Economic Trends and Spotlights

Economic analysis and key indicators related to Alberta’s economy, labour market and various sectors, and spotlights which cover a relevant economic topic in more depth.

Current issue dates

The most recent issue of Economic Trends (August 2024) was published on August 29, 2024.

The most recent issue of Economic Spotlight (June 2024) was published on June 17, 2024.

The Economic Trends documents contain timely analysis of current trends in Alberta’s economy.

Economic Trends (March 2012 to current)

  • Note: The "InFocus" section was previously included with Economic Trends. From May 2019 on, this continued as a separate document: Economic Spotlights (see below).

Economic Spotlights

These newsletters focus on a particular theme related to the Alberta economy.

Economic Spotlights (2000 to current)

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Contact for Economic Trends and Economic Spotlights

Robert Van Blyderveen, Manager, Macroeconomic Forecasting
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Phone: 780-638-5628
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]
