoicing and payment page for more information to assist with invoice submissions including more details about the common invoice submission decline reasons and the specific page reference to the requirement in the Invoice and Reporting Guidelines.

Nominations through the Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process which were received by March 31, 2022 at 4:30 pm have been posted, however no new site nominations are being accepted.


The following landowners and Indigenous communities could nominate inactive oil and gas sites for closure on land through the Site Rehabilitation Program:

Each group had their own set of instructions to nominate a site, as described below for information purposes. However, new site nominations will not be accepted.

Ways to find a nominated site

View the list of sites, which gives detailed information about all nominated sites at a quick glance, or visit the interactive map of nominated sites, which gives detailed information about each nominated site along with its location on a map of Alberta. Chrome or Firefox are the recommended browsers for both the list and the map.

For help using the map, watch the step-by-step video or read the user guide. (Photographs provided in the list and the map have been submitted by nominators and are for information purposes only.)

To identify the licensee responsible for the nominated sites, use the listed surface location to search for:

The list of sites includes nominated sites from landowners and on First Nations reserves and Metis Settlements.

The licensee decides if the work will be completed. Nominating a site did not guarantee that the work would be completed or that a grant would necessarily be awarded – the usual grant application review process applied.

We may verify site nominations with registries and other sources before posting them online.


Landowners could follow these steps to nominate a site for closure.

Step 1. Create an email

Use the subject line “Landowner SRP Site Nomination”

Step 2. Include all required information

Include the following information in the email:

  • All names of landowners on the land title
  • The legal land description of the well site, facility site or pipeline, preferably the legal subdivision if available. The quarter section is acceptable if the legal subdivision is unclear.
  • If there are multiple quarter sections, include the full legal land description of all affected quarter sections.
  • Landowner phone number
  • Landowner mailing address
  • Any additional information relevant to the site nomination

Step 3. Add attachments


  • a photo of the licensee information sign at the access point or gate of the oil and gas site
  • any additional attachments relevant to the site nomination
    • The maximum email size is 100 MBs.

Step 4. Send email

Send the complete email with attachments to [email protected].

All information must be accurate and complete for sites to be considered for closure.

The information provided through the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process is collected under the authority of section 2 of the Energy Grants Regulation and section 8 of the Government Organization Act, pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All information provided may be posted publically for the purposes of the site nomination process. All information provided will be used to assess the performance and outcomes of the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information contact Kate Hovland, Acting Executive Director Resource Stewardship Policy at [email protected] or 780-427-9081.

First Nations

First Nations could follow these steps to nominate a site for closure.

Step 1. Create an email

Use the subject line “First Nations SRP Site Nomination”

Step 2. Include all required information

Include the following information in the email:

  • Name of the First Nation
  • Name of the Chief or Council Portfolio Holder (related to site rehabilitation work) of the First Nation
  • Name of the official designated by Chief and Council as being responsible for approving SRP site nominations on behalf of the First Nation (for example, band administrator, lands manager, corporate executive of the Nation owned development corporation), along with their:
    • phone number
    • mailing address
  • The legal land description of the well site, facility site or pipeline, preferably the legal subdivision if available. The quarter section is acceptable if the legal subdivision is unclear
    • If there are multiple quarter sections, include the full legal land description of all affected quarter sections.
    • The well site, facility site or pipeline being nominated must be located within the First Nation’s reserve.
    • If the site is in unsurveyed territory, notional land descriptions using the Alberta Township System are acceptable
  • Any additional information relevant to the site nomination

Step 3. Add attachments


  • a photo of the licensee information sign at the access point or gate of the oil and gas site
  • any additional attachments you may have that are relevant to the site nomination
    • The maximum email size is 100 MBs.

Step 4. Send email

Send the complete email with attachments to [email protected].

All information must be accurate and complete for sites to be considered for closure.

The information provided through the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process is collected under the authority of section 2 of the Energy Grants Regulation and section 8 of the Government Organization Act, pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All information provided may be posted publically for the purposes of the site nomination process. All information provided will be used to assess the performance and outcomes of the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information contact Kate Hovland, Acting Executive Director Resource Stewardship Policy at [email protected] or 780-427-9081.

Metis Settlements

Residents of Metis Settlements could follow these steps to nominate a site for closure.

Step 1. Create an email

Use the subject line “Metis Settlement SRP Site Nomination”

Step 2. Include all required information

Include the following information in the email:

  • Name of the Metis Settlement
  • Names of the current Chair and Council of the Metis Settlement
  • Name of the official designated by Chair and Council as being responsible for approving SRP site nominations on behalf of the Metis Settlement, along with their:
    • phone number
    • mailing address
  • The legal land description of the well site, facility site or pipeline, preferably the legal subdivision if available. The quarter section is acceptable if the legal subdivision is unclear.
    • If there are multiple quarter sections, include the full legal land description of all affected quarter sections.
    • The well site, facility site or pipeline being nominated must be located within the Metis Settlement.
    • If the site is in unsurveyed territory, notional land descriptions using the Alberta Township System are acceptable.
  • Any additional information relevant to the site nomination

Step 3. Add attachments


  • a photo of the licensee information sign at the access point or gate of the oil and gas site
  • any additional attachments you may have that are relevant to the site nomination
    • The maximum email size is 100 MBs.

Step 4. Send email

Send the complete email with attachments to [email protected].

All information must be accurate and complete for sites to be considered for closure.

The information provided through the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process is collected under the authority of section 2 of the Energy Grants Regulation and section 8 of the Government Organization Act, pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All information provided may be posted publically for the purposes of the site nomination process. All information provided will be used to assess the performance and outcomes of the Site Rehabilitation Program Landowner and Indigenous Community Site Nomination process. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information contact Kate Hovland, Acting Executive Director Resource Stewardship Policy at [email protected] or 780-427-9081.

Removing a nominated site from the list

If a site has been added to the nominated site list without the consent of the landowner or Indigenous community, or if the nominator would like to remove a previously nominated site, email [email protected].


For immediate public safety or environmental emergencies at a site, contact the Alberta Energy Regulator’s 24-hour Emergencies and Operational Complaints line at 1-800-222-6514.

If you need help with the site nominations, or have any concerns regarding nominating a site, contact Site Rehabilitation Program:

Email: [email protected]

Connect with the Site Rehabilitation Program, Program Design Implementation and Monitoring Section for general questions not related to the site nominations:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Energy and Minerals
9945 108 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G6