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OHS inspections

OHS officers conduct inspections to determine if Alberta work sites comply with provincial legislation.

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Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) officers have authority to enter provincially regulated work sites, conduct inspections, and require regulated parties to take steps to comply with the requirements of the OHS Act, Regulation and Code.

How inspections are done

OHS inspections are usually done with no prior notification.

During an inspection, an officer may conduct activities to establish facts about a work site. Some examples include:

  • taking measurements, samples, photos or recordings
  • speaking with witnesses
  • asking for and making copies of documentation

Workers, employers and other regulated parties must provide identification when an OHS officer asks. Employers must also identify their workers if requested to do so by an officer.

Under the OHS Act, every person on a work site must co-operate with an officer.

Compliance tools

OHS officers use a wide range of enforcement and education tools during a work site inspection.

These may include:

  • meeting with staff or management
  • health and safety presentations
  • issuing orders
  • serving violation tickets

In case of any inconsistency between this information and the OHS Act, Regulation or Code, the legislation will always prevail.


Connect with OHS:

Phone: 780-415-8690 (Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-866-415-8690 
TTY: 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215

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