K to 12 instructional supports
Supports to help educators provide inclusive, welcoming, caring, safe and respectful learning environments.
Explore educator supports and resources for engaging with students and their families to address chronic absenteeism.
Resources for building a collaborative environment that addresses the needs of children, youth and their families.
Early Childhood Services (ECS) includes Kindergarten and educational programming for children as young as 2 years 8 months of age.
Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that demonstrates universal acceptance and promotes a sense of belonging for all learners.
This approach promotes positive social and communication skills, while reducing and preventing problem behaviours.
A set of strategies that can transform learning environments and help school staff respond more effectively to unacceptable behaviour.
Combine classroom instruction with meaningful community service.
Develop students’ knowledge, attitudes and skills to manage emotions, build healthy relationships, set goals and make decisions.
Student advisories have dedicated time and space during the school day, may be part of a course and focus on a range of objectives.
Support students through advice, friendship, reinforcement and constructive role modelling.
The goal of Success in School is to help children and youth in care to do better in school.
Access to resources for students in Alberta’s K to 12 education system who are blind or visually impaired.
Create a school environment where every student feels safe and supported and staff understand how trauma affects behaviour and emotions.