Fish and wildlife regulations and resources
Fishing, hunting and trapping regulations, zoo standards and report a poacher.
Review fish and wildlife policy based administrative procedures for industrial, commercial or recreational projects.
Guidelines and resources on conservation, fishing, hunting, trapping and outdoor careers.
The Alberta government publishes annual regulations and guides for anglers, hunters and trappers.
There are steps to take if you find dead wildlife or naturally shed animal parts you would like to keep or make use of.
Alberta hunters must hunt responsibly by staying informed about current regulations and requirements.
Indigenous peoples have specific hunting and fishing rights in Alberta.
Report suspicious or illegal hunting and fishing activity, or dangerous wildlife encounters by phone or online.
A number of municipal, provincial and federal regulations govern the ownership of wildlife as pets.
In Alberta, different import and export permits and procedures apply to different categories of wildlife species.
Provincial zoos must meet Alberta government standards for animal care and customer experience.