
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Search surface public land and Crown mineral disposition and activity

Search for land information using the Electronic Transfer System (ETS) or other methods.


Alberta Surface Public Land data is contained within the Geographic Land Information Management and Planning System (GLIMPS).

Crown Mineral dispositions and activities are contained within the Alberta Mineral Information (AMI).

This data is essential to the management of agreements that cover publicly owned resources.

The primary applications of these systems are:

  1. Provide access to accurate and timely information relating to public land, and surface and mineral interests on crown land, for example: surface activities, mineral dispositions; and
  2. Support data capture requirements of government departments through inputting and maintaining their data, for example: all activities and land for Alberta Energy and Minerals and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.

The data components include:

  • Clients – all clients having an interest in Public Lands or Crown Minerals;
  • Activities – all surface dispositions, minerals agreements, restrictions, reservations, units, etc.;
  • Land – all Alberta township land and public subdivided land defined by a plan, block, lot reference, and;
  • Geo-administrative areas – such as provincial parks, special areas, etc.
  • Searches – detailed descriptions, their data components and applicable fees.

This information is accessible through:

Documentation record layouts

Alberta Mineral Information (AMI)

AMI Data Extracts - Details

Files are produced from the Alberta Mineral Information System (AMI) in CSV (comma separated value) format. Each record has an entity type code, the entity key including agreement type and number, record type and various data fields of varying lengths.

At the end of each month, 11 complete AMI data files are produced in CSV (comma separated value) format. These are identified in the AMI Data Extracts link above.

Geographic Land Information Management and Planning System (GLIMPS)

GLIMPS Data Extracts - Details

Files are produced from the GLIMPS in CSV (comma separated value) format.

At the end of each month, two zip files of GLIMPS surface data are produced. The record layouts and additional material regarding GLIMPS can found in the GLIMPS data extracts link above.

Searches of AMI and GLIMPS products

The Summary or Detail Mineral Reports Summary search returns:

  • information on each mineral agreement found for the specified parcel(s) of land.

The agreement information is displayed as a summary line containing the agreement type, agreement number, type description, status, and various dates regarding the term of the agreement.

The Detail search returns:

  • each mineral agreement that matches the search criteria and includes details for the agreements,
  • units, deeper rights reversion zone designations (DRRZD) and zone designations (ZD), projects and restrictions and crown mineral ownership.

The agreement information includes: the agreement status, agreement area, various dates, the term of the agreement, term adjustments, related agreements, service address, current participants, land/zone description, and production entity activity.


Connect with the Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure division:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-2300
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)


Energy and Minerals

Bidding – [email protected]
Crown land data – [email protected]
Gas royalty – [email protected]
Oil royalty – [email protected]
PNG continuations – [email protected]
Geothermal – [email protected]
Postings – [email protected]
Rentals – [email protected]
Transfers – [email protected]
Unit agreements – [email protected]
Well administration – [email protected]
Crown Mineral Activity – [email protected]

Environment and Protected Areas

GLIMPS – [email protected]


Alberta Energy and Minerals 
Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure
North Petroleum Plaza
9945 108 Street*
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2G6

*Couriers report to the 2nd floor.