
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Where to study and live

A list of school authorities and options for where to live for international students.

Where can I study

Alberta's schools offer Alberta's core academic curriculum, as well as optional programs and courses that may vary from one school authority to another. Listed below are school authorities that also offer programming and supports for international students.

Map of Alberta showing 6 different regions - Edmonton area, Calgary area, Alberta North, Alberta Rockies, Alberta Central and Alberta South.

Edmonton area

Calgary area

Alberta north

Alberta Rockies

Alberta central

Alberta south

Where can I live

You can stay with:

  • family, friends or relatives (who are adults holding a legal status within Canada)
  • live with a homestay family
  • in dormitories - there are a limited number of these


Homestay families provide international students with a private room and 3 meals a day... But they are so much more! They are a home away from home for the student and communicate regularly with the student's parents and teachers.

Homestays are arranged through the school authorities. Most school authorities have a homestay coordinator to help find a responsible, enthusiastic and qualified homestay family. Homestay families are carefully selected and their homes are inspected to ensure a good fit for the student.

Fees for arranging homestay placements range from $250 to $850 Canadian dollars. Monthly cost for a homestay is approximately $800 Canadian dollars per month.

Boarding schools/dormitories

A few Alberta schools are equipped with dormitory facilities where international students may live while they study. Students in dormitories are usually cared for by a resident supervisor. To determine whether or not dormitory accommodation is available, please contact the local school district.