
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Disability Advisory Forum

Provides advice to the Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services on matters that affect Albertans with disabilities.


The Disability Advisory Forum is an open dialogue with the disability community hosted by the Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services 2 to 4 times a year.

The forum is an opportunity to:

  • build relationships to support collaboration between government, the disability community and its stakeholders
  • increase awareness and knowledge to understand how programs can most effectively help people with disabilities live full lives with dignity and equal opportunity
  • seek ideas and share perspectives on provincial disability programs

Information received during forum meetings will help inform decisions about policy, programs and services.


Forum membership varies depending on the discussion topic.

The minister will determine topics based on issues important to the community. Invitations will be sent to people who can represent a range of disability community perspectives, such as:

  • self-advocates
  • families
  • service providers
  • community disability workers
  • provincial-level organizations
  • other interested parties

Forum meetings

Forum meetings will be held 2 to 4 times per year. Each meeting will focus on a different topic. A 'what we heard' summary of key discussion points will be posted online after the meeting.
