Logo: white bookmark icon with text: CAEC / CCEA

The process for earning the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) may vary by province or territory. Visit your local government website for more information.


Resources exist to help you prepare for the CAEC.

  • Review the test outcomes, which outline the knowledge and skills needed to successfully pass each test.
  • Practice with a sample test, available in each subject.
  • Watch this video to learn more about how tests are formatted, written and scored.
  • Take a test preparation class, available at some testing centres. Visit your province or territory’s website to find a testing centre near you.


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Determine your eligibility

Visit your province or territory’s website to find local eligibility requirements.

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Create an account

Visit the CAEC digital platform and complete the online registration form.

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Sign up for tests

Schedule your test with a testing centre of your choice.

Additional information

  • Review the CAEC 'Terms of Agreement' and 'Code of Conduct' in the Test Administration Guide.
  • If you passed any 2002 Canadian Test Series GED® tests before the GED® transitioned to the CAEC, you can apply to have the results count towards CAEC tests in the same subjects for up to 3 years, until May 2027. If required, request Prior Learning and Achievement Recognition (PLAR) from your province or territory.
  • If required, request special arrangements or accommodations from your province or territory.
  • CAEC Testing Centres may be operated by your province or territory. For more information, visit your province or territory’s website.

Take the tests

You must write tests in-person at a testing centre on the date and time you selected. Tests are computer-based, with a paper option.

  • Provide proof of identification.
  • Check with your province or territory for information on applicable fees and make arrangements to pay.
  • Write your CAEC test(s).
  • Timing considerations

    You can complete the CAEC at your own pace and in a way that works for you. There is no specific timeframe in which you need to write the tests, and the tests do not expire.

    Check with the testing centre of your choice to confirm if there are any unique timing considerations specific to your province or territory for writing the CAEC tests.

  • Understanding scores

    Passing scores

    You need 55% to meet the minimum standard and officially pass a CAEC test.

    • 80-100% – Exceeds minimum standard (ES)
    • 55-79% – Meets minimum standard (MS)
    • 40-54% – Approaching minimum standard (AS)
    • 0-39% – Does not meet minimum standard (DMS)

    If you receive a result of AS or DMS, you must retake the test because you have not met the minimum standard.

  • Viewing your scores

    You can view your scores through your profile on the CAEC digital platform within:

    • Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies: approximately 2 business days
    • Writing: approximately 20 business days
  • Retaking tests

    If you don’t receive a passing score, you can rewrite each subject test once per calendar month, and up to a maximum of 3 times per calendar year. You can’t rewrite a test you already passed.

    Each attempt will require you pay the test-taking fee (where applicable).

  • Challenging scores

    The following tests are machine scored and considered final:

    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • English–Reading

    You may request your English–Writing test be rescored if you believe your score doesn’t accurately reflect your level of achievement. If you want to request rescoring:

    • There is a $30 fee to rescore a test.
    • You must submit your request within 90 days of receiving the original test results.
    • The score resulting from rescoring will become the final score, even if it is lower than the original score.

For more information on scoring and reporting, refer to the Test Administration Guide.

Receive your credential

Once you pass all 5 tests and/or meet the necessary PLAR, your province or territory will issue your credential.

If you are using PLAR to bridge to a CAEC credential, you must successfully complete at least one CAEC test in combination with your previously-passed GED tests to be eligible to earn the CAEC credential.


For inquiries about the CAEC website, test format, content, rules and information, email the CAEC Testing Service:

Logo: bookmark icon with text: CAEC / CCEA Canadian Adult Education Credential / Certificat canadien d'education des adultes