Supported decision-making

If an adult needs help making personal, non-financial decisions, they can authorize someone to provide assistance with this.

Personal decisions

Even if an adult is capable of making decisions, there may be times when they need someone to help them make personal decisions not related to financial matters. This is called supported decision-making.

What a supporter does

A supporter helps communicate the adult’s questions, concerns and decisions by talking to their service providers, who could include:

  • health care providers
  • pharmacists
  • continuing care facilities
  • employers
  • lawyers

A supporter has the legal authority to:

  • access the adult’s personal information that is needed for a decision
  • help the adult make and communicate the decision

A supporter has a responsibility to:

  • only access information that has been authorized and is needed for a decision
  • keep personal information about the adult safe from unauthorized access, use or disclosure

Choose and authorize your supporter

Step 1. Identify supporters and their authorities


The adult identifies one to 3 people they have a trusting relationship with. These people:

  • must be over 18 years old
  • may be a relative or friend of the adult
  • cannot be the adult's guardian or trustee


The adult decides with areas a supporter will have authority in, such as:

  • healthcare
  • living arrangements
  • education
  • social activities
  • employment
  • legal proceedings

Step 2. Fill out the form

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The adult and each of their supporters must fill out and sign this form:

Supported Decision-Making Authorization

Step 3. Make copies of the form

The adult keeps the original signed form for their records.

Each supporter keeps a copy of the signed form, so they can show it to those who need to see it.

How authority ends

Adult chooses to end supported decision-making

The adult can end the support they’re getting from someone at any time by filling out this form:

Termination of Supported Decision-Making Authorization

Adult loses the capacity to make decisions

If the adult still needs support but isn’t capable, then one of the following may happen:


You can give someone authority to access your personal information, and help you make a decision.