24-hour line
To report a spill, release or emergency that could affect the environment, call the Environmental Response Line, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
When hazardous waste or hazardous recyclables are released into the environment, there is the potential for an immediate and significant adverse effect.
The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the Release Reporting Regulation require that spills or releases of materials that can cause a significant adverse effect, potentially can cause a significant adverse effect, or in a specified quantity be reported immediately.
If you have spilled or released hazardous waste, make sure you know how to contain and clean the spill to protect our health and the environment.
How to Manage a Spill
The following steps should be followed to effectively manage a spill or release.
- Contain the spill quickly and safely
- Call the Alberta government (1 800 222-6514), and your local municipality immediately; cooperating fully with these first responders and providing as much detail as possible about what has been spilled will ensure that the directions for cleanup will minimize the environmental damage from the spill or release
- Clean the spill as directed
Duty to Report
Failure to contact the Alberta government to report a spill or release could result in an investigation and convictions as was done in the Greenways Case. In the case of Peter J. Greenways, an empty tank of electroplating waste was tipped over at his warehouse, and a small amount of the residual waste spilled out. An investigation ensued, and afterwards, charges were laid against Mr. Greenways. Ultimately he was convicted of an offence which had nothing to do with the original spill.
For further information on Mr. Greenways’ charges and punishment, see: