A registration certificate identifies a firearm and links the firearm to its owner. You need a registration certificate for restricted and prohibited firearms. Processing registration certificates remains a federal Canadian Firearms Program responsibility.
You can only register a firearm if you have a valid licence and the firearm is verified.
You must have a valid registration certificate for each restricted or prohibited firearm you own.
Step 1. Verify your firearm
Verification confirms the identification and class of a firearm. Find out if your firearm needs to be verified.
Become a verifier
To become an approved verifier, complete and submit the federal Become a Verifier form.
Step 2. Complete and submit the form
Download and complete the Application to Register Firearms (for Individuals) form
Businesses register firearms for sale and then transfer the registration to the buyer.
All restricted or prohibited firearms in a business's inventory, including frames and receivers that have not yet been assembled as complete firearms, need to be registered.
To register a firearm, complete and submit the Application to Register Firearms for Businesses (including Museums) form.
Replace a certificate
Submit a Replacement Request form to replace a lost, stolen or damaged registration certificate.
Find out more about Canada's firearms service fees.
To reduce delays, ensure you include your PAL number or application number, full name and date of birth when you email [email protected].
Connect with Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office:
Email: [email protected]
Alberta Chief Firearms Office
PO Box 458, Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2K1