
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Environmental quality assurance – Standards and protocols

Directory of standard operating procedures and protocols used for ambient monitoring in Alberta.


These standards and protocols are used by the following Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA) programs:

This page contains information on Alberta’s quality assurance program, and the standards and protocols used to collect information under EPA’s science and monitoring programs. The following standards and protocols are not regulatory requirements. However, these documents are openly published to provide information to stakeholders and environmental practitioners for transparency and consistency. These standards and protocols will be updated periodically, as needed.

Standards and protocols

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Related resources

In addition to the documents reference on this page, you may also find standards and protocols developed by EPA partners:

  • Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
  • Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca (EMCLA)
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
  • Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA)
  • Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA)