Waste facilities – Financial security

Waste management facilities subject to an approval or registration must post financial security as required by the Waste Control Regulation.


Funds must be set aside by waste management facilities to ensure that sites are reclaimed to a useful and productive state when operations conclude. Owners of waste management facilities (excluding on-site, Crown and local authority facilities) must provide financial security before starting operations or reclaiming their facilities.

This fact sheet provides the clarification for applicants on how the department currently evaluates financial security for waste management facilities.

The security amount required is also subject to any other considerations by the Director.

The Director can increase or decrease the amount of security, and the approval or registration holder remains liable for the costs of conservation and reclamation.

A template has been developed to assist in calculating the amount of security required for waste facilities. The Crown or a local authority can also use the template to determine financial reserves necessary for landfill closure and post-closure care.