Education options
Educational options in Alberta include public and separate schools, charter schools, private schools, home education and online learning.
Learn about fee and enrolment requirements and find resources to help establish a program.
Learn about collegiate schools and how to establish a collegiate school in Alberta.
Learn about Alberta K to 12 education rights and how separate school districts are established.
Programs and policies for Francophone education, French immersion and French as a second language in Alberta.
Learn about options and related responsibilities for home education in Grades 1 to 12 in Alberta.
Find information about K to 12 online learning, distance education and blended learning in Alberta.
Learn about student eligibility and program requirements for Kindergarten to Grade 12 outreach programs.
Learn about Alberta’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 private schools and find information to help you choose or establish a private school.
Learn about Alberta’s K to 12 public charter schools and find resources to help choose, establish or administer a public charter school.
Learn about shared responsibility program for Grades 1 to 12 in Alberta.