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Land System Database User’s Manual – References

Sources of information for this manual.

Agriculture Canada. 1976. Glossary of terms in soil science. Canada Department of Agriculture Publication 1459, Information Canada, Ottawa.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Soil Classification Working Group. 1997. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Publication (draft copy).

Alberta Land Resource Unit. 1997a. Alberta Soil Layer file (Gen2.5). Edited by J.A. Brierley, B.D. Walker and C.J. Tomas. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Edmonton, Alberta.

Alberta Land Resource Unit. 1997b. Alberta Soil Names file (Gen2.5). Edited by J.A. Brierley, B.D. Walker and C.J. Tomas. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Edmonton, Alberta.

Brierley, J.A., J. Kwiatkowski and L.C. Marciak. 1992. Land Systems within the County of Stettler, Alberta. Agriculture Canada, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research Contribution No. 92-205; Alberta Agriculture, Edmonton. 52pp, 1 map.

CAESA Soil Inventory Working Group. 1997. CAESA Soil Inventory Project Procedures Manual. Edited by W.L. Nikiforuk, SLRI Consultants Limited. Available from Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta.

Ecological Stratification Working Group. 1995. A National Ecological Framework for Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Branch, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research; and Environment Canada State of Environment Directorate, Ecozone Analysis Branch. Ottawa-Hull. Report and National map 1:7.5 million scale.

Ecoregions Working Group. 1989. Ecoclimatic Regions of Canada, First Approximation. Ecoregions Working Group of the Canada Committee on Ecological Land Classification. Ecological Land Classification Series, No. 23, Sustainable Development Branch, Canadian Wildlife Service, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 119 pp. and map at 1:7 500 000.

Expert Committee on Soil Survey (ECSS). 1983. The Canada Soil Information System (CanSIS) Manual for describing soils in the field. 1982 revised. Edited by J.H. Day. LRRI Contribution No. 82-52. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Hiley, J.C., L.C. Marciak, D.L. Beever, and C.R. King. 1994. Agricultural production profiles of land systems within the County of Stettler, Alberta. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research Contribution No.94-34. Edmonton: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development. 55pp.

Kwiatkowski, J and L.C. Marciak. 1994. Land Systems within the County of Vulcan, Alberta. Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Conservation and Development Branch. Edmonton. 63pp. 1map.

McBride, R.A., J.A. Brierley and L.C. Marciak. 1995. Land Systems within the Municipal District of Starland, Alberta. PFRA, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and. Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Conservation and Development Branch. Edmonton. 1map.

Nikiforuk, W.L., G. Tychon, J.A. Brierley and P.E. Smith. 1998. Agricultural Region of Alberta Soil Inventory Database (AGRASID) Soil Landscapes User's Manual (Version1.0). Included on the AGRASID CD-ROM, available from the Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta.

Soil Classification Working Group. 1998. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. Agric. and Agri-Food Canada. Publ. 1646. (Revised). NRC Research Press. Ottawa. 187 pp.

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