Appendix 1
AGRASID41 soil landscape polygons classified by Land Systems GIS coverage
AGRASID land systems classification are associated with AGRASID soil landscape polygons by joining to the table that describes the many to one relationship between an AGRASID soil landscape polygons and a corresponding AGRASID land system using the primary / foreign key called POLY_ID.
Table 1. AGRASID_SoilLandscapes, relevant portions of the table structure
Field Name | Type | Width | Allowable values | Explanation of Field Name |
OBJECT ID | Objectid | Numeric | Internal identifier | |
SHAPE | Geometry | Na | Geographic shape object | |
POLY_ID | Numeric | Long | Soil polygon number, assigned by a soil analyst (PK) |
The AGRASID soil landscapes to AGRASID land system; relationship table (ag41sl2ag41lslg) describes the relationship between one or more soil landscapes and a land system.
AGRASID_41_SoilLandscape polygons link to ag41sl2ag41lslg attribute table through the POLY_ID primary \ foreign key field.
Table 2. The structure of the ag41sl2ag41lslg attribute table
Field Name | Type | Width | Explanation of Field Name |
OBJECT ID | Objectid | Numeric | Internal identifier |
POLY_ID | Numeric | Long | Soil polygon number, assigned by soil analyst. (FK) |
MUNAME | TEXT | 18 | Generated soil symbol based upon the soil data collected and documented by the soil mapper. For explanation of the concepts and symbol refer to Section 2.0 of the CAESA-SIP Manual. |
ECODIST | Text | 6 | This variable is a unique identifier for each eco-district area within the national ecological stratification of Canada. The code concatenates ECO_REG&”.”&ECO_DIST ECODIST describe ecological areas on municipal district and county scale. |
ECO_REG | Text | 2 | Ecoregion code (Table 2.1 in the CAESA-SIP Manual). |
ECO_DIST | Text | 3 | Ecodistrict code (Table 4.1 in the CAESA-SIP Manual). |
LSYS_NO | Text | 2 | Land system number. Unique number identifying each separate land system within an Ecodistrict. |
LS_COMP | Text | 2 | A code to differentiate between two or more parts of a land system that are not physically adjacent to each other and share the same land system characteristics. |
LS_SYM | Text | 10 | Land System Symbol is a unique identifier for each land system. This symbol concatenates ECO_REG&”.”&ECO_DIST&”.”&LSYS_NO. LS_SYM. |
LSLGDSYM | Text | 10 | Land System legend symbol uniquely identifies each part of a multiple part land system. This is the field for dissolving AGRASID_SoilLandscapes polygons into AGRASID_LandSystems polygons. |
NAME | Text | 23 | Land System name, which associates a prominent locality name with the land system’s predominant landform expression. |
MORPHOL | Text | 11 | Morphological descriptor (Table 4.2 in the CAESA-SIP Manual). |
SCA | Numeric | Double | Soil correlation area number – organizational unit for Alberta Soil Names. |
SOIL_ZONE | Text | 14 | Soil Zones based on Soil Correlation Areas of Alberta (SCAs) and the crosswalk table in Appendix 3, Table 2 of this document. |
AG_CLIMATE | Text | 12 | Agricultural climate rating from the Ecodistricts legend and as defined by the Land Suitability Rating System for Agricultural Crops(Table 4.1, CAESA-SIP Manual) and as defined by Chapter 3 of the Land Suitability Rating System for Agricultural Crops:1. Spring-seeded small grains (Agronomic Interpretations Working Group 1995). |
ORD1 | Text | 6 | Soil order of 1st representative soil Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
ORD2 | Text | 6 | Soil order of 2nd representative soil. Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
MAJOR1 | Text | 8 | 1st major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MAJOR2 | Text | 8 | 2nd major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MAJOR3 | Text | 8 | 3rd major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MINOR1 | Text | 8 | 1st minor representative soil (between 5 and 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MINOR2 | Text | 8 | 2nd minor representative soil (between 5 and 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
SURFORM1 | Text | 11 | 1st representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 1, Appendix 3 of this document. |
SURFORM2 | Text | 11 | 2nd representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
SURFORM3 | Text | 11 | 3rd representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
ORD2 | Text | 6 | Soil order of 2nd representative soil. Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
Appendix 2
AGRASID41 LandSystem polygons
This is information about AGRASID land system spatial data and the associated legend table.
The AGRASID41 land system polygons and legend table (AGRASID41_LandSystemLegend) table contain data that describe land system features.
Previous versions of AGRASID did not contain a distinct land system spatial data set. Rather AGRASID soil landscapes each belonged to a land system. Users of AGRASID looking for a spatial representation of land systems generated there own land system spatial data by DISSOLVING AGRASID soil landscapes themselves based on the “LSLGDSYM” field. Appendix 1, table 2 of this document, contains the structure AGRASID soil landscapes to land system legend relationship table (ag41sl2ag41lslg).
Table 3. The structure of the AGRASID41_LandSystems spatial data
Field Name | Type | Width | Explanation of Field Name |
OBJECT ID | Objectid | Numeric | Internal identifier |
LSLGDSYM | Text | 10 | Land System legend symbol uniquely identifies each part of a multiple part land system. This is the primary and foreign key permanently joins AGRASID_LandSystems polygons to AGRASID_LandSystemLegend attributes table (PK). |
Table 4. The structure of the AGRASID41_LandSystemLegend attribute data
Field Name | Type | Width | Explanation of Field Name |
OBJECT ID | Objectid | Numeric | Internal identifier |
LSLGDSYM | Text | 10 | Land System legend symbol uniquely identifies each part of a multiple part land system. This is the primary and foreign key permanently joins AGRASID_LandSystems polygons to AGRASID_LandSystemLegend attributes table (FK). |
NAME | Character | 35 | A unique geographic name given to each land system. |
MORPHOL | Character | 20 | Morphological descriptor (Table 4.2 in the CAESA-SIP Manual). |
SCA | Numeric | 2 | Soil correlation area number – organizational unit for Alberta Soil Names. |
SOIL_ZONE | Character | 25 | Soil Zones based on Soil Correlation Areas of Alberta (SCAs) and the crosswalk table in Appendix 3, Table 2 of this document. |
AG_CLIMATE | Character | 5 | Agricultural climate rating from the Ecodistricts legend and as defined by the Land Suitability Rating System for Agricultural Crops(Table 4.1, CAESA-SIP Manual) and as defined by Chapter 3 of the Land Suitability Rating System for Agricultural Crops:1. Spring-seeded small grains (Agronomic Interpretations Working Group 1995). |
ORD1 | Character | 2 | Soil order of 1st representative soil Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
ORD2 | Character | 2 | Soil order of 2nd representative soil Land System Manual, Table 3, Appendix 3 of this document. |
MAJOR1 | Character | 6 | 1st major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MAJOR2 | Character | 6 | 2nd major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MAJOR3 | Character | 6 | 3rd major representative soil (greater than 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MINOR1 | Character | 6 | 1st minor representative soil (between 5 and 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
MINOR2 | Character | 6 | 2nd minor representative soil (between 5 and 20% of land system) see “NEW SYMBOL” values in Alberta Soil Names File and SOIL_ID values in AGRASID “SoilNames” table for context. |
SURFORM1 | Character | 5 | 1st representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 1, Appendix 3 of this document. |
SURFORM2 | Character | 5 | 2nd representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 1, Appendix 3 of this document. |
SURFORM3 | Character | 5 | 3rd representative landscape model (surface form and relief) Land System Manual, Table 1, Appendix 3 of this document. |
Table 5. The structure of the AGRASID41_LandSystemGeneral tabular data
Field Name | Type | Width | Explanation of Field Name |
OBJECT ID | Objectid | Numeric | Internal identifier |
ECOREGION | Numeric | Eco Region Number | |
ECOREGION_NAME | Text | 50 | Eco Region Name |
LSLGDSYM | Text | 10 | Land System legend symbol uniquely identifies each part of a multiple part land system. This is the primary and foreign key permanently joins AGRASID_LandSystems polygons to AGRASID_LandSystemLegend attributes table (FK). |
GENERALDESCRIPTION | Text | 1000 | Land System General text Description. |
REPRESENTATIVESOILSANDLANDSCAPES | Text | 1000 | A text description of Representative Soils and Landscapes contained within a Land System. |
Appendix 3
Domain Tables describing coded data content in Appendices 1 and 2
Table 6. Landscape descriptions for Land System Legend generalized from AGRASID surface form codes
Landscape description for Land System Legend | Surface Form Code for Soil Landscapes (Table 4.4 and 4.11, CAESA-SIP Procedures Manual) |
Disturbed land | DL, RR |
Duned | D1h, D1m, D1l, D2h, D2m, D2l |
Floodplain | FP1, FP2, FP3 |
Hummocky | H1h, H1m, H1l, H2h, H2m, H2l, H3h,H3m,H3l,H4h,H4m,H4l |
Hummocky (bedrock controlled) | H5 |
Hummocky and plateau | HP1 |
Hummocky and ridged | HR1,HR2, HR2h |
Inclined | I3h,I3m, I3l |
Inclined >10% exposed bedrock | I4h, I4m, I4l |
Inclined bedrock | I1l |
Level | L1, L2, L3 |
Linear arranged water bodies (coolies) | W1 |
Numerous water bodies | W2, W3 |
Peatlands | O1, O2, O3, O4, O5 |
Ridged | R1h, R1m, R1l, R3h, R3m, R3l |
Ridged (bedrock controlled) | R2h, R2m, R2l |
Rolling | M1h, M1m |
Sub-glacial channel features | SC4 |
Undulating | U1h, U1l |
Undulating and inclined | IUh, IUl |
V-shaped valley | SC3 |
Valley bottom | SC2 |
Valley with confined floodplain | SC1, SC1h |
Table 7. Soil Zones based on Soil Correlation Area (SCA) descriptions
SCA Code | Soil Zone Description |
1 | Brown |
2 | Dark brown |
3 | Dark brown |
4 | Dark brown |
5 | Thin black |
6 | Thin black |
7 | Thin black |
8 | Black |
9 | Black |
10 | Black-dark gray |
12 | Black-dark gray |
13 | Gray |
16 | Gray |
17 | Gray |
18 | Dark gray-black |
20 | Gray |
21 | Gray |
22 | Gray-dark gray |
Table 8. Soil order code adapted from (Correlation Table ORDER located in appendix B: Code Descriptions for Alberta Soil Names File (Generation 4) , page 149
Soil Order Code | Soil Order Description |
BR | Brunisols |
CH | Chernozems |
GL | Gleysols |
LU | Luvisols |
OR | Organic |
RG | Regosols |
SZ | Solonetz |
VE | Vertisols |
Table 9. Parent material texture
AGRASID SoilNames Parent Material Code (Table 4.7, CAESA-SIP Procedures Manual) | Parent Material Texture Description |
C0 | coarse textured material |
C1 | gravelly coarse textured material |
C2 | coarse textured sediments |
C3 | coarse textured sediments |
C4 | coarse textured till |
C5 | coarse textured till |
C6 | coarse textured softrock |
C7 | coarse grained bedrock |
F0 | fine textured material |
F1 | fine textured water-laid sediments |
F2 | very fine textured water-laid sediments |
F3 | fine textured water-laid sediments |
F4 | fine textured till |
F5 | fine textured softrock |
F6 | fine grained bedrock |
L1 | gravels over medium textured till |
L2 | coarse textured material over medium textured till |
L3 | medium textured material over medium textured till |
L4 | coarse over gravelly material |
L5 | medium textured over gravelly material |
L6 | till over softrock |
L7 | coarse textured material over softrock |
L8 | medium textured material over softrock |
L9 | coarse over fine textured material |
L10 | medium textured over fine textured material |
L11 | peat over coarse textured material |
L12 | peat over medium textured material |
L13 | peat over fine textured material |
L14 | gravelly medium textured material over medium textured till |
L15 | medium over coarse textured material |
L16 | gravelly coarse textured material over softrock |
L18 | medium textured over coarse textured material |
L19 | gravelly material over softrock |
L20 | coarse textured over medium textured material |
M0 | medium textured material |
M1 | medium textured water-laid sediments |
M2 | medium textured water-laid sediments |
M3 | medium textured water-laid sediments |
M4 | medium textured till |
M5 | medium textured softrock |
M6 | gravelly and stony medium textured till |
P1 | sphagnum peat |
P2 | fen peat |
P3 | forest peat |
U0 | undifferentiated material |
UP | undifferentiated (peat) |
Table 10. Soil series codes to be described as “eroded soils”
Soil Series Code | Soil Series | Subgroup |