
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

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Alberta Energy and Minerals publishes Public Offerings, Information Bulletins, Information Letters and other information on various sites. Subscribing to a list means notification will be sent by email at the time of publishing.

Available subscription lists

List nameContentsContact

Petroleum & Natural Gas Public
Offering Notices


Public Offering Notices
Public Sales Results
Metis Public Sales Results
Advance Bookings
Notice of Change
[email protected]

Oil Sands Public Offering Notices


Public Offering Notices
Public Sales Results
Metis Public Sales Results
Notice of Change
(Amendments & Withdrawals)
[email protected]

Industry Activity


Updates to the energy industry activity reports.[email protected]

Information Letters


Industry information lettersmanagementinformation.
[email protected]

Gas Royalty
Information Bulletins


Gas Royalty Calculation
information for industry
[email protected]

Oil Information Bulletins


Industry Information
Bulletins for Oil
[email protected]

Oil Sands Royalty
Information Bulletins


Industry Royalty Information
Bulletins for oil Sands
[email protected]

Oil Sands Tenure Information Bulletins


Industry Information Bulletins
for oil sands tenure
[email protected]

Carbon Sequestration Tenure Updates


Information for industry proponents on the approach to carbon sequestration tenure management[email protected]
Hydrogen Development Updates
Industry information and bulletins for hydrogen development[email protected]

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