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Coordinated community response to elder abuse

Helping communities, organizations and individuals develop a multi-disciplinary approach to prevent and address elder abuse.


We all can help address and prevent elder abuse. Making a difference requires working together as individuals, groups or government, and the most effective actions happen at the community level.

Together, through a coordinated community response (CCR), community and government organizations deliver supports and services and increase ability to respond to elder abuse at the local level.

Community organizations may include:

  • seniors centres
  • police and victim services
  • health service providers
  • family and community support services
  • housing providers
  • Indigenous organizations
  • LGBTQ2S+-serving organizations
  • cultural and immigrant-serving organizations
  • and more

Elder abuse is any action or inaction by self or others that jeopardizes the health or well-being of any older adult. Elder abuse can take several forms, including financial, emotional, physical, sexual, medication and neglect.

What you can do

Use the 5-step process to develop a community response to elder abuse in your community.

Step 1. Starting the process

Start by raising awareness about the issue of elder abuse and the benefits of starting a coordinated community response.

Primary actions

  • begin the conversation
  • acknowledge the issue of elder abuse
  • engage and raise awareness with community partners
  • acknowledge current and emerging issues impacting older adults

Step 2. Building the team

Engage individuals and organizations to become part of your coordinated community response.

Primary actions

  • identify and gather key stakeholders
  • compile a community services inventory
  • establish a common vision/mission statement
  • develop a set of guiding principles, for example, group norms

Step 3. Planning the CCR

Determine your community's strengths, gaps and priorities before developing the formal structure for your coordinated community response.

Primary actions

  • identify strengths and gaps
  • determine priorities
  • establish a formal structure
  • understand roles and responsibilities

Step 4. Implementing the CCR

Decide how you will introduce the coordinated community response plan to your community.

Primary actions

  • implement the plan
  • encourage strong team communication
  • motivate your team
  • focus on collaboration
  • continue team building

Step 5. Evaluating the Process

Develop an evaluation process to help you understand how well the coordinated community response is achieving its goals and realizing its vision.

Primary actions

  • build an evaluation framework
  • maintain the momentum
  • re-evaluate and enhance

Get the toolkit

The toolkit is online. Read: Addressing Elder Abuse: A Toolkit for Developing a Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse

The toolkit provides details on the 5-stage process along with definitions, templates worksheets and handouts.

Coordinated community response grant

Since 2014, the Alberta government has provided $3.6 million to 31 communities to support the development or enhancement of coordinated community responses to elder abuse. The final term of the grant ended on December 31, 2018.



Connect with Seniors Strategies and Program Support:
Email: [email protected]