Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program

Funding for projects that support youth suicide prevention.

Important dates

  • Applications are now closed
  • Anticipated grant start date: August 1, 2024


The Government of Alberta is committed to preventing youth suicide and improving the health and well-being of young people through the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program.

Targeted grant funding will be used to support evidence-informed initiatives that align with one or more of the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program Guidelines outcome areas, target priority youth populations at increased risk of suicide, and either:

  • expand the capacity of existing initiatives to address identified suicide prevention gaps and community needs
  • support the development and piloting of new, innovative initiatives to address identified suicide prevention gaps and community needs

The Youth Suicide Prevention Program Guidelines note that sub-populations are at an increased risk of suicide. Priority youth populations at increased risk include:

  • Indigenous youth
  • sexual and gender diverse youth
  • youth experiencing homelessness
  • youth in government care or transitioning out of care
  • youth with mental health and addiction challenges
  • recent immigrant and refugee youth

The 3 outcome areas targeted by the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program are supports and services, training, and education and awareness. More information about these outcome areas and examples of eligible activities can be found in the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program Guidelines.

For the purposes of this grant program, ‘youth’ includes all individuals under the age of 25.

The geographic scope of the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program is provincewide, including urban and rural areas, as well as Metis Settlements and Indigenous organizations.

Successful applicants

The following organizations were selected to receive funding for the 2024-2026 Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program:

  • Alexandra Community Health Centre – Calgary Region
  • Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills – South Region
  • Centre for Suicide Prevention - Provincial
  • Chard Métis Community Association – North Region
  • C.L. Whole You Foundation – Edmonton Region
  • Creating Hope Society of Alberta – Edmonton Region 
  • Elizabeth Metis Settlement – Elizabeth Metis Settlement
  • Free Play for Kids Inc. – Edmonton Region
  • Gift Lake Metis Settlement – Gift Lake Metis Settlement
  • HIV West Yellowhead Society – North Region
  • Imagine Institute for Learning - Provincial
  • Red Deer Native Friendship Society – Central Region
  • Terra Centre for Teen Parents – Edmonton Region
  • The Governors of the University of Calgary – Provincial
  • The Young Men’s Christian Association of Edmonton – North Region
  • WestView Physician Collaborative NPC – Edmonton Region 
  • White Feather Outdoor Cultural Experiences – North Region

A program evaluation committee determined the successful applicants for this 2-year funding period based on the posted guidelines. Selection criteria included:

  • how an organization’s programming aligns with the Youth Suicide Prevention Plan outcome areas
  • if they target priority youth populations, including Indigenous youth
  • their ability to address gaps and community needs, and the sustainability of their programs

The evaluation committee also based its recommendations on ensuring an equitable geographic distribution of funded projects, addressing known gaps in existing programming, leveraging existing funding, and ensuring all targeted outcome areas were addressed.


The Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program funding application period is now closed. Information about future funding opportunities will be updated Spring 2026.


Connect with us if you have questions regarding the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program:

Email: [email protected]

Support is available if you need someone to talk to: