We are open
To contact us by phone, call 780-427-2742 (to call toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, dial 310-0000 first).
General questions or inquires can be emailed to:
- Edmonton Land Titles Registrations: [email protected]
- Calgary Land Titles Registrations: [email protected]
- Edmonton Surveys: [email protected]
- Calgary Surveys: [email protected]
- Foreign Ownership of Land: [email protected]
For inquiries regarding documents or packages that have been submitted to our office, include the Document Registration Request or Registration Request number in the subject line of your email. All emails will be responded to in the order that they are received.
Visit us in person at:
John E. Brownlee Building (Land Titles Office North)
Mezzanine Level
10365 97 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5C5
Land Titles Office South
710 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0K3
Documents accepted at our front counters will be placed in the queue and processed according to the date received; documents are not registered at the counter.
Find more information about how the Land Titles Office works and commonly used forms, on Land titles – Overview.
To order copies of title, or create your document registration request form, visit our SPIN2 website.
The Land Titles Act authorizes the Land Titles Office to cancel and create certificates of title to land immediately upon the registration of certain types of legal documents, such as notifications and transfers, as well as some types of plans, such as subdivision and condominium plans.
Service Alberta is responsible for registering land ownership rights in Alberta.
If there is information that needs to be corrected, added or deleted, mail or email the correction.
Email: [email protected]
Land Titles
Box 2380
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2T3
This Manual addresses document examination procedures in the Land Titles Office, and is primarily intended to provide assistance to Government of Alberta employees working in that area. It is not meant to be a guide to the substantive law in respect to any of the topics covered nor is it a substitute for legal research. The Government of Alberta makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of any of the material set out in the Manual. In the event of any discrepancy between what is set out in the Manual and what is set out in an enactment, the enactment will prevail.
To help with the calculation of fees to register some of the more common documents:
Recent amendments
This manual is updated regularly. The Land Titles procedures manual is being updated to address the October 20, 2024 amendments to the Land Titles Act. Content in the manual does not currently reflect these amendments.
You can search for updates by:
Procedure # | Subject |
ADD-1 | Change of Address |
ADV-1 | Adverse Possession Judgments |
AFF-1 | Affidavits of Attestation |
AFF-2 | Affidavits Sworn Outside of Alberta |
AGR-1 | Agreements Pursuant to Sec 21(1) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act |
AGT-1 | Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act |
ALT-1 | Alterations to Documents |
ASB-1 | Agricultural Service Board Orders |
BAN-1 | Bankruptcy |
BUL-1 | Builders’ Lien |
CAV-1 | Caveats |
CAV-2 | Removal of Caveats |
CAV-3 | Registrar’s Caveats |
CAV-4 | Caveats - Simultaneous Registration of an Instrument & Withdrawal of a Caveat |
CAV-5 | Caveats Registered Pursuant to Statutes of Alberta Other than the Land Titles Act |
CCE-1 | Climate Change and Emissions Management Act |
CDE-1 | Instruments Registered Pursuant to the Condominium Property Act |
CEM-1 | Transactions Involving Cemeteries |
CLP-1 | Certificates of Lis Pendens |
CNS-1 | Conservation Easement |
CON-1 | Consolidation of Titles |
CONL-1 | Construction Lien |
COR-1 | Corporations - Acquisition and Disposition of Interests |
CRG-1 | Crown Grants - Notification Under the Public Land Act and Letters Patent |
CRG-2 | Crown Grants - Agreements Respecting the Use of Land |
CRG-3 | Dealings with Provincial Crown Interests |
DDA-1 | Drainage Districts |
DOW-1 | Dower |
EAS-1 | Easement / Encroachment / Party Wall Agreement |
ENV-1 | Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act |
ERE-1 | Environmental Reserve Easement |
ESO-1 | Orders Under the Employment Standards Code |
EXP-1 | Expropriation - Provincial |
EXP-2 | Expropriation - Federal |
FOL-1 | Foreign Ownership of Land |
FOR-1 | Foreclosure Orders and Orders Confirming Sale |
FOR-2 | Ownership of Land by a Foreign Country |
FRA-1 | Fraternal Organizations |
HEA-1 | Notices Registered Pursuant to Sec 64 of the Public Health Act |
HRA-1 | Historical Resources Act Registrations |
IDE-1 | Confirmation of Identity |
IES-1 | Order, Certificates and Agreements Under the Income and Employment Supports Act |
IRR-1 | Irrigation Districts Formation Alteration etc. |
IRR-2 | Irrigable Units |
IRR-3 | Adjudication Under the Irrigation Act |
LEA-1 | Leases |
LIF-1 | Life Estates |
LIQ-1 | Liquidators |
LNS-1 | Liens Registered Pursuant to the Rural Utilities Act |
LNS-2 | Liens Registered Pursuant to the Rural Electrification Acts |
MAI-1 | Maintenance Orders and Agreements - Maintenance Enforcement Act, Domestic Relations Act and Parentage and Maintenance Act |
MEN-1 | Mentally Incompetents - Dependent Adults Act Orders and Public Trustee Act Certificates of Incapacity |
MER-1 | Merger |
MIN-1 | Property of Minors |
MOR-1 | Mortgages, Debentures and Encumbrances |
MOR-2 | Standard Form Mortgage |
NAM-1 | Change of Name – Individuals |
NOT-1 | Notifications Pursuant to the Public Works Act |
ORD-1 | Court Orders - Certificate of No Appeal |
PER-1 | Execution of Documents By Personal Representatives |
POA-1 | Powers of Attorney |
POA-2 | Powers of Attorney - Enduring |
POS-1 | Postponements |
PPS-1 | Personal Property Security Interests |
PUB-1 | Orders Under the Public Utilities Board Act |
RDA-1 | Restrictive Development Areas |
REC-1 | Receivership Orders |
REL-1 | Religious Societies |
RES-1 | Restrictive Covenants |
SEP-1 | Separation of Title |
SRA-1 | Right of Entry Orders Under the Surface Rights Act |
SUB-1 | Requirements In Respect of the Subdivision of Land Under the Municipal Government Act |
SUR-1 | Surveys - Examination of Plans |
SUR-2 | Surveys - Examination of Subdivision Plans |
SUR-2.1 | Surveys - Examination of Strata Space Plans |
SUR-2.2 | Surveys - Examination of Consolidation Plan and Plan of an Existing Parcel |
SUR-3 | Surveys - Examination of Descriptive Plans |
SUR-4 | Surveys - Examination of Condominium Plans |
SUR-5 | Surveys - Examination of Road Plans and Other Public Works Plans |
SUR-6 | Surveys - Examination of Right of Way Plans, Related Site Plans and Miscellaneous Plans |
SUR-7 | Surveys - Examination of Plans Prepared Pursuant to Statutes Other than the Land Titles Act |
SUR-8 | Surveys - Plan Corrections |
SUR-9 | Surveys - Plan Cancellation By-law |
SUR-10 | Surveys - Removal or Change of Reserve Designation |
SUR-11 | Surveys - Road Closures |
SUR-12 | Surveys - Natural Boundary Changes |
TAX-1 | Tax Recovery - Tax Arrears Lists and Tax Notices |
TAX-2 | Tax Recovery - Discharge of Tax Recovery Notification |
TAX-3 | Tax Recovery - Municipal Acquisition |
TAX-4 | Tax Recovery - Notification of Sale |
TAX-5 | Tax Recovery - Redemption and Revival |
TAX-6 | Tax Recovery - Ministerial Order Changing Municipality |
TAX-7 | Freehold Mineral Rights Tax Act - Tax Notice and Vesting Title to the Crown |
TEN-1 | Deceased Joint Tenant - Transfer of Interest |
TEN-2 | Alteration or Clarification of Co-ownership Arrangements-Tenancies in Common |
TRA-1 | Transmission on Death |
TRF-1 | Transfers |
UNC-1 | Unclaimed Personal Property and Vested Property Act |
UNI-1 | Unit Agreement |
URW-1 | Utility Rights of Way |
WCB-1 | Certified Statements by Workers’ Compensation Board |
WRC-1 | Certificates Under the Water Resources Act |
WRE-1 | Writs of Enforcement/Creditor’s Statement/Name Search |
Connect with a Land Titles office:
Edmonton location
Phone: 780-427-2742
Office address:
John E. Brownlee Building
10365 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7
Mailing address:
Box 2380
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2T3
Calgary location
Phone: 403-297-6511
Office address:
Service Alberta Building
710 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0K3
Mailing address:
Box 7575
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2R4