
Non-urgent government operations are closed December 24 to January 1, reopening January 2. See the list of services available during this time.


Government mail service may be affected by the Canada Post labour disruption. See how to send and receive government mail during this time

Fines for speeding

Amounts per kilometre over the speed limit for a speeding ticket with and without construction workers or emergency responders present.

Speeding fines

The fines for speeding tickets below include the 20% Victims of Crime surcharge. If you are caught speeding at 51 km/h or more over the speed limit, a mandatory court appearance is required and fines are at the discretion of the court.

  • Standard speeding fines

    Kilometres over limit Amount of fine (in dollars)
    1 $81
    2 $84
    3 $87
    4 $91
    5 $93
    6 $97
    7 $100
    8 $103
    9 $106
    10 $110
    11 $114
    12 $116
    13 $120
    14 $123
    15 $126
    16 $146
    17 $156
    18 $160
    19 $170
    20 $175
    21 $183
    22 $193
    23 $198
    24 $207
    25 $212
    26 $220
    27 $226
    28 $235
    29 $243
    30 $249
    31 $264
    32 $273
    33 $286
    34 $297
    35 $309
    36 $322
    37 $333
    38 $348
    39 $360
    40 $373
    41 $385
    42 $397
    43 $410
    44 $421
    45 $432
    46 $445
    47 $458
    48 $470
    49 $482
    50 $495
  • Driving by workers or emergency responders

    Speeding fines double when construction workers or emergency responders are present.

    Kilometres over limit Amount of fine (in dollars)
    1 $163
    2 $168
    3 $175
    4 $182
    5 $187
    6 $194
    7 $201
    8 $206
    9 $213
    10 $220
    11 $228
    12 $232
    13 $240
    14 $247
    15 $252
    16 $292
    17 $312
    18 $321
    19 $340
    20 $350
    21 $367
    22 $386
    23 $396
    24 $415
    25 $424
    26 $441
    27 $453
    28 $470
    29 $487
    30 $499
    31 $528
    32 $547
    33 $573
    34 $595
    35 $619
    36 $645
    37 $667
    38 $696
    39 $720
    40 $746
    41 $770
    42 $794
    43 $820
    44 $842
    45 $864
    46 $890
    47 $916
    48 $940
    49 $964
    50 $991