Supports for Newcomer Integration grants

Eligible organizations can apply for funding to provide settlement and language supports and services for newcomers while they live and work in Alberta.

Important information

There will not be a new Supports for Newcomer Integration (SNI) Call for Proposals (CFP) until the fall/winter 2024.

The Ministry is not accepting applications at this time. Existing agreements will be extended by one year until March 31, 2025.


Supports for Newcomer Integration (SNI) grants provide settlement and language supports and services for newcomers while they live and work in Alberta, ensuring newcomers have the appropriate supports to reach their full economic potential.

  • The current SNI grant agreements will be extended by one year and will expire on March 31, 2025.

This page will contain information on applying for SNI grant funding when future SNI calls for proposals are released.

Grant streams

There are 3 grant streams under SNI:

Stream 1: Settlement and community support services.

This stream funds alternative, flexible and short-term English language learning opportunities. 

  • Eligible beneficiaries include:
  • Naturalized Canadian Citizens
  • Temporary residents who hold a work permit under the:
    • Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program
    • International Mobility Program (IMP)
    • Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program
  • Refugee Claimants

Stream 2: Language assessment and referral services

This stream funds services to provide newcomers with English language assessment and support to identify training options on their pathway to labour market attachment.

  • Eligible beneficiaries include:
  • Permanent Residents and
  • Naturalized Canadian Citizens

Stream 3: English as an Additional Language (EAL) drop-in services

This stream funds alternative, flexible, and short-term English learning language opportunities.

  • Eligible beneficiaries include:
  • Permanent Residents
  • Naturalized Canadian Citizens
  • If the program has available seats, and there are no permanent residents or naturalized Canadian citizens on a wait list, refugee claimants and/or temporary residents with a work permit may also be included.
  • Due to the potential for conflict of interest, organizations cannot apply to both Language Assessment and Referral Services (stream 2) and EAL Drop-in Services (stream 3) at the same time.

Grants that are funded until March 31, 2025

Settlement and language services

Through the Alberta Settlement and Integration Program, the Government of Alberta provides funding to settlement agencies to deliver ongoing services to eligible newcomers who live and work in Alberta.

Settlement agencies funded by Immigration and Multiculturalism:

Through the Alberta Settlement and Integration Program, the Government of Alberta provides funding to immigrant serving agencies to support the language needs of eligible newcomers who live and work in Alberta.

Language services funded by Immigration and Multiculturalism:

  • Language assessment services provide assessments and referral information to provincial training options, such as English as an Additional Language, Integrated Training, Immigrant Bridging, and other skills training and post-secondary training.
  • Counselling services assist newcomers to identify education or training options related to their language abilities and needs on a pathway to labour market attachment.
  • There are two language assessment and referral centres in Alberta.

Drop-In English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes:

Immigration and Multiculturalism provides funding to organizations that offer alternative, flexible and short-term English language learning opportunities to newcomers to improve or maintain their English proficiency.

Drop-In EAL classes are offered through the following organizations:

Applicants who are interested in applying to future SNI CFPs may consult the 2022-24 SNI application package as a reference.

  • Application Guidelines
  • Applicants’ Information Call fact sheet
  • Application Form
  • Service Description Template
  • Budget Template
  • Sample Grant Agreement Template


Connect with the Alberta Settlement and Integration Program:
Email: [email protected]