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Bridges and structures – Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation design guidelines for bridges and structures.


Rehabilitation design of bridges and structures shall be completed in accordance with the Engineering Consultant Guidelines - Volume 1 - Design and Tender.

More specific information and guidelines can be found in the following documents:

Standard and Typical Detail Drawings are available for certain bridge components and shall be utilized as appropriate.

Drafting for detailed drawings shall be in accordance with the Engineering Drafting Guidelines for Highway and Bridge Projects.

Superseded engineering drafting guidelines

  • Forward – Standard Procedures for Submittal of Plans
  • Section 1 – General Requirements – February 2005
  • Section 2 – Guidelines for Bridge Projects – February 2005
  • Section 3 – Guidelines for Highway Projects – July 2003
  • Section 4 – Guidelines for Aggregate Projects – January 2011
  • Section 5 – Appendices – October 2004